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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your first love... the curve of your choice

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My first ice stick when I was 6 was a christian with a straight blade. Ever since then I've been using big curves. I loved the Yzerman, Shanny and a Lidstrom at one point in time. Then I moved to a Thorton and Bergeron to a Lindros and then my all-time favorite now the Nazzy/Backstrom. Also I love the Sakic(for obvious reasons) and the Iginla.

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I am going to date myself, however i loved the Chris Gratton Bauer pattern. I think they only produced for retail for a year or two.

I still have one.

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First OPS i bought loved the curve now i have moved onto sticks with similar curves.

Maybe just a little different if i buy prostocks but mostly the same

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Loved my reebok datsyuk and my warriour smith. have been thinging about it I think I would love a closed toe curve with a square toe, anyone seen one?

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I currently have 4 sticks. A Bauer VaporXI with a Lindross curve, an RBK 4K with a Modano curve, a Sher-Wood momentum with a toe curve and the newest addition, an Easton S19 shaft with a Mission Swizzle Savard blade. I really like the Modano curve the most but the Savard is nice as well. I'm just getting used to that one. I find these are all roughly the same types of curves which is why I go for them.

I'm always curious to try something different like a sakic or a lidstrom curve but I'm sacred I won't be able to stick handle or shoot very well. They look crazy.

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Loved my reebok datsyuk and my warriour smith. have been thinging about it I think I would love a closed toe curve with a square toe, anyone seen one?

The old, and I mean real old, Bauer Bure pattern would have been your best bet or the original woodie Shanahan.

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I have 2.

Bauer PM9. I just really love it. Very simple. I can shoot well with it. No nonsense.

and my new one,

Nokelainen's pattern. I just plain love it. Got 2 at the Ducks sale. Regret not getting more.

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I used the Modano for about 12 years then all of a sudden couldnt shoot with it anymore, so i tried a perry from tps, couldnt stand that and then tried a drury/staal/kovalev and been using that for the past couple of years. also just picked up 2 one95 pro stock brodziak, i havent used yet but i cant wait to, and hope if i like it i can figure out what bauer pattern it is.

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I used the Modano for about 12 years then all of a sudden couldnt shoot with it anymore, so i tried a perry from tps, couldnt stand that and then tried a drury/staal/kovalev and been using that for the past couple of years. also just picked up 2 one95 pro stock brodziak, i havent used yet but i cant wait to, and hope if i like it i can figure out what bauer pattern it is.

If it's like his AK27s it'll be a P02 with a round toe.

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Started out using deep mids, a la Coffey, but progressed towards P02/Lids/Jovo, heel curves-square toe, and they're definitely my number one curve of choice.

Currently using a Van Ryn pro stock that is really nice, just maybe not quite as open as I'd like.

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I have to say that my all time favorite is the TPS Response Tucker curve. When I first started playing I used nothing but the old Easton Roenick curve, but when I got that Tucker curve later on I could really pick spots with my slap shot. I've been switching patterns all the time now, trying to find that perfect fit. The closest I found was the old Lecavalier curve on the CCM's, but then they changed that pattern on me too. So the search continues...

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I have to say that my all time favorite is the TPS Response Tucker curve. When I first started playing I used nothing but the old Easton Roenick curve, but when I got that Tucker curve later on I could really pick spots with my slap shot. I've been switching patterns all the time now, trying to find that perfect fit. The closest I found was the old Lecavalier curve on the CCM's, but then they changed that pattern on me too. So the search continues...

Didn't the Tucker get renamed the Perry? If so then I have a Perry curve R6 Armor...the equivalent now would prob be the RBK new Phaneuf/old Spezza, Easton Drury/Parise, Bauer P106 and Warrior Kovalev to a lesser extent

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Easton Kariya, Modano, Zubrus and now Forsberg

Bauer Lindros (P88)

Louisville Tkachuk

Koho Lemieux

Easton really had a Kariya curve? Damn when I was younger I would have done unspeakable things to have one (regardless of the actual curve)

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