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Avery: $500 for hooking

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Sums Avery up in one quote.

"I guess this is all fallout from that Gov. Spitzer stuff, huh?" he said. "Well, if you knew my wife, then you would understand why I wouldn't want to make a habit of going to call girls."

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Sums Avery up in one quote.

"I guess this is all fallout from that Gov. Spitzer stuff, huh?" he said. "Well, if you knew my wife, then you would understand why I wouldn't want to make a habit of going to call girls."

read the article man, that is not a sean avery quote.. this is the part of the article that clipping is from.. they interviewed other people.. pretty hard for avery to say that, he isnt even married..

Many of the johns on the client list are wealthy, successful professionals.

There's a lawyer who specializes in mergers and acquisitions, an Internet entrepreneur, and a former media executive who apparently had a thing for "schoolgirls that wear white."

The clients were horrified to learn the call-girl ring had kept their personal information in a dossier. "I think it's pretty clear from your list that I went to a hooker, but that's not something I am very comfortable discussing with you," one man said.

Another said his inclusion on the list must be a mistake.

"I guess this is all fallout from that Gov. Spitzer stuff, huh?" he said. "Well, if you knew my wife, then you would understand why I wouldn't want to make a habit of going to call girls."

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Haha, one of my buddy's is from Germany and he was saying how the prositutes in Amsterdam have a number you can call or text and it will send you info back about if the girls are clean or not.....still it's gotta be like rolling a hot dog down a hallway so I dont know why you would want to go to one unless it was for a BJ lol or just company to watch tv with(rolling my eye) hahaha....

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It's not like the girls in question were imported against their will or working as sex slaves. If he's paying five bills and others are paying a grand or more, who really cares? This country is way too uptight about sex.

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the $1200-$3900 ones are for a different service run by the same madame.

Maison de L'Amour was the madam's midrange prostitution service, farming hookers out to Manhattan hotels for $500 dates. High-rollers went to her Wicked Models service, where prices started at about $1,200 and went upward of $3,900.

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"Marge, may I play Devil's Advocate....(pinball noises)"

The only thing that happened is that his name was in this book (spreadsheet), with $500 owed, he denies it. From the article his entry into the book was different from the other peoples. Sounds a little bit sketchy to me.


...but I bet he probably did bang a hooker.

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these homers are great. Avery gets caught and they still think he's the second coming of Christ :lol:


What's your cellphone number? I need to leave a return phone number and don't want to leave mine. If you are confused, try reading the article.

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Is there something in the book other than his name to prove that it's him? It's not like he has a really weird name or something - I'm sure there are other guys in New York City named Sean Avery.

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He's been with some undeniably hot women, i dont see any reason why he'd have to pay someone for sex.

I mean, worse comes to worse he just goes and finds a puck bunny that'll do the dirty dirty with him for free..

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