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Blackberry Curve

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Anyone got a Storm, or a HTC Touch Pro by any chance? Looking to buy either, and would love an opinion from someone who has one.

Got the Storm on Tuesday. Decent so far. Still learning all the tricks. Transition could be a little faster between applications... that is the only downside i see so far. That and it'd be nice if they could get their act together and allow software to sync with Mac.

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Thanks for the feedback. How do you find the typing? It's getting some crap reviews, so was a little wary of taking the plunge.

I really don't mind it at all. im not a fan of how sensitive the iPhone touch screen is. this system reduces mistypes in my opinion.

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Verizon Wireless has a deal that allows me to get a Blackberry Curve for free. Then it's $30/month on top of my regular plan, not exactly free but anyway...... Before I get this BB which I don't totally need but I am past due for a new phone(notice how I keep justifying this unnecessary purchase), I want to know how long is the life of the battery before recharging it. My current phone needs to be recharged every 4/5 days. This is great as daily recharging is not one more thing to bother with. What's the life of the Curve usually, before recharging it? Thanks for the help.

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DarkStar50, before you do anything, keep in mind that the NEW curve (i think its called the Tour) is going to be coming to verizon fairly soon. you might just want to wait and get that when its available,

unless you're really keen on the idea of a free phone, then go with the (older) curve. great phone. and battery life depends on how much you use it. texting, bbm'ing, emailing, browsing all day? might have to charge it once every day or once every 2 days? YMMV

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I have had my curve for about a year now. The battery when I first got it would last 2-3 days, but now I do a whole lot more texting, e-mailing and using a bunch of different apps, so I get 1.5-2 days out of my battery. Never though I would need a Blackberry, but now that I have it I don't know what I would do without it

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DarkStar50, before you do anything, keep in mind that the NEW curve (i think its called the Tour) is going to be coming to verizon fairly soon. you might just want to wait and get that when its available,

unless you're really keen on the idea of a free phone, then go with the (older) curve. great phone. and battery life depends on how much you use it. texting, bbm'ing, emailing, browsing all day? might have to charge it once every day or once every 2 days? YMMV

I've read the Tour/Niagara/whatever the next name for it is comes out the week of July 13-17. I can't wait for it.

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so I get 1.5-2 days out of my battery.

Spot on. I averaged about 2 days max out of the Curve when i was still with Verizon. Now with the Bold, i get about 1.5 if im lucky, without charge. Im a very heavy texter/BBM/Browser user, so take that into consideration. Its still far better than what i was getting with an iPhone, though.

Is staying with Verizon an absolute necessity? Either way, the Curve is solid choice if you dont want the new(est) phone.

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I've had my 8330 Curve for about a year and don't really have any complaints. I've had it freeze a couple of times and had to reset it but I think it was because I downloaded a Storm theme for it. I think the download overwhelmed it a bit.

I've also had to clean the trackball a couple times but, I consider that normal wear. Just pop it out, use a Q-tip with some alcohol on it and then pop it back.

Overall, I think the 8330 is a pretty reliable BB.

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its been a while, but i have a problem with my blackberry pearl.

My service provider seems to not know what to do, but I had to re-register my phone's "Service Book" and when doing so I've had a problem.

Previously, when i clicked my "browser" icon, it always took me to my "Go to..." page where it displays a URL bar, a search bar, my "bookmarks" bar, and my "history" bar. Now When i click the "browser" icon I go straight to the Blackberry mobile page. I just hate having to load this page whenever I click on the "browser" icon, as I now have to click the menu button and click "Go to..." to access my bookmarks or to type in a website I like to search.

You may ask, "why not bookmark your 'Go to' page." I would, but all of a sudden I can not register any website as my home page now, or my go to page since I dont get that option to do so when I click "options"

Just to clarify, when I click Options under the "browser" menu, I get the browser options, which are "Browser configuration, general properties, and cache operations. From what my customer support agent said, under "browser configuration" i would scroll down and an option should be there to make "something something" my homepage. But there is no option for me to do it, or remove the current homepage I have.

Any suggestions, besides restoring the phone itself to default.


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