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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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didnt want to start a new thread so i used the search button and found this one :)

anyways i think the hottest girls are:

JoJo young but damn shes bomb, Lindsay Lohan, Ashlee Simpson

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Keira Knightley, Rachel Bilson, Samaire Armstrong (Anna from the O.C., 1st season) Maria Sharapova.

I'd have to say that Keira Knightley is the hottest I've seen, IMO.

Forgot Jennifer Hedger, the host of TSN Sportscentre. Hooooly so hot.

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After seeing Closer, I've gotta give a nod to Natalie Portman.

And the original Catwoman, Julie Newmar!!! haha, I have no idea how she popped into my head, but she was the best the 70's had to offer, that's for sure.

Those are just two that came to mind, but there are many..............many, many more to consider.

My all time celebrity crushes have been Salma Hayek and Monica Belucci.

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Forgot Jennifer Hedger, the host of TSN Sportscentre. Hooooly so hot.

sherwood i agree 100% she is smokin too.

i think mila kunis is pritty hot too (jackie from that 70's show)

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totally agree with you..... it's definitely gotta be elisha cuthbert or keira knightley

possibly anna kournikova as well

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After all this, no one mentioned Halle Berry. She can be classy, sexy, sophisticated, or sleazy - and pull it off. She doesn't suffer from the same stigma others do if they try it.

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vida guerra LOL

Amen. Hands down the hottest woman I've ever seen.

Her TMobile Sidekick got hacked (just like Paris' Hiltons).....And yes, she did have naked pictures on there.

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