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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Another gem from JR's custom shop

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Here's a pair for sundinleafs137 - he had been skating with Flexlites for as long as I've known him, but then realized that Vapor actually fit him better in some regards...but we went with the Nexus V hybrid skate that is being offered at custom now. He has an oversized toecap, and increased volume between the 3rd and 7th eyelets.







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Lookin' good.

Thanks for the kind words JR - was happy to help out any way I could. This pair actually helped me out a bit as I was finally able to convince a long-time customer that the depth of a boot could be increased without the resulting skate looking "s*****" (his word). The value some people place on looks over comfort :rolleyes:

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Nexus V hybrid? How does that equate in terms of fit? Narrow with more depth?

Nexus boot, Vapor cut. Since it's a traditionally-lasted skate, there can be more customizing. For instance, can't do as much with the composite skates, especially volume with the Vapor APX2 injected facing (lacing system)

Interesting how the eyelets have more of a C shape then L shape. Were the upper eyelets cut back some to reduce wrap?

Yes. In most cases, when you increase volume, the whole boot gets increased. In Pali's case, he needed volume reduced in the ankle, reduced in the toe, and increased in between.

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Jr... I fit perfectly I vapors. I wore x60s and tried apx but they got wider like a supreme. So I won't with custom x7.0s. I love the fit of these things. They are just a standard 8.5D with bobby Clark tongues. Is it possible to have the nexus boot with the same volume as the vapors now as far as boot cut and all that ?

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Lets say someone in an Ultra G70 (nothing else fit well at the time) wants to go custom..Is this the last to go with? The Nexus V Hybrid? Sorry, I've been away too long.. Getting married and having 2 kids will do that to a guy.

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MSH member stevenknievel came into the store with an interesting issue - he broke his left ankle and has screws in it, plus a pretty wide foot at an EEE/B. We tried working with his 709s and EQ50s but couldn't get the fit dialed in, not to mention that they had too much ankle volume. We went to a 3 stiffness as well.


He wanted tan Clarino for his liner, plus a molded tongue, which was good because it would minimize loss of volume due to the thickness of a felt tongue. We also went with a Nexus toecap.


Note the eyelet orientation is different than what the standard is - they are pre-punched to mark where to make the holes. Based on the measurements, a standard eyelet orientation wouldn't work.


His left ankle is the problem one, and his inner ankle padding had to be shifted. You can see the inside edge juts out more than the outside one. The quarters are also cut back as well to reduce the ankle volume.




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Huge thanks to Jr for doing these for me. Haven't had a chance to skate in them yet but they are by far the best fitting skate I've ever put on. And I'm going to really try and keep the tan clean lol

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Huge thanks to Jr for doing these for me. Haven't had a chance to skate in them yet but they are by far the best fitting skate I've ever put on. And I'm going to really try and keep the tan clean lol

Are you wearing anything else in the boot besides the screws in your ankle? that is some shift in the sidewall of the skate.

Nice work JR !.

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