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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst thing to happen on an Airplane

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Well, I personally haven't been on the inside of any airplane incidents but I have been on the outside of them. I currently work out of YYZ (toronto pearson airport) and I have seen my share of damages to planes from down below or once as i was marshalling a plane in (yes the funny people with the orange wands) I noticed the nose of the airplane was pushed inward. Well as it got closer the color from white turned to a pinky color and then a red. Well once it stopped I walked closer to it and inside the dent I saw a nice Goose.... I guesse the plane wanted to be in the "flying V"

Also the worst is walking into the plane to go and clean it when you slowly walk towards the washroom and you open the door and the thing is full of crap on the walls all over the sink and toilet seat. Seems as if someone just saved up going to the washroom then crapped there pants then realized it and tried to wipe it all off and wash there underwear..... All in all I shut the door and put up a do not disturb sign on the door...

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flying air canada, which isnt excellent to start with when flying long distnaces. anyway my mom booked it really late, and we were spread out all over the cabin, we boarded in zurich, and we never knew that this flight started in new dehli and zurich was a stop over. lets just say i pulled the short straw, ended up in the middle seat in the middle row with the last row behind me, and i was the only white guy i could see or smell. plus they were serving curry. that was a long flight

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  weddie4lyfe said:
Well, I personally haven't been on the inside of any airplane incidents but I have been on the outside of them. I currently work out of YYZ (toronto pearson airport) and I have seen my share of damages to planes from down below or once as i was marshalling a plane in (yes the funny people with the orange wands) I noticed the nose of the airplane was pushed inward. Well as it got closer the color from white turned to a pinky color and then a red. Well once it stopped I walked closer to it and inside the dent I saw a nice Goose.... I guesse the plane wanted to be in the "flying V"
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One of our planes hit a red tailed hawk in Pittsburgh today. Of course that was the plane we swapped into once they got back.

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Not a bad thing, but i once took a flight from New york to London and my uncle was the pilot n got us in 1st class n such, and i guess some of the people on the plane didnt know theres such a thing as a co-pilot cause when he came back to talk with us, some of the people started to freak. (we also got free booze! god bless my uncle)

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Yesterday's and Today's Flight Data Processor problems in the US reminds me of one...

1999, I think. I was going from Logan (Boston) to Newark (NJ) to Heathrow to Gardermoen (Oslo, Norway).

David Bowie and his wife, Imam, are in seats 1B and 1A.

We taxi out to the tarmac, and the entire Eastern seaboard's air traffic control system goes down.

1 hour later, everybody is frustrated, passengers are threatening the flight attendants, the pilots are booed every time they come on the PA to explain the situation, the cabin is getting stinky, etc.

We then taxi back to the jetway. We are allowed to leave the airplane to defuel at the restrooms while they add more fuel to the airplane. David Bowie and Imam leave, but don't come back.

We get everybody back on board, and then we have to taxi back out onto the tarmac to make room for another plane to relieve its passengers. Our passengers are getting unruly again.

The flight attendants hold a David Bowie singing contest for volunteer passengers over the PA, 1st prize was a bottle of champagne for a good rendition of "Little China Doll" to a pretty talented passenger with the flight attendants doing the backup singing. But, we had to listen to some awful singing from others. At least the pilots weren't being booed any more. Then the flight attendants give out free drinks to everybody, so almost everybody becomes happy and then sleepy.

3 hours later we finally take off and get to Newark. I missed my British Airways flight to Heathrow, so I get to go on Virgin Atlantic - great food, young and happy flight attendants (instead of the unhappy British Airways or Air Canada ones), good seat, and expert in-flight massages and aromatherapy (the middle row of seats were replaced with 2 massage chairs).

My luggage and I just made the last flight from Heathrow to Oslo.

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I'll be honest, I'm not the most seasoned flyer so I haven't really had any horrible or bad incidents on any of my flights.

But I will say this, it's never a good feeling as your walking into your destination airport after your flight has landed hearing "oh this plane's next flight will be delayed due to repair of some somewhat serious damage to one of the wings and that same side engine." as the desk attendants are talking ready to make an announcement.

It's just like, welp I guess it's better knowing that AFTER I landed safely on the ground then being up 30,000+ feet up in the air and hearing that.

Flying is always an adventure, I enjoy it.

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D-Man88 reminds me of another one.

I was going from Ottawa to Montreal to Fredericton. Montreal to Fredericton is on a DASH-8 turboprop.

Just as the plane is revving up to take off, all the power goes out on the plane and both engines are out. The plane is towed back and restarted. The pilot comes on to say that "this is normal, it happens all the time, so don't be afraid...". All the passengers are afraid, but we are all too polite to make a ruckus to get off. But, there were two pilots in the back, and they didn't try to leave...

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Back in the good ol' days when you could sit with someone before their plane took off, my wife and I were sitting at Charlotte waiting for my plane back home. All of a sudden you see the lights on the entire plane go off because it'd lost power. I remember thinking I wanted it to stay off, for one more night and to not be on that death trap, but sure as shit it flickered back on 5 mins before their deadline for the flight was.

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Ah yes the Dash-8. My first flight was from Winnipeg to Minneapolis in December 1995 for a job interview on a DC-10 IIRC. Same day return was on a Dash-8 and Winnipeg had been hit by a blizzard during the day. At the Minneapolis airport at the time you had to walk out on to the tarmac to get into a Dash-8 and walk within 10 feet of the engines. They were soaking the entire plane with de-icing fluid and the engines would make this horrible, deathly cough every time they got a good dose of fluid.

We made it off the ground with the engines misfiring and coughing the entire time, then had to fly below normal height to avoid the outer edge of the storm. A very rough ride and not a good experience for my second flight.

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  Neal said:
Ah yes the Dash-8. My first flight was from Winnipeg to Minneapolis in December 1995 for a job interview on a DC-10 IIRC. Same day return was on a Dash-8 and Winnipeg had been hit by a blizzard during the day. At the Minneapolis airport at the time you had to walk out on to the tarmac to get into a Dash-8 and walk within 10 feet of the engines. They were soaking the entire plane with de-icing fluid and the engines would make this horrible, deathly cough every time they got a good dose of fluid.

We made it off the ground with the engines misfiring and coughing the entire time, then had to fly below normal height to avoid the outer edge of the storm. A very rough ride and not a good experience for my second flight.

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The Dash-8 is a turboprop, meaning it is a turbine (jet) engine with a prop on the front. Jet engines don't "misfire".

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  Chadd said:
  Neal said:
Ah yes the Dash-8. My first flight was from Winnipeg to Minneapolis in December 1995 for a job interview on a DC-10 IIRC. Same day return was on a Dash-8 and Winnipeg had been hit by a blizzard during the day. At the Minneapolis airport at the time you had to walk out on to the tarmac to get into a Dash-8 and walk within 10 feet of the engines. They were soaking the entire plane with de-icing fluid and the engines would make this horrible, deathly cough every time they got a good dose of fluid.

We made it off the ground with the engines misfiring and coughing the entire time, then had to fly below normal height to avoid the outer edge of the storm. A very rough ride and not a good experience for my second flight.

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The Dash-8 is a turboprop, meaning it is a turbine (jet) engine with a prop on the front. Jet engines don't "misfire".

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Well, misfire is perhaps a poor term, shall we say run roughly for a period of time while ingesting de-icing fluid?

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  Neal said:
  Chadd said:
  Neal said:
Ah yes the Dash-8. My first flight was from Winnipeg to Minneapolis in December 1995 for a job interview on a DC-10 IIRC. Same day return was on a Dash-8 and Winnipeg had been hit by a blizzard during the day. At the Minneapolis airport at the time you had to walk out on to the tarmac to get into a Dash-8 and walk within 10 feet of the engines. They were soaking the entire plane with de-icing fluid and the engines would make this horrible, deathly cough every time they got a good dose of fluid.

We made it off the ground with the engines misfiring and coughing the entire time, then had to fly below normal height to avoid the outer edge of the storm. A very rough ride and not a good experience for my second flight.

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The Dash-8 is a turboprop, meaning it is a turbine (jet) engine with a prop on the front. Jet engines don't "misfire".

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Well, misfire is perhaps a poor term, shall we say run roughly for a period of time while ingesting de-icing fluid?

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If there was deicing fluid in the engine the ground crew really screwed up. If the engines were having problems, the pilot should have put it back on the ground ASAP. Hell they should have aborted the takeoff until the engines could have been checked by maintenance if there was any sputtering.

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While in University, drank way too much the night before a 4AM flight for a Spring Break trip to the Caribbean. Luckily I left my dorm room door unlocked, because I had passed out - slept in through my alarm, couldn't hear the knocking on the door, but because my door was open my friends were able to physically drag me out of bed. I stupidly had not packed, and a limo was waiting for us outside, so I stumbled to my desk, opened a duffle bag, and literally sweeped everything on my desk into the duffle, walked over to a chair, grabbed all the clothes (clean and dirty) that were there, and tossed them inside. I packed in 20 seconds, and ironically was the best prepared of my group.

When we got the airport, I knew I was going to be sick. I looked for bathrooms but in my stupor couldn't find any, so started going down random hallways, looking for garbage cans to puke in - several times.

Got on the plane and thought everything had passed. Until, that is, we started gaining altitude, my blood started thinning out, my friend seated next to me started ordering mixed drinks, and I started smelling the alcohol. At this point it was like I was getting drunk all over again - probably due the altitude - and I knew I was going to be sick again. Got out of my chair, stumbled towards the bathroom - and saw there was a lineup of about 20 travellers, all waiting to change into their shorts. I knew I wasn't going to make it.

Finally I just said "Sorry guys, I'm gonna be sick if I don't jump the line". Not surprisingly there were no arguments and I spent the rest of the flight throwing up. I think I was in the bathroom when the plane landed.

Finally touched down in 40-degree-plus weather, and had to line up in extreme humidity for about half an hour. I felt OK, until the old man in front of me started puking - into his own hands. I got sick again.

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  Chadd said:
If there was deicing fluid in the engine the ground crew really screwed up. If the engines were having problems, the pilot should have put it back on the ground ASAP. Hell they should have aborted the takeoff until the engines could have been checked by maintenance if there was any sputtering.
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I kind of wondered about that, but I just didn't know any better. I'm no plane expert, but I've smeared enough grease and busted enough knuckles that I can recognize when something isn't running right. Those engines weren't running right. There was fluid going into the engines, you could see it bouncing off the fuselage and getting sucked into the engine. And that plane, IMO, struggled into the air.

Of course it was my 2nd flight and my 1st flight on a smaller plane, so maybe it was all good and I just overreacted. But honestly, I don't think so.

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well it wasnt on a plane... but i live in manitoba canada... and i went on a train to toronto too see the leafs play.. and about half way this guy next to me was just chowin down on pretzles and licorice... like he had two bags of each.. and about 2 hrs later he woke up and ran to the bathroom and was in there for a good 15 min... wen he came out it absolutley reaked and sum ppl started gagging... haha it woulda been worse for him im sure.. but it wasnt that pleasent at all.... i guess pretzles and licorice dont go together well lol

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wow, haha coming back to switzerland, we flew Zoom Airlines, land in London on sunday, no Problem. get home fine. find out thursday Zoom filed for Bankruptcy, no wonder the stewardess was being such a bitch lol.

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The worst thing to happen on a plane that i was on was that a man had some sort of heart failure or heart attack about 15 mins after we were off the ground and all the attendendants were rushing up and down so everyone was watching them run up and own the aisles. Luckily on that flight there was 3 nurses and 2 actual doctors and that the guy was alright by the time we landed.

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Nothing as bad as some of these, but my wife and I went to Las Vegas last fall and I got sick the last day we were there. Spent the whole day in the hotel room, got a late checkout. I had to sleep in the washroom waking every 1/2 hour to be sick. We flew out on the redeye that night. Still sick as a dog, thank god the aircraft was half empty, spent 3/4 of the flight in the can, for a few moments I thought I was going to pass out, had visions of them busting in the toilet door. Anyway saw my docter next day and he said I had the Norwalk thing, he said Las Vegas was bad for that stuff, too many people from all over the world touching cards and one armed bandit buttons.

A hockey related story, back when I was in the airforce I flew back to Canada from Germany and picked up some goalie gear from Kenesky's in Hamilton and we had to fly back to Paris and then take the train back to Germany. They broke the handle off our big suitcase at the airport. Have you ever tried to carry a huge suitcase without a handle? It was brutal getting to the train station and then home.

Like I said, not much compared to some of these stories.

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Flew from Denver to Omaha early this morning, got there in plenty of time only to find out that somebody had left the lights on in the plane overnight, so after a half dozen terminal changes, two more airplanes, with one of those also having a dead battery and two hours of hurry up and wait I finally made it back around eleven. Perfect timing considering I missed my first two classes of the day. :angry: Southwest will be getting a call on behalf of the Creighton Club Hockey team in the next day or two about this. Good news is we went 2-1 on the weekend series.

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I still hate getting snowed-in at Denver. It snowed in Denver. Who knew? Even if I lived at a bar drinking Fat Tire for most of those two days, it's still the most annoying airport I've been in.

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Flying SeaTac to Denver, hit a HUGE pocket of low pressure, the plane drops God knows how far in a second, so the oxygen masks come flying out and everyone is screaming, that was pretty hairy!

edit: typo

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