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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

"Comic Book" Movies: Info & Rumors

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I worked on launching their digital comics service for a year, then switched over to the infamous bullpen for a year and a half before going freelance. I've met Esad, he's a cool dude and also one of my favorite artists. Used to see Joe Q. on a daily basis, but I don't think I ever talked to him. It's a really fun atmosphere and all the people are great. I miss the social aspect, most of my communication with co-workers and editors is through AIM or e-mail. But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be doing what I'm doing now.

I'm the one with the titanium skull.


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Not sure if this has been brought up, but IGN is reporting Hathaway as Catwoman and Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.

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I have faith in Nolan that he's going to make this work, but I feel like Hathaway was a producers choice, not his.

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i thought Hathaway did good acting in Rachel Getting Married, in which she played a drunk, bitter and bitchy woman who's jealous of the attention given to her sister during the sister's wedding.

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  On 1/25/2011 at 3:52 AM, Krev said:

Fan made poster, but still pretty cool.

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Glad that's fan made. It's not horrible, but the composition is off. Not what I'd consider a professional work.

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A couple years ago people scoffed at someone playing "Nicholson's Joker." I'm not saying he doesn't have some obviously large shoes to fill, but if anyone can do it it would be JGL. He looks damn near the same and sounds damn near the same. Talented as well, plus it wouldn't have to be more than a supporting or brief role. I'm also starting to worry about too many characters, but they can't fuck this up as bad as Spiderman 3.

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Ha, very true, Spider-Man 3 was terrible... And I agree with JGL being a suitable replacement for Ledger, but replacing him so quickly? Even though it was Nicholson's Joker that Ledger had to trump they at least waited 19 years to do it...

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  On 2/3/2011 at 7:54 AM, mack said:

A couple years ago people scoffed at someone playing "Nicholson's Joker." I'm not saying he doesn't have some obviously large shoes to fill, but if anyone can do it it would be JGL. He looks damn near the same and sounds damn near the same. Talented as well, plus it wouldn't have to be more than a supporting or brief role. I'm also starting to worry about too many characters, but they can't fuck this up as bad as Spiderman 3.

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Too many characters shouldn't be an issue. Look at Batman Begins and Dark Knight. Plenty of characters in both, good and bad.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 7:43 PM, empirehockey said:

Ha, very true, Spider-Man 3 was terrible... And I agree with JGL being a suitable replacement for Ledger, but replacing him so quickly? Even though it was Nicholson's Joker that Ledger had to trump they at least waited 19 years to do it...

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I think it is better to do the replacement sooner rather than later. The more time passes then the legend of the last guy just grows and grows to the point where you almost can't replace him. I wouldn't worry about it, heck, the last round of Batman movies had 3 different Batmen.

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