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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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College Football Fans?

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Rich-Rod should petition to not play games until he can recruit his type of players. Watching Carr's pro-style recruits try to play in a gimmick offense was laughable.

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Last year I fell in love with UK during the Uk Vols Game , ended in heartbreak for Uk , but i have respect For Uk now competing in the SEC and putting a together a decent team year round

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Last year I fell in love with UK during the Uk Vols Game , ended in heartbreak for Uk , but i have respect For Uk now competing in the SEC and putting a together a decent team year round

listen to their fans, you'll change your mind... :P

they just cant get it together versus steve spurrier, or the vols, ever. But im glad, them, the patriots and the red socks are the only teams i hate. Hate.

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Anyone watching the UCLA vs. Tennessee game? What a turnaround for Craft. Incredible

He flat out blew the first half, I mean, 4 picks? He must have gotten a new one chewed for him during halftime. It was nice to see him pull it together, and their go-ahead drive during regulation time was impressive (6-6, 71yds).

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The Tennessee UCLA game was awesome. What a turnaround by the quarterback for UCLA in the second half.

On a sidenote my history teacher this morning (who is a huge West Virginia fan) was happy that Michigan lost. He calls them th "Ann Arbor Campus of West Virginia" because they have so many of WVU's old football and basketball coaches :lol:

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