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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JJ Thompson94

Easton SE16 stick

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hmm i tried cutting down my 1-piece SE16 cause the blade cracked down the heel, but seems like the shaft is too thick to fit a blade in there. Anyone successful with cutting it down to a 2-piece??

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Just curious as if there has been anything about easton making an se16 shaft and if so when it might come out?

yes there is going to be a se16 shaft but when it comes out, i do not know

not sure if the shaft will come in a 75 flex can someone confirm please ?

why not just buy the SE/Synergy2 shaft, the general consensus is that its the same shaft.

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Please, feel free to set me ablaze if this is too redundant (or long for that matter,) but i had a couple opinion questions for the lot of you.

I'm a big 6'2" 240lb. forward, and until the begining of this season i always used cheap Reebok 5k two pieces because of my tendency to shatter my blades and occasionally a shaft. im playing juniors this year and decided to move up in the stick world, and ended up with two S17's (110+100-both labeled forsberg.)

My mum got me a Zetterberg 100 SE16, and said if i wanted another S17 to take it in and trade it towards a new one. I was handling around the house with it today and loved the weight (reminds me of a twig or the old 5k.) And with my stone hands, it felt as though i could recieve a pass with a little more control than with the S17.

But puck control really means nothing to me if I can't get a booming wrist/snap shot off since i can't control a puck on the ice anyway.

How does the shot feel compared to the S17's, and should I just trade it in towards another S17, or should I give it a shot and try to pawn it to a teamate if I dont like it?

Thank you, and sorry for the length!

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maybe he wants the new graphics is that such a prolem or needs a 75 flex

to answer the original question, seeing as both the SE and the Synergy2 came in a whip flex, I cant imagin why the SE16 shaft wouldnt come in a 70/75 flex as well. Just have to wait and see. As for your question, maybe sticks are amazingly cheap in Scotland but I wouldnt be paying extra when you can get the same shaft right now, with the right flex but with different graphics on closeout.. but thats just me :)

Please, feel free to set me ablaze if this is too redundant (or long for that matter,) but i had a couple opinion questions for the lot of you.

I'm a big 6'2" 240lb. forward, and until the begining of this season i always used cheap Reebok 5k two pieces because of my tendency to shatter my blades and occasionally a shaft. im playing juniors this year and decided to move up in the stick world, and ended up with two S17's (110+100-both labeled forsberg.)

My mum got me a Zetterberg 100 SE16, and said if i wanted another S17 to take it in and trade it towards a new one. I was handling around the house with it today and loved the weight (reminds me of a twig or the old 5k.) And with my stone hands, it felt as though i could recieve a pass with a little more control than with the S17.

But puck control really means nothing to me if I can't get a booming wrist/snap shot off since i can't control a puck on the ice anyway.

How does the shot feel compared to the S17's, and should I just trade it in towards another S17, or should I give it a shot and try to pawn it to a teamate if I dont like it?

Thank you, and sorry for the length!

Both have a low kick point so will be good for wristers, the S17 will be the better out of the 2 but wont last as long. Although you dont mention it, I would have thought if you're getting "booming wrist/snap shots" you'll be going through S17's 1 per week.. Either way they're both good but if you're not breaking them, I'd stick with what you know and get an S17.

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thanks stuie,

ive broken two S17s - the first one i think was left over from that initial batch of garbage they put out, and the other one ive broken twice (and got repaired) because of other people breaking them... people stepping on them or throwing a shoulder into them against the boards and not me.

other than that, ive been amazingly lucky as far as breaking them goes - ive broken them less than the old 5ks

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so whats the difference between the S17 and SE16?

S17 = Ellipse, very stiff initially but brittle blade, very light and balanced

SE16 = SE with a new blade and tweaked features, traditional taper

I'm realizing this now and hoping the part about the S17 being stiff initially holds true. I picked up an S11 recently (b/c there's no way I'm spending more than $100 on a stick to play mens league) and it just felt a lot stiffer than the stick I've been using (Synergy SL, which I love)... I only used the S17 for a few shifts and then went back to the SL but I'm hoping after a few more tries that the S11 will soften up a bit.

On a related note... what would be the current equivalent to the Synergy SL? I bought mine at the end of the summer from The Sports Authority for about $80 (it was $100 and I had a $20 off coupon) and I love it, I just can't seem to find it anywhere anymore. :angry:

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SE16 would be closest to an SL

Thanks... wish I did a little more research a few weeks ago before I bought the S11, oh well looks like I'll either start saving for an SE16 or just wait til I get my tax return and pick one (or 2) up at that time. :angry:

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SE16 would be closest to an SL

Thanks... wish I did a little more research a few weeks ago before I bought the S11, oh well looks like I'll either start saving for an SE16 or just wait til I get my tax return and pick one (or 2) up at that time. :rolleyes:

Might as well save some cash and get an SE on closeout

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I have the SE16, IMO it replaces the Synergy elite. Had a defected one the first time but when i replaced it with a brand spanking new one its works great since. Very well balanced.

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hmm i tried cutting down my 1-piece SE16 cause the blade cracked down the heel, but seems like the shaft is too thick to fit a blade in there. Anyone successful with cutting it down to a 2-piece??

On a similar topic, is it safe to assume the SE16 is a fused two piece and not a true one piece? This will determine whether or not I will attempt to heat and pull the blade out.

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If it's anything like the SE you can't pull out the blade.

I've converted a couple of SE's, and it was always best to just flip em'

If you convert it to a taper shaft you'll loose alot of length. It's actually perfect with a oggiegrip, but if you use a wooden but end it will be way too long and feel terrible.

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so whats the difference between the S17 and SE16?

S17 = Ellipse, very stiff initially but brittle blade, very light and balanced

SE16 = SE with a new blade and tweaked features, traditional taper

But they both are low kick point sticks, i think

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I already searched and found no answer...

For those that already have a retail version,

Is the flex rating like the S17 (correct if cut down 2-3 inches) or is it the standard one (correct before you cut it) like on the synergy elite?

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Alright probably a stupid question but what are the main differences between the SE and the SE 16? Is it worth the extra money to pick up the SE 16?

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The SE16 is much more of a balanced stick compared to the Synergy Elite, because of the focus weight technology.

Feels like the Synergy SL to me.

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Thanks firestud I have another question is the blade a little more durable then the SL my SL blade went soft on me pretty fast, though it might have been my last juinor stick before i transitioned into intermideate.

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I have seen guys SE16's on here with the blade issues (retail or pro stock) but I still think it is a little to early to be guessing on the durability.

In the spring when the whole line is released, that will be a good time to ask durability questions.

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