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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JJ Thompson94

Easton SE16 stick

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is the se6 the exact same stick with new graphics as the sc6 and synergy 300 ??

i ask because i think i read that the se2 is the new sc6

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Sorry for the barrage of stupid questions here but how much lighter is the se16 is then the sl or SE. I typiaclly don't care about the weight of sticks to much but I'm pretty curios.

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Still deciding between the SE and the SE16 :unsure:Im leaning towards the SE they really haven't shown me enough about the SE16 to make a confident choice on it.

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Still deciding between the SE and the SE16 :unsure:Im leaning towards the SE they really haven't shown me enough about the SE16 to make a confident choice on it.

i would say go for the SE, its on sale at alot of places, so why not?

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I'm going to threadjack and ask an entirely different question, but still related to the stick.

Does anyone actually notice a real-world difference between the different year models of the synergy sticks?

I ask because despite Focus Weight Technology (FWT) being declared by Easton as a new technology found in the SE16, I'm skeptical. I cut down my synergy II shaft a few months back and noticed that there was a piece of foam composite about 3-4 inches down from the butt end. Does anyone else find this to be suspicious?

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Sticks have remained largely unchanged since the original Synergys and Vapor XX's. Every now and then we get a 'wow' stick, with a new innovation and tech, but those are few in numbers. The '05 Stealths, Red Vapor XXX's, and the Ballistik 52 Cal is what comes to my mind as recent 'wow' sticks.

I'm a youngin compared to most here though, when it comes to remember sticks that were awesome. Shafts are the same way. Same stuff, repainted. Some discontinued.

Just my take on it, though.

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Can anyone confirm if the stick is durable? Mostly if the blade retains its stiffness? I don't want to shell out so much $$$ for a blade that'll go soft on me real quick.

I'm lookin to buy one of these at a LHS that has a clearence going on and i need to know ASAP :)

Thanks a bunch!

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mine has been a tank so far, taken some real solid hacks with nothing but a small paint chip. I tend to take quite a few slappers in warmups and skate and shoot and I dont think the blade has started to soften at all. Hope that helps

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mine has been a tank so far, taken some real solid hacks with nothing but a small paint chip. I tend to take quite a few slappers in warmups and skate and shoot and I dont think the blade has started to soften at all. Hope that helps

It might vary batch to batch, I have a blue SE16 that broke quickly on the blade and has huge paint flakes. I ended up cutting the shaft high enough to put a regular non tapered blade in it. The shaft still works fine but it looks worse than any Easton I have ever had or any body else's that I have seen.

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Can anyone confirm if the stick is durable? Mostly if the blade retains its stiffness? I don't want to shell out so much $$$ for a blade that'll go soft on me real quick.

I'm lookin to buy one of these at a LHS that has a clearence going on and i need to know ASAP :)

Thanks a bunch!

easton blade and duribility rarely go together but thats my experience

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I recently went back to Easton because I wanted to go back to the Lidstron/Getzlaf pattern.

Bought 2 SE16s and an S17. The blade on the first S16 split down the middle after three games - got a warantee replacement.

The second SE16 started getting soft in the blade after very little use.

Haven't used the S17 much but it's still fine.

I like the SE16 shooting performance, but am unimpressed with the durability.

I am not hard on my sticks.

Maybe just my bad luck.

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Can anyone confirm if the stick is durable? Mostly if the blade retains its stiffness? I don't want to shell out so much $$$ for a blade that'll go soft on me real quick.

I'm lookin to buy one of these at a LHS that has a clearence going on and i need to know ASAP :)

Thanks a bunch!

easton blade and duribility rarely go together but thats my experience

Easton blades usually take a year to go soft on me. It's neither bad or good. The blade on my old vapor xx is still stiff lol.

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I'll also add to the crappy durability (in my experiences) with the SE16. I've broken 4 of them, in either the blade, or the hosel area.

Its a quality stick, but for me, never lasted, so I switched from it.

Just my $.02

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quick question, So my se16 blade is finally demolished after 8 months of use. I cut off the blade so I could use the shaft and... there's no place to put a replacement shaft. I cut at the line where the blade and shafter are joined togetehr to make it a one piece. But its just like solid with a thin hole. So then I cut an inch up and same thing.. Is the se16 not able to be converted?

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quick question, So my se16 blade is finally demolished after 8 months of use. I cut off the blade so I could use the shaft and... there's no place to put a replacement shaft. I cut at the line where the blade and shafter are joined togetehr to make it a one piece. But its just like solid with a thin hole. So then I cut an inch up and same thing.. Is the se16 not able to be converted?

Just heat that part up and chisel the solid piece that is left in the shaft out. The se16 can be converted.

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Just heat that part up and chisel the solid piece that is left in the shaft out. The se16 can be converted.

how do I go about doing that, you think my LHS has the ability to do so?

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