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2008 US Election Thread

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congrats to obama.

well i guess i better start saving to cover all the new taxes that will be passed. in mich the people voted to pass stem cell research and legalized medical weed. i total object to the stem cell research, the public SHOULD not be responsible for the funding. these are for profit companies the just got a free pass. the state will have no oversite od regualation over them. i agree with doing the research but not funded publicly. as far as the medical dope passing its one step closer to being able to walk down to the corner 7-11 and buy a pack of hippie lettuce and go outside and get stoned, what a sad day in america. just for the record i voted against both props.

this country has too many taxes on the middle class and now we are going to more. the goverment needs to sit down and get rid of all the over lap that exists. i don't have the money to cover all the new taxes i'm going to be asked to pay. but anything the obama gets passed that is designed to help will take over a year to get down t othe people who need it most.

the thing i hated the most about this election is the fact if you spoke out against obama you were called a racist, and looked down upon by those who you were speaking to. yes this election is historic and it WAS about race as much as it was about politics.

now you can jump all over me. i'm proud of this county for the masses getting out and voting, a right we enjoy in this country that a great many people gave to us.

oh i forgot. this is just a personal observation. the qualifactions for president need t obe amended to include military service. i'm not saying he/she needs to go to war and fight on the front lines. but they should have served in some capicaty. because the president is the comamder in cheif they need to understand how the military works. yeah "that's what the JCS is for" true but they still should have experienced first hand, because he/she is seeds those men and women into harms way. thye also need to understand the chain of command, it not something you just learn, you live it.

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I am now beginning to stockpile weapons and food.

I'm already pretty loaded up on both after Gustav ripped through here. All I need now is a concrete bunker. ;)

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I am now beginning to stockpile weapons and food.

I'm already pretty loaded up on both after Gustav ripped through here. All I need now is a concrete bunker. ;)

Mind if I join you? :ph34r:

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Think the world is coming to an end? That's progressive.

The last 8 years have been a very bad joke. The median household income in America is 2007 is LESS than it was in 2000. BTW, we obviously do not have the median household income for 2008 yet but it will certainly not be higher than in 2000. You are simply working harder today for less wages than you were 8 years ago. You are simply earning less money! And guess what, you need that smaller amount of income to go farther today than it did 8 years ago. Getting a second job is not an option when jobs are shrinking and people are losing their primary income earning job.

The fact is the top 1% earn more than the bottom 50%. That is where the wealth has gone, straight to the top. About 30 years ago, the top CEOs earned $35 for every $1 that the average American earned. Now the top CEOs earn over $400 for every $1 the average Amercian earns. This isn't spreading the wealth. This is separating the wealth.

The Republicans shouted down "spreading the wealth." I thought the Christian Right of the Republican Party was Christian! Isn't one of the ideals of Christianity to be your brother's keeper? To help others before you help yourself? Isn't this what the Christian Right preaches every Sunday in their Gospel sermons from the Bible? But, no, the Christian Right thinks "spreading the wealth" is socialist. Are they really Christian if they can believe in both of these ideals? "I am a Christian, I will be my brother's keeper but he is just not getting any of mine."? The paradox here is huge yet no one seems to address it from the Christian Right.

You are worried that Obama will be raising your taxes? Well, the last 8 years your taxes have gone up, too. How much more are you paying for gas for your car? That is a tax that you pay without paying it directly to the government. I love the way gas prices go up during the year and then always seem to fall about a month before an election. How much more are you paying for food? That is a tax you pay without paying it directly to the government. How much more are your utility bills? For those MSHers living at home under Mom and Dad, ask your parents how much more the heat, gas, and electric cost now as compared to 8 years ago. Your parents will be surprised that you are even asking. It costs more to run the compressors at your favorite hockey rink these days than 8 years ago. Wonder why hockey costs so much more in league fees? Connect the dots.

After the financial meltdown and the buyouts to keep America running, your taxes will go up even if McCain had won! Thank George W. Bush for that as it was his policies and lack of direction that helped lead America to this day. History will show that the financial meltdown occurred in September/October 2008, not starting on January 20, 2009.

Since 1980, the Republicans have been in the White House for 20 of the last 28 years! America wasn't due for a change, we were overdue!

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Whoa, Peter, how exactly did you celebrate last night? You certainly reach clarity and lucidity, because that was one of the best posts I've read in a looonnngggg while!

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Think the world is coming to an end? That's progressive.

The last 8 years have been a very bad joke. The median household income in America is 2007 is LESS than it was in 2000. BTW, we obviously do not have the median household income for 2008 yet but it will certainly not be higher than in 2000. You are simply working harder today for less wages than you were 8 years ago. You are simply earning less money! And guess what, you need that smaller amount of income to go farther today than it did 8 years ago. Getting a second job is not an option when jobs are shrinking and people are losing their primary income earning job.

The fact is the top 1% earn more than the bottom 50%. That is where the wealth has gone, straight to the top. About 30 years ago, the top CEOs earned $35 for every $1 that the average American earned. Now the top CEOs earn over $400 for every $1 the average Amercian earns. This isn't spreading the wealth. This is separating the wealth.

And I'll bet those top 1% just stumbled on that money, they probably didn't work their ass off to get through business school and then put in crazy hours to get where they are.

The Republicans shouted down "spreading the wealth." I thought the Christian Right of the Republican Party was Christian! Isn't one of the ideals of Christianity to be your brother's keeper? To help others before you help yourself? Isn't this what the Christian Right preaches every Sunday in their Gospel sermons from the Bible? But, no, the Christian Right thinks "spreading the wealth" is socialist. Are they really Christian if they can believe in both of these ideals? "I am a Christian, I will be my brother's keeper but he is just not getting any of mine."? The paradox here is huge yet no one seems to address it from the Christian Right.

You are correct, they just don't want the nanny state government to be in charge of it. When does the government ever do anything efficiently?

You are worried that Obama will be raising your taxes? Well, the last 8 years your taxes have gone up, too. How much more are you paying for gas for your car? That is a tax that you pay without paying it directly to the government. I love the way gas prices go up during the year and then always seem to fall about a month before an election. How much more are you paying for food? That is a tax you pay without paying it directly to the government. How much more are your utility bills? For those MSHers living at home under Mom and Dad, ask your parents how much more the heat, gas, and electric cost now as compared to 8 years ago. Your parents will be surprised that you are even asking. It costs more to run the compressors at your favorite hockey rink these days than 8 years ago. Wonder why hockey costs so much more in league fees? Connect the dots.

If you are going to make assertions, back them up with evidence.

Since 1980, the Republicans have been in the White House for 20 of the last 28 years! America wasn't due for a change, we were overdue!

Oversimplification, the President doesn't have dictatorial powers so the correlation doesn't hold.

The Democrats won a pretty big victory last night, but they fell short of the margins Pelosi was shilling about a couple weeks ago. America voted against the snapshot of the current situation, but didn't embrace the left like many thought they would. To be honest, I would bet the vast majority of those who voted for Obama couldn't articulate his positions at all. They were just simpletons voting against "the last 8 years!" This video pretty much sums up what I suspect a lot of Obama supporters believe.

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1. The other 99% aren't working their ass off?

2. What have Republicans done efficiently in government lately? I am old enough to remember a much different Republican Party than the one we have now. The Christian Right has contributed to screwing up the Republican Party.

3. Gas, food, and energy costs more! Who pays the bills in your household? Look at your cancelled checks on paying gas, food, and energy. If they are the same or less than 8 years ago, tell us how you did it. America needs to know.

4. I never said the presidency was a dictatorship although Cheney certainly likes to think that way. What correlation are you talking about? I was just looking at the numbers.

5. I don't worry as much about myself here in the Northeast as I do about the rest of America. It is the people in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan that I worry about. The midwest(Red states) are next to take a hit on Main Street and down on the family farm. These are the Americans I care about because they are losing more and more everyday in terms of jobs, education, and a future. That is the America I worry about.

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And I'll bet those top 1% just stumbled on that money, they probably didn't work their ass off to get through business school and then put in crazy hours to get where they are.

That's an interesting question. My guess is the majority of the top 1% is legacy money. That's not to imply these people haven't worked hard -- just as we wouldn't suggest the poor don't work hard -- nor to imply they can't improve their legacy, but a good percentage were recipients of the proper genetics.

You are correct, they just don't want the nanny state government to be in charge of it. When does the government ever do anything efficiently?

I think a more honest answer would be they will accept the nanny state government in charge when it suits their purposes. Republicans have pushed deregulation for years; now they want a bailout. I'm not saying they're wrong to want a bailout, but we have to be honest and admit there are areas that the government can run better than the private sector. And how about the issues of abortion, planned parenthood and stem cell research? The private sector readily embraces those areas, but the fundamentalist arm of the Republicans wants government to outlaw them. That's not deregulation.

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What have Republicans done efficiently in government lately? I am old enough to remember a much different Republican Party than the one we have now. The Christian Right has contributed to screwing up the Republican Party.

I think you're spot on with that. Statistics have shown that Red states have lower average IQ's than the Blue states. There's nothing wrong with that, but it leads to too many voters having an inability to discern the difference between who's best qualified to lead the country versus who's more aligned with them socially. Basically, the Republican nominees have been those who have best pandered to the Christian Right, even if the rest of their platform would be objectively judged as inferior to other candidates.

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I think it's awesome that history was made and there's an opportunity for change, but i have a problem with the people treating Obama like he's the next coming of Jesus.

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What have Republicans done efficiently in government lately? I am old enough to remember a much different Republican Party than the one we have now. The Christian Right has contributed to screwing up the Republican Party.

I think you're spot on with that. Statistics have shown that Red states have lower average IQ's than the Blue states. There's nothing wrong with that, but it leads to too many voters having an inability to discern the difference between who's best qualified to lead the country versus who's more aligned with them socially. Basically, the Republican nominees have been those who have best pandered to the Christian Right, even if the rest of their platform would be objectively judged as inferior to other candidates.

Rofl, nice elitist generalization there. I think you're mistakenly using the "Chistian Right" as a scapegoat for idiotic republican party policies and ridiculous over-spending. I think it had very little if anything to do with "Christians" and much to do with having one party with too much of the balance of power and abusing it, ironically much the way the pendulum is swinging the other direction with the results from the election last night. It will go both ways over and over as long as people keep trying to blame entities outside of the actual politicians themselves (and their responsibilities) for their misguided actions. It's easy for partisans and politicians to shift the blame around and politicize everything under the sun when people keep blaming everyone except the actual politicians that were elected to uphold the will of the people that elected them. Stop contributing to it.

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I think a more honest answer would be they will accept the nanny state government in charge when it suits their purposes. Republicans have pushed deregulation for years; now they want a bailout. I'm not saying they're wrong to want a bailout, but we have to be honest and admit there are areas that the government can run better than the private sector. And how about the issues of abortion, planned parenthood and stem cell research? The private sector readily embraces those areas, but the fundamentalist arm of the Republicans wants government to outlaw them. That's not deregulation.

Ah, finally we come to the fundamental flaw that exists amongst neo-conservative political theory the world over. How can you preach minimalist government intervention while at the same time reducing civil liberties? Easy. You just use God and/or homeland security as the excuse.

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Rofl, nice elitist generalization there. I think you're mistakenly using the "Chistian Right" as a scapegoat for idiotic republican party policies and ridiculous over-spending. I think it had very little if anything to do with "Christians" and much to do with having one party with too much of the balance of power and abusing it, ironically much the way the pendulum is swinging the other direction with the results from the election last night. It will go both ways over and over as long as people keep trying to blame entities outside of the actual politicians themselves (and their responsibilities) for their misguided actions. It's easy for partisans and politicians to shift the blame around and politicize everything under the sun when people keep blaming everyone except the actual politicians that were elected to uphold the will of the people that elected them. Stop contributing to it.

Saying "Christian Right" is not encompassing all people of the Chrisitan faith.

The "Christian Right" are the politicians who use said religion as part of their backing for legislature. The reason stem cell research and gay marriage aren't nationally accepted are becuase of policy makers who base their decisions on their interpretation of the Bible.

I agree with what is said, swinging to democratic has opened the door for reform and change, lets all cross our fingers hoping Obama doesn't screw the pooch.

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Watch out America, with Obama in office your nation might actually become respected again in the eyes of the international community.

Honestly, who gives a shit about what the international community thinks? They will still look to the US for leadership regardless of what they a blabbing about. This is our election, not theirs. Our president, not theirs.

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I'm happy that I was able to delete a good few closet racists from my facebook tonight. Good to see people show their true colors when they don't get their way.

There were people voting for all the wrong reasons on both sides of the ticket - it's really just overwhelmingly disgusting. Very disheartening...I'm struck by how much influence that the ignorant/uninformed have over the direction of this country.

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Watch out America, with Obama in office your nation might actually become respected again in the eyes of the international community.

Evidently they don't realize that he has repeatedly talked about increasing tariffs and is against free trade. Obama is going to disappoint a lot of people outside the country.

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1. The other 99% aren't working their ass off?

Didn't say that, but everybody generally earns what they are worth. Why take money from the smart guy who worked his tail off to get his MBA and has skills that others don't? Where would the incentive be for him? Then, where would the jobs be?

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Watch out America, with Obama in office your nation might actually become respected again in the eyes of the international community.

Honestly, who gives a shit about what the international community thinks? They will still look to the US for leadership regardless of what they a blabbing about. This is our election, not theirs. Our president, not theirs.

Seeing as how the decisions and strength of the US influences the rest of the world very directly, I would say they should all be very interested in the direction of our country.

By the way, you're coming off as an asshole. To say the world shouldn't be concerned when the leadership of the most influential country flips is just arrogant and idiotic.

1. The other 99% aren't working their ass off?

Didn't say that, but everybody generally earns what they are worth. Why take money from the smart guy who worked his tail off to get his MBA and has skills that others don't? Where would the incentive be for him? Then, where would the jobs be?

If a guy makes 250,000 per year gets taxed 15%, he still keeps 212,500. If a guy making 70,000 gets taxed 15% he's below 60,000. Who's hurting more?

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Watch out America, with Obama in office your nation might actually become respected again in the eyes of the international community.

Honestly, who gives a shit about what the international community thinks? They will still look to the US for leadership regardless of what they a blabbing about. This is our election, not theirs. Our president, not theirs.

Seeing as how the decisions and strength of the US influences the rest of the world very directly, I would say they should all be very interested in the direction of our country.

By the way, you're coming off as an asshole. To say the world shouldn't be concerned when the leadership of the most influential country flips is just arrogant and idiotic.

We should elect the person that we believe is best for the job, regardless of what anyone outside the country thinks.

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I think a more honest answer would be they will accept the nanny state government in charge when it suits their purposes. Republicans have pushed deregulation for years; now they want a bailout. I'm not saying they're wrong to want a bailout, but we have to be honest and admit there are areas that the government can run better than the private sector. And how about the issues of abortion, planned parenthood and stem cell research? The private sector readily embraces those areas, but the fundamentalist arm of the Republicans wants government to outlaw them. That's not deregulation.

Barney Frank and Chris Dodd vehemently refused to look into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when it was pushed hard by the Bush administration in 2005, so don't talk about deregulation being a one-way ticket.

Abortion readily embraced? Try not to paint with too wide of a brush.

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