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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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Went to MSG tonight.

Rozsival has the new dolo

Redden is using a ONE95

Valiquette is using a Supreme series goal stick over his old RBKs.

Dan Girardi was back with a SE16. I believe he has be switching between STs and SE16s this year. Its hard to tell since he blacks out the bottom half of his stick, the only way to tell is if there is some silver before the red easton logo.

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Forgive me if I'm out to lunch on this, but would this be a skate that is dressed?

Steen's skates don't look like U+ to me...


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Forgive me if I'm out to lunch on this, but would this be a skate that is dressed?

As opposed to naked skates?

Looks the same as a U+ with the logos and the gray at the laces gone. Could have unstitched and removed them, or it's a run of something from CCM that they didn't take the time to make look retail. He might be testing out the U+ revisions, I think I recall someone saying they were fixing issues with it.

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Given past history with Spezza using wood sticks, and the way the paint is chipping towards the blade, it's an educated guess

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Look at the paint on the hosel, screams "wood" to me.

thats what i was thinking, and it looks like on the bottom of the blade right by where the tape is starting looks like the paint is coming off. just doesnt look right to me.

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Actually, recent pics of Naslund's stick looked like a OPS... but that could just be the light and/or a better paint job.

Really the only sticks that I recall seeing that reflected light similar to a painted wood stick was the lower hosel on the v110/v120 OPSs.

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Here's how it went down -

Those gloves came out in 2002. Notice the logo on the thumb, it is "Supreme 5000," same as what the Lightning player is wearing. Also look at the side pads (between the backrolls and the thumb), notice that it is different.


After that glove came the SDP.


Then after that came the NBHPro 4-roll glove.

He is just wearing the old gloves that Tampa Bay still has in their storage.

Does that do it for you?

damn your good

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Given past history with Spezza using wood sticks, and the way the paint is chipping towards the blade, it's an educated guess

I mean no offense but I thought what you wrote was funny.

educated in paint chipping? or educated in looking at photos of Jason Spezza? :lol:

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