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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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Not sure if the easton blades are better then the christian ones.I had prob with eastons blades before but i have yet to try a christian one.And the fact that you only need 6 compared to 12.

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Not sure if the easton blades are better then the christian ones.I had prob with eastons blades before but i have yet to try a christian one.And the fact that you only need 6 compared to 12.

i think 6 sounds better..i had a christian torch nd it was a tank..i used to play on a team wit christians owner's son

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Zherdev had a Vector 10.0 catapult last night.

Wow thats odd, wonder why he would be using that.... I've felt those before and theyre kinda heavy

I noticed that too... he probably switched since he wasn't scoring much. Also, Colton Orr was wearing some Easton skates (se16 I think), don't recall seeing him in those before, and Dubinsky has switched back to his old Bauer 4 rolls after wearing some franchises for a game or two.

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Don't know how long he's been in them but I noticed Malkin in a pair of Hustler pants against the Stars.

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Hey another Canuck question. I'm aware of pros getting whatever the hell they want, but how is Wellwood playing with a non-tapered XXXX, not to mention the Bauer stamp on then hosel of his blade being five times bigger than any other bauer stamp I'm aware of? He couldn't still be using those torpedo shafts from years ago painted up, could he, or the missions from earlier this year? Either way, that's really the only equipment that's been leaving me scratching my head as to WHAT it is, because I have no clue.

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I have a non-tapered XXXX shaft so they're not that uncommon for a pro stock. As for the blades, why wouldn't Bauer put a bigger logo on its blades? Same reason Easton had bigger graphics and a lighter colour for their pro Synergys compared to the retails the first year they were out.

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I noticed that too... he probably switched since he wasn't scoring much. Also, Colton Orr was wearing some Easton skates (se16 I think), don't recall seeing him in those before, and Dubinsky has switched back to his old Bauer 4 rolls after wearing some franchises for a game or two.

Orr had been wearing Eastons all seasons. The S15's.

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I have a non-tapered XXXX shaft so they're not that uncommon for a pro stock. As for the blades, why wouldn't Bauer put a bigger logo on its blades? Same reason Easton had bigger graphics and a lighter colour for their pro Synergys compared to the retails the first year they were out.

Ok, where can i get one? don't care much for what wellwood uses for a blade, looks closer to a jr. in both curve and length but the idea of having a straight up throwback blade with no carbon /fiberglass/kevlar crap that I can curve and screw around with without worrying about breaking/melting the other materials sounds pretty cool, where can I get 50? :blink:

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Try eBay. I've seen those shafts pop up on there from time to time. As for the blades, I'd look for an Easton pro return as they curve easier than NBH blades do.

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My experience is they're just the best to curve and mess around with. Christians are in second and I don't really like tinkering with NBH blades. Not sure if it's because they're a little thicker or the wrap they have, but they never end up as well as the ones that were Eastons. If I go with customs again I may see about Eastons. I may try two patterns out. A big ol' Ovechkin-y banana and my usual 4-iron.

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