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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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I really hope you guys are going to the game to watch the game and not stare at equipment for the entire time.

When you're in the business, you never see the game as a fan.

For the past 8 years I don't think I've ever cheered at a game.

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Im not saying cheering, just appreciating the game. I am guilty of looking at equipment, but I go to focus on the gameplay and aspects of the game.

Well, yeah, that goes without saying, but I can't get into the atmosphere and all that.

A friend of mine had season tickets to a team that was recently in the SC Finals. He also works in the business and was thinking of not going to the game. I'd like to convince him that I did, and they won the Cup and he said it was an awesome experience and would've kicked himself if he hadn't gone as planned. That's why I jumped at the chance to go to a game in which the Cup could've been awarded last year, unfortunately for me it didn't work out that way.

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Speaking of L7's, is it just me or do David Hale's gloves look like L7s with the reebok vector logo on the cuff?

They are.


looks like hales using what looks to be the s9's but dressed as one95's rather than one90's

also theres clear pictures of the dolo spyne and se16 on greatskate

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I really hope you guys are going to the game to watch the game and not to stare at equipment for the entire time.

That's why you get there early....gear watch during warmups...then you can still watch/enjoy the game.

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It made no sense to me but that's what I was told at the show last year.

It was NEVER considered and would NEVER happen.
So I guess PHX isn't going with black gloves this year as had been rumored.

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Whoever told you that was 100% wrong! It will NEVER happen!
It made no sense to me but that's what I was told at the show last year.

You know the guy who said it. Too bad the guys at BTM got the stuff he promised me.

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Yellow stripe on one95 and rbk 10k*pic*

Edit: also didn't see Crosby's new RBK gloves

Stamkos' one95 didnt have a yellow stripe in the games following that one, FYI.

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Well during the Wing's preseason game today Hossa started off with mission gloves then ended the game wearing his warrior ones. Who knows which ones he'll stick with for the season

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