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***OFFICIAL*** Bauer purchasing Mission-Itech

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I think that's unduly harsh on Bauer. Their skates may not have fit you, personally, but they're undeniably successful pieces of equipment. It would be equally unfair of me to run down Mission because they never made a skate with sufficient depth for my feet. Frankly, my Flexlites have held up better than my Daoust 301s - precisely because they fit me better. And the S9's are a thing of beauty, in terms of craftsmanship.

Either Bauer will begin to put their brand on Mission/Itech's quality products (as others have detailed), or they'll keep the brands diverse; either way, Bauer's goal is not to buy and phase out their competition, but to make themselves stronger. It can't possibly matter to anyone what the label on the stick is if it still performs like a Mission, or whether there's a Bauer logo on the side of an Itech visor.

That's fair.

I still hope they let Mission be Mission.

I'll be extremely disappointed if their products disappear. I'm very picky with the way my skates fit and feel and the way my sticks feel.

It took me a couple of years to go through 4 different skates and different companies and different sticks before i got to Mission. And now that i have found what fits, if it goes away now, i am back to square one. And i really don't have the money to start gong through that search again.

I know what to expect from the equipment i like.

I'm sure most people feel this way about their equipment. We hockey players are a picky bunch.

I DO use Bauer products, too (protective). And i love them. But i am annoyed with this. It won't deter me from Bauer. But i also love Mission products (skates, sticks, and helmets).

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Your solution is simple: buy up what Mission product you like now in large quantities and you will have your favorite products for a long time.

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Your solution is simple: buy up what Mission product you like now in large quantities and you will have your favorite products for a long time.

If only i were rich. lol

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I think that's unduly harsh on Bauer. Their skates may not have fit you, personally, but they're undeniably successful pieces of equipment. It would be equally unfair of me to run down Mission because they never made a skate with sufficient depth for my feet. Frankly, my Flexlites have held up better than my Daoust 301s - precisely because they fit me better. And the S9's are a thing of beauty, in terms of craftsmanship.

Either Bauer will begin to put their brand on Mission/Itech's quality products (as others have detailed), or they'll keep the brands diverse; either way, Bauer's goal is not to buy and phase out their competition, but to make themselves stronger. It can't possibly matter to anyone what the label on the stick is if it still performs like a Mission, or whether there's a Bauer logo on the side of an Itech visor.

That's fair.

I still hope they let Mission be Mission.

I'll be extremely disappointed if their products disappear. I'm very picky with the way my skates fit and feel and the way my sticks feel.

It took me a couple of years to go through 4 different skates and different companies and different sticks before i got to Mission. And now that i have found what fits, if it goes away now, i am back to square one. And i really don't have the money to start gong through that search again.

I know what to expect from the equipment i like.

I'm sure most people feel this way about their equipment. We hockey players are a picky bunch.

I DO use Bauer products, too. And i love them. But i am annoyed with this. It won't deter me from Bauer. But i also love Mission products (skates, sticks, and helmets).

The skates and sticks have largely bombed at retail. Stock up because neither one is going to last.

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I think that's unduly harsh on Bauer. Their skates may not have fit you, personally, but they're undeniably successful pieces of equipment. It would be equally unfair of me to run down Mission because they never made a skate with sufficient depth for my feet. Frankly, my Flexlites have held up better than my Daoust 301s - precisely because they fit me better. And the S9's are a thing of beauty, in terms of craftsmanship.

Either Bauer will begin to put their brand on Mission/Itech's quality products (as others have detailed), or they'll keep the brands diverse; either way, Bauer's goal is not to buy and phase out their competition, but to make themselves stronger. It can't possibly matter to anyone what the label on the stick is if it still performs like a Mission, or whether there's a Bauer logo on the side of an Itech visor.

That's fair.

I still hope they let Mission be Mission.

I'll be extremely disappointed if their products disappear. I'm very picky with the way my skates fit and feel and the way my sticks feel.

It took me a couple of years to go through 4 different skates and different companies and different sticks before i got to Mission. And now that i have found what fits, if it goes away now, i am back to square one. And i really don't have the money to start gong through that search again.

I know what to expect from the equipment i like.

I'm sure most people feel this way about their equipment. We hockey players are a picky bunch.

I DO use Bauer products, too. And i love them. But i am annoyed with this. It won't deter me from Bauer. But i also love Mission products (skates, sticks, and helmets).

The skates and sticks have largely bombed at retail. Stock up because neither one is going to last.

So what is going on with the new line?

I am seeing Mission on a lot of NHL players. More so then ever in recent memory.

New NME skates, Titanium sticks...

This sucks.

Still holding out hope that Bauer, if they indeed are buying Mission-Itech, will allow Mission-Itech to be Mission-Itech. Like what CCM/RBK/Jofa do.

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The warrior philosophy on acquisitions seems very similar to Easton, in as much as they go for production capabilities.

Hmmm...maybe the missing in action KOR will be or has been picked up by Warrior in that case. Afterall, KOR has/had the facilities to manufacture both sticks and skates in Mexico...

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So what is going on with the new line?

I am seeing Mission on a lot of NHL players. More so then ever in recent memory.

New NME skates, Titanium sticks...

This sucks.

Still holding out hope that Bauer, if they indeed are buying Mission-Itech, will allow Mission-Itech to be Mission-Itech. Like what CCM/RBK/Jofa do.

There is no jofa.

Anyone can get players to use their gear if they pay them enough. Sure some may like it, but wads of cash helps and it's not like they haven't dished out for guys in the past with the HC100 and Intake.

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So what is going on with the new line?

I am seeing Mission on a lot of NHL players. More so then ever in recent memory.

New NME skates, Titanium sticks...

This sucks.

Still holding out hope that Bauer, if they indeed are buying Mission-Itech, will allow Mission-Itech to be Mission-Itech. Like what CCM/RBK/Jofa do.

There is no jofa.

Anyone can get players to use their gear if they pay them enough. Sure some may like it, but wads of cash helps and it's not like they haven't dished out for guys in the past with the HC100 and Intake.

I still see a lot of Jofa stuff around. And their logo is usually on RBK products. I even have a pair of shoulder pads like that.

That's why i figured they were around.

Well, this situation sucks. I am very disappointed.

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I have heard this as well. My boss was telling me about it, as well as Sher-Wood purchasing TPS?

yeah and you do realize that Sherwood was going bankrupt towards in May of this year, towards the end of the season.

so how in the world are they gonna have enough money to purchase TPS?

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I have heard this as well. My boss was telling me about it, as well as Sher-Wood purchasing TPS?

yeah and you do realize that Sherwood was going bankrupt towards in May of this year, towards the end of the season.

so how in the world are they gonna have enough money to purchase TPS?

If you're going to talk down to someone at least try and keep up yourself.

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ooh wouldn't it be great if they kept the mission itech lines the same but put the Cooper name on them?

retro goodness

i like the way you think...i would be all over some "cooper goodness"

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Most importantly, our best wishes go out to all of those whose families and professions are impacted by the news over the next few days.

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would these potential decisions have any effect on mission reps/bauer reps around?

our reps we deal with are great, and would hate for something to happen to those guys

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Most importantly, our best wishes go out to all of those whose families and professions are impacted by the news over the next few days.

I agree.

I have communicated a lot with Zac911 on here. He is a really good person. Helped me out a lot finding the right sticks and skates. I hope he will be OK through all of this.

This situation really sucks.

Hopefully everyone lands on their feet, OK.

I certainly feel their pain, the layoffs and bad economy have impacted many.

These things are hard for families, for everyone really.

Things seem to be getting worse and worse in the economy. Hopefully there is change on the horizon.

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Its going to be interesting here, with two seperate companies distributing Mission Itech and Bauer. I hope it does mean a change as the current disi for Mission Itech is terrible.

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Interesting news.

One would think the new guys at Bauer have the nous to consolidate their operations and make savings with manufacturing, wharehousing, distribution and sales while continuing to grow their business through the different brands/lines.

Which is to say it is surely going to affect the livelihoods of many in the industry.

What happened in these areas when Mission took over Itech? Was there much retrenchment at Itech?

I for one lost the distribution rights for Itech to the Mission agent.

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amazing how things change like this seemingly overnight to the average consumer. Wonder how drastically this can affect the whole industry. Guess we'll find out soon enough, but I'm totally shocked. Never saw this coming.

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So, how does working in the hockey industry as a rep look to all the wanna-bes right now? Yesterday, you had 13 years in with Mission. Today, you have a pat on the back and thanks a lot. This is the reality of the business.

Play the game, enjoy your time at the rink, take care of your gear, and have fun. Otherwise, don't get too close to the flame because you might get burned.

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Kind of a bummer. I just started getting into Mission products. I've been quite pleased with them.

Wonder if Bauer will keep the Mission name for inline...

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