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Winter Classic jerseys unveiled

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lmao...way to use the league's Oldest player vs some of the league's Youngest...Good Marketing ploy ;) Still, good lookin unis. Simple, classic, Perfect. At least they didn't screw That up.

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Perfect, They got it perfect

No, they didn't.

An EDGE-cut jersey doesn't scream "classic" to me.

In all fairness, jerseys from that era (20s-30s) did fit a lot more like an edge than the last pre-edge jerseys.

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Perfect, They got it perfect

No, they didn't.

An EDGE-cut jersey doesn't scream "classic" to me.

In all fairness, jerseys from that era (20s-30s) did fit a lot more like an edge than the last pre-edge jerseys.

Yeah for sure. Look at this picture of Rocket Richard and how tight his jersey is. I know it's from the 50's and not the 20's, but still.


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i am amazingly glad to see both teams didn't go with something ridiculous. i think they came out great, specially the wings jersey. wasn't expecting that really at all.

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I should've clarified my statement - I don't like the hem. I know they were tighter, that doesn't bother me.

I agree 100%. If there is one thing I can't stand it is "shirttail" effect of the current jerseys.

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The Wings jersey is a throwback of sorts to the Cougars jerseys, I was worried they would go with the more conventional throwbacks which are nice but not special enough for the Winter Classic.

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I should've clarified my statement - I don't like the hem. I know they were tighter, that doesn't bother me.

I agree 100%. If there is one thing I can't stand it is "shirttail" effect of the current jerseys.

When the Rangers straightened out their hems last year, it made the biggest difference in the world.

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I should've clarified my statement - I don't like the hem. I know they were tighter, that doesn't bother me.

I agree 100%. If there is one thing I can't stand it is "shirttail" effect of the current jerseys.

When the Rangers straightened out their hems last year, it made the biggest difference in the world.

I agree....though I saw on Uni Watch the Rangers stopped doing that this year for some reason.

I hate the Edge hem, it looks especially dumb on designs with the horizontal stripe along the bottom.

The designs on these two throwbacks are nice though, good job working with what they had (assume they had to use the Edge cut).

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The Wings jersey is a throwback of sorts to the Cougars jerseys, I was worried they would go with the more conventional throwbacks which are nice but not special enough for the Winter Classic.

I always loved the Cougars "D" jerseys and hoped the Wings would use that D if they ever decided to move away from the winged wheel.

The Tigers' D is so iconic for Detroit, and this one is just so nice.

I wear a XXL in the pre-Edge jerseys, I hope they offer this in the 3/4XL option like they started to do for standard replica jerseys. If so I will buy one for sure. It would compliment my dark Yzerman jersey nicely.

I also need to check the size of the flex fit RBK hats. "One size fits all" does NOT mean all, but if it goes up to 7 3/4....

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I should've clarified my statement - I don't like the hem. I know they were tighter, that doesn't bother me.

When I said perfect, I meant it more in a design/choice sort of way. Which they are perfect. No one likes those diaper bottems, I'm a Ranger fan, I know. However, they got it as close to perfect in this Edge era.

Since the edge doesn't bother you, I can't see what you don't like about the design. Nice, smooth,classy throwback Jersey. Whats not to like?

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