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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories and Techniques of the Gear Whore

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Thought it would be an interesting thread to have some of the experienced Gear Whores share their techniques. In particular, to those with spouses or significant others, how do you, or how would you justify it to them?

I am very new at this, but I did use the "but honey...it is SAFER than the helmet I have now" one. (Going from the 3500 to the s9) ;)

Also used her closet full of shoes to justify an extra pair of gloves.

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I'm cold-blooded. I say " If you don't like how I spend my money, see you around"

p.s. I'm also single at the moment

I was with my now-ex for 5 years, 2 of which were after I caught the GWV (gear whore virus). I think it pissed her off spending so much money on sticks and barely anything on her. I usually tried to explain why this one was so unique or explain it was a $180 stick someone on MSH had for $50 or I traded something else for it, so it wasn't really all that much money.

I don't think I ever flat out lied about the price, but there was certainly some bending of the truth.

I'd rather be spending my money on hockey sticks and other gear which motivates me to go play more hockey than expensive dinners, electronics/video games, or other nick-nacks that motivate more couch sitting.

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I have two sets of equipment. One I use for my serious hockey ( my league games ) and the other I use for pickup. Only use four sticks. My significant other doesn't like me buying new equipment but I've managed to restrain myself from getting any more than two of everything. If I get something new it's usually better quality or more protective than what I had and I always take my old stuff to Play It Again Sports and put it on consignment until it's been sold. At least that way I get some cash back on it. If she complains about what I spent I'll just say " How much did you exactly spend on your last new dress or set of clothes. Nuff said. I have my vices and she has hers. A case of mutual understanding and respect for each others weaknesses. I can guarantee her clothes and shoes and knicknacks out value my equipment at least three to one in dollar amount.

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other nick-nacks that motivate more couch sitting.

Like girlfriends in general.

Three words: Lie Lie Lie.

Deny 'til you Die.

I am lucky enough (cough cough) to have to explain my GWV to the one woman who will never, EVER, understand it, my mother. This is why I try to withdraw from the ATM and spend in cash at the shop (although she freaked when I spent $70 in credit at my LHS a week or two ago). You can't track cash no matter how hard mom tries.

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I'm a fan of the lie, myself.

If the girlfriend or my mum catches me with new gear (usually gloves, helmets or two or three sticks) in my car or bedroom, I usually tell 'em "I wanted to try 'em, so the team got me a couple/pair to take for a whirl" (and I've convinced them that is how it works, hahahaha). Of course, they never notice that the gloves and helmets usually aren't part of my team's color scheme, that the visors on them aren't certified or that sticks that I was actually going to use in practices/games would be in the dressing room at the rink and not in the back of my car.

I'm probably going to have to come-up with something else once I age-out at the end of this season. It's not likely that a beer league team (which is likely where I'll end-up next year, lol) is going to be throwing gear at me, so I don't think they're going to buy that excuse anymore.

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My GF doesn't mind and understands how expensive gear is. I speak to her about purchases (mostly because Im so excited about them arriving) and in most cases she just tunes out.

I showed her Drew's stick room pics once and she said "If we don't have kids that will be you in 10 years" lol, I told her I'd be worse with gloves. ;)

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I just tell my wife " ... it could be worse ... I could be playing internet poker losing the family fortune or out in the bars consuming large quantities of alcohol ..."

With that rationalization, she's OK with a gear purchase now and then :lol:

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I just show them little cracks or tell them that its not working or its broken internally for sticks and for skates and gloves they dont even bother asking they just accept it. Pretty much any girl im with will have to accept im a gear whore

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I don't think I ever flat out lied about the price, but there was certainly some bending of the truth.

My new gloves are costing around $200, my g/f will not be told how much they cost no matter how much she asks because if she finds out, I will have to spend a fortune on her for christmas!

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a few of my recently used lines...

but honey its elliptical!!!!

i cracked it... do u hear the rattle?(after putting a tiny pebble in it) ;)

hey ud never guess what they got a couple new sticks to test and i was given 1!!!!!!

my skate broke :unsure:

but there onli 450 dollars,if i buy 1 less candy bar a week for the next 17 years the skates are practically free with all those savings!!!!

how bout dinner,my treat!!! i may have to buy something at this point

and so on so forth

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I've always used the "You don't wanna know" line.

They know what they're getting involved with from the start. I, recently, almost started dating a girl because she had a connection for gear. If she wasn't borderline retarded and/or her connection was better, I'd probably be dating her now. heh

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Buy it, put it in your bag and when she finally sees it and asks about it tell her you've had it for a while.

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Hockey gear spending pales in comparison to how much I spend on my cars, so a few hundred bucks here and there seems a lot better than a few grand on a car part.

The lesser of two evils!

And if that fails, then all I need to do is show her a $450 stick in my LHS that I bought for $150 from the US, and it seems like I'm saving money instead of spending it :D

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My GF doesn't mind and understands how expensive gear is. I speak to her about purchases (mostly because Im so excited about them arriving) and in most cases she just tunes out.

I showed her Drew's stick room pics once and she said "If we don't have kids that will be you in 10 years" lol, I told her I'd be worse with gloves. ;)

Hum... Can somebody please post a pic of it? (I searched and couldn't find it.) I am intrigued... Or maybe I can send it to my gf too to justify my future purchases.

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Buy it, put it in your bag and when she finally sees it and asks about it tell her you've had it for a while.

That worked when my paycheck was low...but now.... its all about having her look at the account and as the great Ron White so eloquently stated....

"That'yll shut er up!"

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im only 18 and with all the extra free time i have now going to college and living at home ive seen myself work more hours than every before and more oppurtunitys to play some open hockey and join a adult league with my extra money and have officially caught the gwv i just spend an entire pay check on hockeygiant.com i just hide from the g.f and mom and dont let em know thats where my pay check went instead of to bergen community college hahahahahhaha

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Buy it, put it in your bag and when she finally sees it and asks about it tell her you've had it for a while.

Agree 100% Chad.

However, when I was confronted on how much I spent on skates (we went skating and she asked when I got new skates) I told her exactly how much. I waited until she was in mid rant and simply stated: These skates will last me 7 - 10 years, how many pair of shoes, boots, sneakers do you have? She hasn't brought it up since.

**Lockport: I actually won a snow board in our skate, so if all else fails you can simply go to the "I won it in a raffle".** Never fear Beer League, it's your friend.

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This is probably the single greatest thread/topic of all time. It pits hockey vs. her with tips and techniques on how to masterfully balance the two.

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It's not a "pic" so much as it is a group of "pictures." Yeah - there are that many sticks.

It's not a pic so much as it is a legend. At least Drew's pics of his stick closet don't have Ovie walking around in a towel in the background. ;)

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