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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holidays 08: The Payoff

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Didn't see anybody start one yet as we usually have one. What did everybody get? More importantly Happy Holidays to all! Hope Santa was good to everybody on MSH!

I guess i could start it off..

I got a bunch of clothes from AF/Hollister, some gift cards, cash, a North Face soft shell jacket, Lululemon jacket, some body wash and the usual stocking stuffers like that.

Now your turn!

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Have yet to open family gifts yet, but so far from 'The Office', got a couple shirts, a few gift cards, some cookies, giant bag of Twizzlers (YUM!), a huge freezable beer mug, Sum Poosie (it's an energy drink from the porn store), a golf drink caddy, and a shitton of tees. I think that's about it, I'll come back and add the family stuff later. Hopefully some socks n underwear!

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I usually hate this thread but after 4 years what the hell

4 BF Goodrich G-Force SuperSport A/S wheels for the hockeywagon. Die evil noisy no grip Pirelli's P4

Handbuilt DT Swiss RR 1.1 rims 28hole laced with DT Competition on 240 hubs solid white rims black spokes and nipples. Light, strong, and hopefully more durable for everyday training than Zipps. Less blingy but more functional

Itech HS22 Visor straight clear married to the best fitting helmet for me a New Black Mission Intake, no more cage for me

Edge Socks Ott home

Black dress socks

Sabers Sweatshirt

Some peace of mind knowing my family and me are together: safe, content, and in good health

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Got the standard assortment of clothes, socks and underwear. Got a book I've been looking at for a while. It's called "Midnight Hockey" by Bill Gaston. "All about the beer, the boys, and the real Canadian game". Should be good. And then, best of all, my Reggie Dunlop tee shirt...


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hockey wise, got a red under armor shirt, some tps R8 lite gloves in red and black, and a bunch of tape

other stuff included, cologne socks boxers a beanie a wallet and a new ipod & gift card for itunes

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Itech 955 elbow pads, some new wheels for my skates, mets jersey, jets jersey, islanders jersey, entourage seasons, bad boys 2, couple shirts and socks, gloves, scarf, basketball, madden 09, and live subscription

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  JR Boucicaut said:
The only physical present I got this year was a 1GB stick of RAM for my laptop. Just mysteriously showed up to my house. Damn you, Drewhunz and McD! :)
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That will make it more enjoyable

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I normally just get money or paid back for items I buy. This year, like last year, is clothes shopping time. So far, a few UA shirts and a couple pairs of UA socks, a new pair of Nike compression shorts, 4 RL polo shirts, a pair of jeans and a pair of Nike ID air max 360s. I still need a pair of dress shoes, that should call it a Christmas.

For my parents I was thinking of getting them tickets to go see Robin Williams but I think they're over him at this point. Maybe I'll get them tickets to see "Face to Face" tour when it comes to Tampa but I think I'm already going and I don't want to double date with the rents, haha.

Happy Holidays guys/girls.

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  saba said:
I usually hate this thread but after 4 years what the hell

4 BF Goodrich G-Force SuperSport A/S wheels for the hockeywagon. Die evil noisy no grip Pirelli's P4

Handbuilt DT Swiss RR 1.1 rims 28hole laced with DT Competition on 240 hubs solid white rims black spokes and nipples. Light, strong, and hopefully more durable for everyday training than Zipps. Less blingy but more functional

Itech HS22 Visor straight clear married to the best fitting helmet for me a New Black Mission Intake, no more cage for me

Edge Socks Ott home

Black dress socks

Sabers Sweatshirt

Some peace of mind knowing my family and me are together: safe, content, and in good health

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240's are a fantastic hub.....a bit noisy on freewheeling.....so just never stop pedaling. :)

As for what I got for my Christmas:

Got my new Trager Grill

Interlocking flooring for my home gym

2 - R10's


Couple of cologne's

Toys for fat cat

And Dad and I are going to play a few games of pickup in Greenville while I am home

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Great Christmas:

V08 Royal helmet with tinted 924 Oakley visor

Pro stock SP650 shoulders

Pro Stock 4-roll Navy/Grey Vancouver

and the top honors gift

Rolex datejust watch from the misses!

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mostly money for when i take a trip to a hockey shop. But i did get a few things, some of which i had gotten a while back but had to go under the tree.

black with blue nbh 4rolls

TBL edge socks

wolverine/capt america comics

2- one75 wood sticks p106

And my dad is getting my windowns tinted and going 50% in on a spoiler for my 09 Scion xB.

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  Thockey17 said:
Got myself an E30 M3 shell for a track car project.....2008 was a good year
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Bastard. I wanted a '71 Datsun 510 shell but alas, I didn't have the coin this year.

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my wife got me The Stroker gloves by Warrior.

they are real lite and look nice, but i dont know if i can make myself use them outside of coaching.

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I got a couple new wallets, some clothes (not much as I went shopping last week as part of Christmas), a gift card for Red Lobster, money, BlackBerry Storm and BlackBerry Curve phones -- trying to decide which one I want to keep, if I can't decide I'll probably just keep both and keep the Curve for a rainy day if something happens to the Storm.

Didn't really need much or anything for that matter but I do appreciate everything and that my family is in good spirits and health. Only thing that could have made it a better Christmas is if my uncle wasn't suffering from cancer but he's doing better and better with his treatments and is improving so we're all praying.

And I can honestly say, as I get older (I know I'm only 20), spending time with the family gets better and better and more enjoyable.

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