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Twitter dot com

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haha gotcha.

i rarely use my home computer, and even less so use text messaging. Its usually strictly iphone internet, or work computer. Using twitter apps like twitterific or twitterfon (or twitterberry) It allows me to be out, but communicate with everyone at once. No charges that way. But thats just what i find easier in my situation.

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Speaking of twitter....anyone else see the story about Charlie Villoneuva (SP?) being reprimanded by his team for 'twittering' (or is it tweeting) at halftime of a game recently.

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  chikinpotpie said:
To sum it up:

Its for people who believe that other people are interested in the most inane details of their life

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Two people I went to HS with each post about 5 times a day.

Here's a sampling over a few days from her:

says ok, let's try this again

is paying bills online

is Chipolte

not going to bore you with how tired she is and how she has to stop going to bed so late


The amazing thing is she'll get comments to these posting. All I take out of it is parents shouldn't be so cruel as to have only one child!

The second guy's posts take on one of two forms:

1) On and off @signtific lab's future scenario game today, still well behind @genebecker (ubik). OR Presto 8 second bootup looks useful, Linux/Firefox desktop apps for notebooks and old machines http://is.gd/lrDY http://is.gd/lClt #demo09

2) 45 m elliptical + 60m wts/resistance. Probably should have done the other way around, but wasn't in the mood for cardio this morning. OR 60m spin, 45m elliptical, 60m weights/stability/plyo.

I've considered posting, "Hit the Precor today. Considered 66m but settled on 62m." The problem is I don't know the guy well enough and the rest of the readers wouldn't get it...

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  chikinpotpie said:
To sum it up:

Its for people who believe that other people are interested in the most inane details of their life

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I'm surprised that to this day, you haven't made a comment about the edit I did on your MSH signature.

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I asked Drew about it after I noticed it.

I don't post enough to keep in on my mind so I just let it stay.

Cant run from your past

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I still don't get this but man it's getting popular, I get asked multiple times a week to add one of my friends on twitter or if I have twitter. Actually my dad asked me if I had twitter... that is just awkward.

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I would have considered joining if it wasn't for all the media CONSTANTLY talking about it... I'm pretty sure there's other news out there besides MC Hammer's twitter account. :rolleyes:

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I have one, and haven't touched it since I think the day I had it. It's a novelty for all of five minutes until you realize your existence does not need to be justified by telling the entire world every single act you do in a day. Although, if you wish to idolize a celebrity it will definitely allow you to keep tabs on them at all time, as they use this free service as a massive marketing tool, exploiting all of mankind and turning us into sheep that will follow in a herd. It's quite literally terrifying

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  Chadd said:
It's the flavor of the moment and will be largely ignored in a year or so.
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Doonesbury had a great strip this Sunday that referred to Twitter. I don't know the characters' names, but....

Girl: Hold on, just got a tweet from my favorite news personality...

Guy: Who...Who's that?

Girl: Roland Hedley....Omigod -- He's eating yogurt!

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lol totally agree

  furlanitalia said:
I have one, and haven't touched it since I think the day I had it. It's a novelty for all of five minutes until you realize your existence does not need to be justified by telling the entire world every single act you do in a day. Although, if you wish to idolize a celebrity it will definitely allow you to keep tabs on them at all time, as they use this free service as a massive marketing tool, exploiting all of mankind and turning us into sheep that will follow in a herd. It's quite literally terrifying
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lol slightly freaky but still gave me a laugh

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