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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheap F'ing players in beer/rec leagues....

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Exactly Chadd. I got a lot of shit for not shaking hands last summer with a team, and it's the only time I've ever done it. I was slashed in the head while on a breakaway, by someone at least twice my age, and who had been drinking. I got up off the ice and gave him a shot to the back, knocking him down, and began to skate away (towards the penalty box). Then he grabs me from behind in a sort of choke hold and wrestles me to the ground, throwing about 5-6 punches. My teammate pulls him off, and I start talking shit to him (not hitting him). I get up and his teammate begins throwing a few punches at me, but i shoved him away and just walked to the box (thought we would end up on the PP). Their whole bench talked shit to me on the way, I just left the ice at the final whistle.

Some people, including some on my team, still don't approve of me not shaking hands with them. If there were more on the line than a rec league game, I'd maybe understand things happen in the heat of the moment...but come on.

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I'm surprised his teamates let him on the ice after he'd been drinking. You'd think people would have more integrity than that. If I showed up to a game drunk, I'm pretty sure I wouldnt be invited back on the team.

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I'm surprised his teamates let him on the ice after he'd been drinking. You'd think people would have more integrity than that. If I showed up to a game drunk, I'm pretty sure I wouldnt be invited back on the team.

It was so obvious, I could smell it on him. Most of his team had been doing it. Still, I've seen worse.

Off topic but in a rather important game for my schools team earlier this year, the reffs had clearly been drinking. Some seriously awful calls were made, and one kid was taking cheap shots at our players. My coach sends a teammate of mine out at the end of the game (which we were losing) and as it ended, he nails this kid(the one who was taking cheap shots) from behind in open ice. He looks around waiting for someone to challenge him.....and the one to do it is the reff, who grabs him by the head and falls to the ice with him. My coach starts yelling from the bench when the linesman comes by and pushes him back from the other side of the bench and tells him to shut his mouth....well anyway, it exploded and I couldn't see through the scrum but he landed quite a few shots in on the reff. We reported the incident, but obviously got in way more trouble than the reffs did hahah. The coach on the other team backed our report about the officals abusing our players and inciting our coach, and that they had obviously been drinking.

But yeah...I'm really not a fan of the teams that drink before games. Seen a guy in the warmups of the first game of the season break his wrist falling. He didn't even feel the bone sticking out of his wrist.

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

I shook the hand of the guy who prompted me to start this thread, and needless to say I was pretty pissed about having to do so. What I really wanted to do was to crack him one for what he did to me but I have more class than that. I really hate the fact that as a player you are obligated to shake the hands of some of these pricks and if you don't, you're that bad guy.

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I think a lot of this has to do with knowing who you are out on the ice with and what the clock says. If you're blowing a team out and cycling the puck the other team is going to get frustrated. When people get frustrated the result is usually a cheap shot. If they could take the puck awaw from you they would have. Since they can't then you go to the next step which is sending a message for the next game. Now, if you're beating a team good and set up a screen in front of the goalie with your legs spread and you get a cup check don't be surprised. If you've scored 5 goals in a blowout don't be surprised when somebody tries to knock you out. If you're a kid and you're flashing your moves and weigh 160 lbs guess what's coming your way? Hockey is a tough sport. You get a penalty for something that you would get thrown in jail for on the street. What other sport can you get into a fight and only receive a 5 minute penalty? Bottom line is I'm always taking stock. Is the goalie a hot headed douche? Does the other team have anybody who can knock my teeth out? Should I be looking to get hit or can I play the game clean that night? Every shift know who is on the ice, know the situation. I know Vishi. I know if I played against him and I was skating up ice he would level me if I gave him that opportunity. Not because he's a dick but because he knows that's how hockey is supposed to be played. This is not a nice sport. You'll get hurt, you'll get bruises, you'll bleed. You'll get pissed. You'll think guys are jerk offs. All part of the game. If you can't protect yourself in this game then maybe more practice time should be used on that aspect of the game instead of your breakaways or the Michigan move? Lift some weights, learn how to throw a punch, wear better pads, etc..

Hence the problem, you don't "send a message" in beer league.

A message can be sent in many ways, doesn't have to be a knee on knee or a 2 handed slash to the head. Again, this is a rough game. We've all seen the 2 handers, I got 1 to the back of my neck. We've seen the fights, spears, people just not intersted in playing hockey but mugging people instead. You see guys banished from rinks for all types of insane behavior. Last week a guy told a ref he was going to kill him during our game and I would ban him for life if I was in charge. It's human nature. If you expect perfect behavior from male, adult hockey players you're in deep, deep denial. Those types of players are a part of the game and they always will be. For every cheap f'ing player there's a guy who's playing well below his skill level. They're both jerks in my book.

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

One time i was in bantam watching the final game of a tournament we had gotten beaten out of by one dirty team, and during the handshakes it was the team that beat us against another team, the team that beat us had went on to win a horrible and dirty game from first puck drop, there was a little guy on the losing team who got punched out in the handshakes took his helmet off like just on the top of his head he did nothing and next thing you know the winners are beating the shit out of the losers. It was pretty dirty, even after a rough game i will still shake hands and say good game, usually my emotion only seems to get the best of me during the game, after its over im usually pretty cool and i try to be a good sport.

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

One time i was in bantam watching the final game of a tournament we had gotten beaten out of by one dirty team, and during the handshakes it was the team that beat us against another team, the team that beat us had went on to win a horrible and dirty game from first puck drop, there was a little guy on the losing team who got punched out in the handshakes took his helmet off like just on the top of his head he did nothing and next thing you know the winners are beating the shit out of the losers. It was pretty dirty, even after a rough game i will still shake hands and say good game, usually my emotion only seems to get the best of me during the game, after its over im usually pretty cool and i try to be a good sport.

Those who show no sportsmanship during the game, don't deserve to be shown any after the game.

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

I could do without the handshake line. If there is someone you want to talk to after the game (good or bad) go over and say something to them. If you would rather just skate off, it doesn't hurt my feelings.

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

I could do without the handshake line. If there is someone you want to talk to after the game (good or bad) go over and say something to them. If you would rather just skate off, it doesn't hurt my feelings.

Amen to that...

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

The handshake is a good thing in my book. I think, more than anything, the handshake says, "Let's leave it on the ice." Obviously, if you've just played against a real idiot, you can always skip the hand on the way through.

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check out this handshake. their team capt says to me:

"i gonna break every bone in your body first game next season f--- face"

i say "you want to put that in writing you f----- "

i added the homer "dohs" as bleeps of course.

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The real issue isnt the handshake. It's the refs and the league "owners/directors" that would rather cash checks than kick these assholes out. If the directors went to the games, watched some of these assholes and then kicked a few of them out then you would clean up the leagues.

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The real issue isnt the handshake. It's the refs and the league "owners/directors" that would rather cash checks than kick these assholes out. If the directors went to the games, watched some of these assholes and then kicked a few of them out then you would clean up the leagues.

Agreed. These guys aren't hard to pick out. I've played in an ice league where a pretty good player would go around asking people if they wanted to fight. This is a no check/no fight league. The guy was constantly starting fights, did not seem interested in the least as to the outcome of the game, his team or his teammates. Eventually he was banned from the rink. Honestly, I think every player in the league breathed a sigh of relief including his own team. As for the handshake-never once missed a handshake. I like to think I know what's going on in the heads of the cheap players and the guys who might have come after me, I'm not scared of them, they don't get under my skin, shaking their hand is no big deal. All part of the game to me. Sometimes those physical, nasty games can bring a team of guys closer together and those can be the most fun games of the season. Builds character.

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The rink had to reschedule one of our games at the last minute a couple weeks back so they gave us an hour of ice time tonight in thanks. Both teams on the ice for an hour with no refs, anyone else see a potential problem here? A couple minutes in one of their guys yanks my feet out from under me and strains my groin. A few minutes later I get a slash across the back of the head. That's when I got pissed.

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Y'all play in some rough leagues. The worst we have are complainers and ringers every once in a while.

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We had the same crap last night in the handshake. 95% of the guys are fine, but two of them feel the need to start talking smack. Why? It's low level adult league hockey.

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The rink had to reschedule one of our games at the last minute a couple weeks back so they gave us an hour of ice time tonight in thanks. Both teams on the ice for an hour with no refs, anyone else see a potential problem here? A couple minutes in one of their guys yanks my feet out from under me and strains my groin. A few minutes later I get a slash across the back of the head. That's when I got pissed.

Interesting. One night we had a game and for some reason the refs had a burr in their saddle for our squad. Between their attitudes and the ridiculousness of their calls, two different teammates sent clearing attempts a little too close to stripes. The refs were so attrocious this night that we decided to leave the ice and we were still only about 1/2 way through the first period. A player from the other team came to our room and asked if we wanted to play out the rest of the icetime without the refs. We did and there wasn't a single problem the rest of the night.

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I can see getting rid of the handshake for adult games. I don't know how many problems this would solve, but it'd be nice not to bother with the whole exercise as if you're 13 again. I do agree a hugh problem getting rid of some of the players that need to go is league owners that are always having to weigh the decision to throw someone out against the loss of those dollars. More often than not they're going to opt to suspend and the problem will just come back. We've got one of the juggernaut leagues here, the guy who runs it earns his living out of it, and in the years it's been in operation there've been a handful of players that were actually tossed out. Basically, if you don't do something absolutely off the wall violent you're not going to get tossed and everyone knows it. Of course enforcing the punishments that are handed out become rather impossible when you've got such a huge league. Put a different number on a suspended player and have him play as someone that couldn't make it out, pretty unlikely you'll get caught.

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I think the day will come when you'll have to present ID before each game to prove you are on the roster. Possibly even have to carry a badge like at a health club or something similar.

Also, I've seen a couple comments about league managers not wanting to throw people out because of the loss of income. I would argue that you are more likely to improve income in the long term from word of mouth getting out that your league doesn't tolerate stupid players.

And in the short term, you aren't losing money because you don't refund the guy. I think all leagues should have a no refund policy for this type of behavior.

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I think the day will come when you'll have to present ID before each game to prove you are on the roster. Possibly even have to carry a badge like at a health club or something similar.

Also, I've seen a couple comments about league managers not wanting to throw people out because of the loss of income. I would argue that you are more likely to improve income in the long term from word of mouth getting out that your league doesn't tolerate stupid players.

And in the short term, you aren't losing money because you don't refund the guy. I think all leagues should have a no refund policy for this type of behavior.

Guys who get tossed due to suspension should forefit all fees paid. This is a new rule that has been instituted within our league the past couple years and seems to be working. I'm not sure about elsewhere, but there is such a waiting list to get onto teams that those who get banned are easily replaced.

That said, our league director was concerned that he wasn't doing his job because suspensions were up this this season. In fact, it is the exact opposite... He is doing his job if the suspensions are weeding out the idiots. Its not a perfect stystem by any means, but at least he is a making a concerted effort to clean things up.

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What league owners should realize is that they risk losing a lot more income by not banning the retard players because they'll lose teams that don't want to put up with the crap.

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I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

There have been games where I was so pissed off at the other team that I just skated off the ice and eschewed the handshake, because I worry that something bad might happen - possibly initiated by myself.

I know a guy who cold-cocked a guy he had been sparring with all game, in the after-game lineup, and knocked him out cold. I'm not interested in that kind of BS. I have kids and I need to go to work the next day, and I have better things to worry about than being sportsmanlike to some would-be weekend warrior.

And frankly, I'm tired of the whole "shake hands" thing after every god-danged beer league game. After a playoff series, OK. But every single game ?

The handshake is a good thing in my book. I think, more than anything, the handshake says, "Let's leave it on the ice." Obviously, if you've just played against a real idiot, you can always skip the hand on the way through.

Theres nothing wrong with showing class, most of the opponents i've had words with suck it up and shake my hand, for the most part. Theres always an idiot who calls you out or something but hey, if they dont wanna be a good sport its not my problem.

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I think the day will come when you'll have to present ID before each game to prove you are on the roster. Possibly even have to carry a badge like at a health club or something similar.

The StarCenters in Texas have already started doing that. They issue picture ID cards at the beginning of each season.

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I think the day will come when you'll have to present ID before each game to prove you are on the roster. Possibly even have to carry a badge like at a health club or something similar.

The StarCenters in Texas have already started doing that. They issue picture ID cards at the beginning of each season.

Which StarsCenter? There's like 8 of 'em.

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