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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Canada runs a shady business

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What happened to GrafPro55--last active March 28, 2008...?

He probably got pissed off and felt unwelcome. There was a big how-to-do in a different Graf thread about a month ago where he was digging himself into a big hole and got called on it.

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What happened to GrafPro55--last active March 28, 2008...?

I talk to him on AIM occasionally, he's really helped me out with the Graf skates i purchased and answers all my questions. I know most don't like him on the board but he seems like a nice guy. He actual shipped me a set of riveting supplies from his work at graf so i could fix graf skates.

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I read that thread, but he seemed resolute about continuing to post. Could someone more senior at Graf have put a stop to his participation?

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Dumb question. None of my local LHS carry Mission. I know nothing about their skates. What the gantleman from Mission did for the Graf Canada victim here makes me want to try their product. Here are my questions:

1. Which is a deepest model they make.

2. How low can one go on the model line before slapshots to the ancles become too noticable (limping and not being able to skate for two - three days after).

Many thanks.

I am switching over to check the gear review section here as we speak.

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I read that thread, but he seemed resolute about continuing to post. Could someone more senior at Graf have put a stop to his participation?

That may be ?

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I bought a pair of graf supra 502 SE skates with t-blades. Tried to take the t-blades off to try the cobras. I couldn't even get the t-blade holders off because the screws holding them on were stripped and rusted. I talked to Graf Canada and they offered to send me replacement screws and nothing else. But since I can't get the rusted/stripped screws out, I can't replace them. So now I'm stuck with skates I can't use.

I'll never buy Graf again.

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I bought a pair of graf supra 502 SE skates with t-blades. Tried to take the t-blades off to try the cobras. I couldn't even get the t-blade holders off because the screws holding them on were stripped and rusted. I talked to Graf Canada and they offered to send me replacement screws and nothing else. But since I can't get the rusted/stripped screws out, I can't replace them. So now I'm stuck with skates I can't use.

I'll never buy Graf again.

How old are the skates you bought, and where did you buy them?

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I bought a pair of graf supra 502 SE skates with t-blades. Tried to take the t-blades off to try the cobras. I couldn't even get the t-blade holders off because the screws holding them on were stripped and rusted. I talked to Graf Canada and they offered to send me replacement screws and nothing else. But since I can't get the rusted/stripped screws out, I can't replace them. So now I'm stuck with skates I can't use.

I'll never buy Graf again.

Are you a certifed skate repair person? Even rusted frozen bolts are easy to get off?

Bashing a company in a 8 year old 3rd seems a little overboard. Why didnt you come on here and ask if anyone had a suggestion to get them off? I for one would have been glad to assist.

I mean you get a similar problem with skates made in China and the coppers they use!

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Yeah that post is odd. Skates appear old and used and he wants them to do what? Warranty them like a new skate? I have to imagine most companies would be glad to not have you buy.

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How old are the skates you bought, and where did you buy them?

The skates are brand new.

Are you a certifed skate repair person? Even rusted frozen bolts are easy to get off?

Bashing a company in a 8 year old 3rd seems a little overboard. Why didnt you come on here and ask if anyone had a suggestion to get them off? I for one would have been glad to assist. I mean you get a similar problem with skates made in China and the coppers they use!

I didn't ask for assistance only because I went back to a different pair of skates. I didn't see the date on the thread and didn't mean to offend anyone. Just commenting on my experience.

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I bought a pair of graf supra 502 SE skates with t-blades. Tried to take the t-blades off to try the cobras. I couldn't even get the t-blade holders off because the screws holding them on were stripped and rusted. I talked to Graf Canada and they offered to send me replacement screws and nothing else. But since I can't get the rusted/stripped screws out, I can't replace them. So now I'm stuck with skates I can't use.

I'll never buy Graf again.

Drill the rusted screws out! That's what anyone would have to do to fix the problem.

If the screws were already rusted and the skates were new your recourse would be to take them back to the shop where you bought them. If you bought the skates used then maybe next time you should look over the merchandise before forking over the cash.

If the skates were used then I fail to see how this is GRAF Canada's problem.

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The poster says the skates were brand new.

There isn't anything wrong with resurrecting an older thread.

But yes, the course of action is to go back to the point of purchase.

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I bought them online at hockey monkey and asked them about it. They told me they would refer the problem to Graf Canada.

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Wow if Monkey did that its going to seriously affect my purchasing. I didnt use them much anyway as they are one of the few vendors who still charges shipping plus they are in my state so I pay tax.

Monkey didnt agree to take them back?

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i swear monkey sells sub-par skate stock, especially on the skates priced with really good deals. i bought a pair of ccm's from them last year with on of the holders mounted totally crooked. just this month my brother bought a pair of '11 graf g5's and one of his holders was mounted off center and on the other skate the holder and blade were bent, not just slightly but really obvious.

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i swear monkey sells sub-par skate stock, especially on the skates priced with really good deals. i bought a pair of ccm's from them last year with on of the holders mounted totally crooked. just this month my brother bought a pair of '11 graf g5's and one of his holders was mounted off center and on the other skate the holder and blade were bent, not just slightly but really obvious.

I've heard that certain retailers receive stock that is either begining of production, end of production, or imperfect at a reduced cost. They turn around and sell them on sale at a bit less price than the competition that receives the properly made units. Not sure how much truth there is in that, but I've seen many pairs of imperfect skates come out of skate sales, and a certain LHS.

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i swear monkey sells sub-par skate stock, especially on the skates priced with really good deals. i bought a pair of ccm's from them last year with on of the holders mounted totally crooked. just this month my brother bought a pair of '11 graf g5's and one of his holders was mounted off center and on the other skate the holder and blade were bent, not just slightly but really obvious.

There have been several people just on this forum with incorrectly mounted Graf holders that did not buy their skates from HM.

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Wow if Monkey did that its going to seriously affect my purchasing. I didnt use them much anyway as they are one of the few vendors who still charges shipping plus they are in my state so I pay tax.

Monkey didnt agree to take them back?

I did not like the way they handled the situation. Monkey would not take them back.

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There have been several people just on this forum with incorrectly mounted Graf holders that did not buy their skates from HM.

possible HM isn't the only retailer with the less than perfect products.

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Yeah that post is odd. Skates appear old and used and he wants them to do what? Warranty them like a new skate? I have to imagine most companies would be glad to not have you buy.

Actually the young lady (person with Graf issue) I think your just a little misguided. You offended nobody just it came across in an oddway. Once you explained that HM told you to do that it makes way more sense now.

However your not out of luck at all. If you go the new hardware just take it to a GOOD local shap and any decent shope would be able to insatl the new holders with zero issue.

If you really like the skate it shouldnt be an issue swaping the holders and geting back on the skates. Good luck with it. Just ask in the future I am sure someone in your area might be able to help you locate a good shop!

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Actually the young lady (person with Graf issue) I think your just a little misguided. You offended nobody just it came across in an oddway. Once you explained that HM told you to do that it makes way more sense now.

However your not out of luck at all. If you go the new hardware just take it to a GOOD local shap and any decent shope would be able to insatl the new holders with zero issue.

If you really like the skate it shouldnt be an issue swaping the holders and geting back on the skates. Good luck with it. Just ask in the future I am sure someone in your area might be able to help you locate a good shop!

Thank you for the advice. I know an amazing shop around here.

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HM should be taking care of this for you, not you dealing directly with Graf. Its likely those skates have been sitting for ages in a warehouse at HM and could very well have been rusting on the shelves.

When you have an issue with a warranty, you go back to your dealer, they deal with the manufacturer for you. Seems that your anger should be aimed at HM not Graf in this case.

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