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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What flex do YOU use?

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Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180 lbs

Length of stick: Just above the chin

Flex: 85 considering trying a 77

Age(optional): 24

Position: Mostly D

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Height: 5'8

Weight: 160 lbs

Length of stick: About level with my chin, barefoot

Flex: 77 (75)

Age(optional): 23

Position: Wing/Centre

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Height: 5'11"

Weight: 175 lbs

Length of stick: About level with my chin in skates

Flex: 77 One95

Age(optional): 33

Position: D

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Bumping this because this was pretty interesting.

I dumped all these responses into Excel, and here's what I came up with:

Average Height: 5' 10.8"

Average Weight: 186.78 lbs

Average Flex: 86.44

Average Weight to Flex Ratio: 2.18 lbs to flex (or flex equals 2.18 times body weight)

Average Height to Flex Ratio: 0.83 inches to flex (or height divided by 0.83 equals flex)

Of course when I sorted from smallest to largest, the average flex slowly climbed from 65 to 86.

Finally, I made up an "adjusted flex" which assumed a 5'11 player would use a 60" stick then adjusted 3% up or down in flex for each inch of stick length, and the average was still 86.47. So in other words, players tended to use what would be the equivalent of an 85 flex stick depending on how much they had to cut the stick down or add in length.

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Height: 5'7

Weight: 125

Length of stick: About an inch below the chin on skates

Flex: 60-80

Age: 17

Position: Center or wing depending on injuries.

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I'm sure me using 50flex sticks, skewed the average just a tad. :lol:

  Jarick said:
Bumping this because this was pretty interesting.

I dumped all these responses into Excel, and here's what I came up with:

Average Height: 5' 10.8"

Average Weight: 186.78 lbs

Average Flex: 86.44

Average Weight to Flex Ratio: 2.18 lbs to flex (or flex equals 2.18 times body weight)

Average Height to Flex Ratio: 0.83 inches to flex (or height divided by 0.83 equals flex)

Of course when I sorted from smallest to largest, the average flex slowly climbed from 65 to 86.

Finally, I made up an "adjusted flex" which assumed a 5'11 player would use a 60" stick then adjusted 3% up or down in flex for each inch of stick length, and the average was still 86.47. So in other words, players tended to use what would be the equivalent of an 85 flex stick depending on how much they had to cut the stick down or add in length.

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Height: 6'0

Weight: 200 lbs

Length of stick: just under my chin, not sure

Flex: 80 and 90...same stick, 2 flexes

Age(optional): 28

Position: D

I pick the 90 flex for just playing the point, 80 flex when I feel like being fancy

if I had to chose one, I'd pick the 90 flex

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  Leb_CRX said:
Height: 6'0

Weight: 200 lbs

Length of stick: just under my shin, not sure

Flex: 80 and 90...same stick, 2 flexes

Age(optional): 28

Position: D

I pick the 90 flex for just playing the point, 80 flex when I feel like being fancy

if I had to chose one, I'd pick the 90 flex

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Under your shin? Damn you must have a low stance ;)

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Height: 6"

Weight: 160

Length: just under my chin on skates



Position: C

Just under the chin is the perfect combo of having a stick short enough to dangle and yet tall enough to get off a good shot without sacrificing velocity. Despite my weight, I still flex the hell out of an 85 but absolutely love it and wouldn't go higher at this point.

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