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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tipping etiquette for sharpeners?

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Hey guys,

I use the same one or two skate guys year round and I would say I get my skates sharpened about 24 times a year. Last year I tipped each 20 bucks and while they were happy, they seemed shocked.

Why not tip these men/women? I see them as performing a service for us, but from the reaction I received, I take it that it is very rarely done.

Any thoughts on this?

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I see tipping in general as a good thing anytime anyone is doing something for you that you could do yourself but choose to have them do for you. ie, you could eat dinner at home, but if your going to go out to eat and have someone bring you your food and such, you should definately tip them. However, not many ppl can cut their own hair, and hairdressers regularly get tips. It is their job. But I still tip when I get a haircut. Same thing with a skate sharpener. Not many people have the skills to do it themselves so someone else does it for them. It is someones job to sharpen your skates so is it absoultely neccisary to tip, probably not. Just as most wouldnt tip the guy who repairs their car or plumbing in their home. Its just one of those things. Sometimes people tip me at the hotel if I bring extra towels or provide directions to the beach or something, but its my job to do that so I'm usually suprised to get a tip.

All that rambling being said, if they do a good job and are friendly to you and such, I think its a very nice gesture to tip them every now and then, if not every time you get them sharpened. Just kinda reinforces that you recognize the skills they've honed and appreciate them taking the time to make sure you can skate on the blades they just sharpened for you.

I used to wait tables so I tip always and generally more than 20% if they do a decent job. Hell I just got a 12 dollar haircut and gave the girl an 8 dollar tip. Made her day. Thought she was gonna follow me to my car and have her way with me for 8 bucks :) lol.

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Hey guys,

I use the same one or two skate guys year round and I would say I get my skates sharpened about 24 times a year. Last year I tipped each 20 bucks and while they were happy, they seemed shocked.

Why not tip these men/women? I see them as performing a service for us, but from the reaction I received, I take it that it is very rarely done.

Any thoughts on this?

If you are happy with your regular sharpener, and you have a good rapport with them, absolutely shoot them a tip every once in a while. They might be shocked, but guaranteed they appreciate it!

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I generally try to refuse tips, but around Christmas you get into the situation in which people tip whoever has given them year-round service (mailman, trash, etc) and so I understand what they're trying to do there.

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What about a 6-pack of good beer, would that be a non-refusable tip? We had the same mailman for 20+ years growing up... every christmas eve he delivered in a Santa outfit, and my parents would give him a nice 6 pack. He'd come inside, relax for a few minutes and drink a beer. My parents also give a few six packs to trash guys. Beer always seems to make peoples day.

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We used to have a mock up 'Price List' of Sharpen Skates - 6 Pack Re-Rivet Skates - 12 Pack Replace Holders/Major Repairs - Case

Beer is ALWAYS an acceptable form of payment/tip/barter. One of our HS Kids' dad is a Beer Delivery guy, and would always be throwing 12's in the back of our cars when we weren't looking. A great surprise to open the car to when you've had a rough day.

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I always try to through some money to the 2 guys that take care of me at the shop.... When someone drops everything they are doing everytime you walk in and takes care you of with no questions asked year round I don't think an extra $50-$100 bucks is absurd with the amount of things they take care of for me

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I have my own sharpener and sharpen skates for $5 for folks I know. occasionally they'll give me a $10 bill and tell me to keep it. when I say they don't have to do that they replay that they want to keep me happy. it all goes in a fund to purchase a PS3.

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Tip large and tip often

im guessing your a skate sharpener?


I have never considered tipping my skate sharpener, but i do think it would be a good idea to do it. If you tip them maybe your skates will be taken extra care of :)

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What about a 6-pack of good beer, would that be a non-refusable tip? We had the same mailman for 20+ years growing up... every christmas eve he delivered in a Santa outfit, and my parents would give him a nice 6 pack. He'd come inside, relax for a few minutes and drink a beer. My parents also give a few six packs to trash guys. Beer always seems to make peoples day.

I'm slightly surprised your not Canadian!

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I never refused any tips from sharpening. I DID always split with my coworker however...even the idiots. I always took great care of everyone's skates, but it was a nice gesture from my usual customers who appreciated my service. Hell, even a $1 or $2 tip was a good thing, just a small token of apperciation.

Point being, you dont have to tip every sharpening, but once in awhile its refreshing.


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I always try to through some money to the 2 guys that take care of me at the shop.... When someone drops everything they are doing everytime you walk in and takes care you of with no questions asked year round I don't think an extra $50-$100 bucks is absurd with the amount of things they take care of for me

I usually tip my sharpener $1-4. I only go to him about 10 times a year as my dad's friend usually does it for free and does an excellent job (very grateful :) ). So tipping $30 - 40 is no big deal to me as he does a very good job and always takes care of me.

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Now, like I said, while I may not accept a tip, do make a conscious effort to thank your tech when they go above and beyond for you.

That would include dismantling and reattaching a holder with rivets so rusted you had to bore them out with a drill bit, in 5 minutes so that you could finish your game. Don't walk out and think that everyone can do that.

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I hate the whole concept of tipping in general. It makes no sense to toss someone extra money for doing their job, when other people at other jobs get nothing but their wage. With that said, I still tip when out for dinner or down at the bar.

I've never thought to tip the guy sharpening my skates, but since I've floated around for the past few years, I've never been able to build a rapport with any one store or technician. Where I live, it's not really thought of to tip your skate technician.

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Now, like I said, while I may not accept a tip, do make a conscious effort to thank your tech when they go above and beyond for you.

That would include dismantling and reattaching a holder with rivets so rusted you had to bore them out with a drill bit, in 5 minutes so that you could finish your game. Don't walk out and think that everyone can do that.

Why is it that the people with the most absurd demands, have the least amount of appreciation?

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And in all probability, those are the people who have typically been handed things most of their life and are probably spoiled to some extent.

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