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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can you identify this pro stock curve?

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Hey everyone, got a picture from a buddy of mine who was in a LHS the other day. He knew I was looking for some type of toe curve. Stick is a Bauer pro stock and is a one95. No name on the stick (edit: apparently there was a nameplate). Is this the Ovi curve or what are we looking at here?



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The curve and P08 are what made me think that, even tho it does look like a Hossa. I have a couple Ovie One95s headed my way and I can't wait to rope that steer.

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Pretty sure its Bauers left handed Ovechkin mirror, a local rep told me it was a pro option in consideration for retail.

My pants would need to be washed if this were the case

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My pants would need to be washed if this were the case

You and me both friend...

I keep going back and forth about buying a pro stock Ovie stick, but can't justify the $250 on it...

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Pretty sure its Bauers left handed Ovechkin mirror, a local rep told me it was a pro option in consideration for retail.

I know that day will most likely never come, but if it does I will shit my pants with delight.

It does look like a mirrored Ovechkin/Samsonov or a Hossa though. Nice looking stick.

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has a toe hook ever succeeded at retail?

now of course if it's got ovy's name on it, we can probably guarantee that it will sell, let's hope they bring it down to the 67 flex level if they decide to, goalie's beware!

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To guys that work at shops, since we're talking about Ovechkin's name, did Drury-style curves sell well before the CCM Ovechkin pattern?

And, about regular consumers buying a hook like that, I know of a lot of beer leaguers that love banana curves and don't really understand whether it's a mid or a toe, just that it looks big.

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To guys that work at shops, since we're talking about Ovechkin's name, did Drury-style curves sell well before the CCM Ovechkin pattern?

And, about regular consumers buying a hook like that, I know of a lot of beer leaguers that love banana curves and don't really understand whether it's a mid or a toe, just that it looks big.

Why would Easton continue to make the Drury curve if it wasn't successful?

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To guys that work at shops, since we're talking about Ovechkin's name, did Drury-style curves sell well before the CCM Ovechkin pattern?

And, about regular consumers buying a hook like that, I know of a lot of beer leaguers that love banana curves and don't really understand whether it's a mid or a toe, just that it looks big.

Thats why I used a Gaborik for the longest time, before I realized I could actually stick handle with a heatley. :huh:

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Hey everyone, got a picture from a buddy of mine who was in a LHS the other day. He knew I was looking for some type of toe curve. Stick is a Bauer pro stock and is a one95. No name on the stick (edit: apparently there was a nameplate). Is this the Ovi curve or what are we looking at here?



As you can see it has much deeper curve than my last year's Marian Hossa (Marcel has even less if i recall correctly) so unless he changed his pattern that's not it. :huh:

Edit: Can't imagine playing with a bigger hook on it. Hitting(unintentionally) crossbar from the crease while dragging the puck behind me happened to me numerous of times.:huh:

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