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The video game thread

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  JR Boucicaut said:
You're a bad influence on my life, Drew.

I need to work on MSH3.0 and there you are making me buy video games.

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Who needs a new MSH, don't fix what ain't broke.!!!!!!

Go ahead, play your video games

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I'm quite anxious for grand theft horses tomorrow. UFC undisputed 2010 next week will also be on it's way.

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I picked up my copy this morning but have to finish a Midterm before I can play it. Do you know how hard it is to turn around and see it sitting on my bed and not being able to play it???

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I've got about 3 or so hours on it now. Plays a lot like GTA IV in the single player. That's not a bad thing I guess, just a note.

The only thing I hate right now is how long it takes to travel. Just got a new horse so maybe travel times will be cut down. I finally have $200 so I can buy either a shotgun or a new pistol. For being so accurate in many respects it seems odd that things cost so much. I really like shooting shit from horseback and the fact they don't make you buy all your ammo though.

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
Is anyone as addicted to Assassins Creed 2 as I am? I've finished it a couple of times, but there are still plenty of things to do (the assassin missions, races, deliveries). I also just added some microsoft points to my account so am going to download the additional levels tonight
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I am! Love that game. I finished the game but not all the achievements. Now I'm playing Bayonetta which is not quite what I was expecting. It's a fun game but IMO nowhere near whan AC2 is. AC3 Brotherhood is coming out in September. You can already pre-order the game. It will be playable online too.

  Krev said:
Um, wow. That is both awesome and disturbing.


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I just might have to get that game!

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Did a search and was surprised to see I couldn't find a more recent thread.

Anyone get into Borderlands 2? I just beat True Vault Hunter Mode and now I'm trying to collect some legendary weapons. Really hoping to pick up a conference call after recently getting The bee and dandy volcano.

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  Moose said:
Did a search and was surprised to see I couldn't find a more recent thread.

Anyone get into Borderlands 2? I just beat True Vault Hunter Mode and now I'm trying to collect some legendary weapons. Really hoping to pick up a conference call after recently getting The bee and dandy volcano.

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borderlands 2 was fun for 4 playthroughs and it got old, at least for me. collecting legendary weapons doesnt have an appeal to me unless there was achievements or unless it was a mmorpg were it would be more cooler.

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I'm still playing the first Borderlands (picked up the GOTY edition for $20 last year) and haven't been able to finish it off yet. I've put a couple hours into Borderlands 2 on a buddy's system. Feels too much like the first one for me to buy it yet (waiting on GOTY as well as a price drop). If you don't get the DLC it can get really old after a couple of months of grinding away.

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I picked up Borderlands 2 for $28 as a "deal of the day" at Best Buy a couple weeks ago but ended up just selling it to my friend and picked up Far Cry 3. By the time I'm done with it I hope there's another price drop for it and I'll pick it up then.

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Dishonored looked good till a friend told me it was like a mixture of Bioshock and Assassin's Creed, two games I despise. I saw it just went on sale for $30 this week so I'm going to gamble on it being worth at least that.

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Still trying to make it through Skyrim. Not going so well. You have to invest so much time into it or else it's just not worth picking up the controller.

For that matter, I'm not even remotely close to finishing GTA:4, either.

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  On 12/13/2012 at 5:07 AM, OptimusReim said:

Still trying to make it through Skyrim. Not going so well. You have to invest so much time into it or else it's just not worth picking up the controller.

For that matter, I'm not even remotely close to finishing GTA:4, either.

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I've spent countless hours this past year with Skyrim. Recently hit 100% game completion, with just 3 trophies (ps3) left to get all of the trophies in the game. Still waiting on the dlc for ps3, which is looking more and more hopeless with each passing day.

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Been playing Assassin's Creed III as of late. Just bought a PS3 after selling my Xbox 360 a year ago. I also have COD Black Ops II lined up after I complete AC3. I'm more of a casual player, couple of times a week or so. I love AC3 but it does get repetitive after a while but I still enjoy it. I'll probably buy Dishonored if I get a gift card or something. Not entirely sold on that game yet as the reviews are either very good or horrible on the game. So if I get a gift card, then I'm not really losing anything by buying the game. It's the Assassin's Creed like play that makes me want to buy while the mention of being also similar to Bioshock makes me hesitate a bit as I did not like Bioshock.

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I don't find Dishonored to be like AC at all, I haven't played Bioshock because I'm not generally a fan of first-person games. Gamespot did have it as game of the year across all platforms.

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Yep, discovered that after buying the game. A lot of people were saying that it was a mix between AC and Bioshock. I haven't played Bioshock enough to say if it's present in the game but I don't really see any AC in Dishonored except perhaps sneaking in from behind to kill people. I also go Far Cry III and so far so good. Fairly entertaining.

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