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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Winnipeg Jets return

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About the same as the Baltimore Ravens being the continuation of the old Cleveland Browns. You have to keep track of the years to know which organization you're looking at.

No, the Browns' legacy stayed in Cleveland. Baltimore's records started when they played their first game. Cleveland was inactive for three years.


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No, the Browns' legacy stayed in Cleveland. Baltimore's records started when they played their first game. Cleveland was inactive for three years.


I didn't know that; the possibility never occurred to me. That's even a stranger way to do it, considering a lot of players made the move to Baltimore, playing for the same team, with a different name.

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No, the Browns' legacy stayed in Cleveland. Baltimore's records started when they played their first game. Cleveland was inactive for three years.

That is EXACTLY what they should have done in Phoenix. New team...new records. Steen and Hawerchuk should have a ceremony in Winnipeg. Teemu's rookie record occurred in Winnipeg and although Phoenix may claim ownership, Winnipeg fans who watched his magical rookie year own that piece of history. I for one will be buying the new jersey. Great to see them back in a REAL hockey city.

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That is EXACTLY what they should have done in Phoenix. New team...new records. Steen and Hawerchuk should have a ceremony in Winnipeg. Teemu's rookie record occurred in Winnipeg and although Phoenix may claim ownership, Winnipeg fans who watched his magical rookie year own that piece of history. I for one will be buying the new jersey. Great to see them back in a REAL hockey city.

But what about Shane Doan's records? He was part of both teams and you can't just cut out his rookie season right?

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I didn't know that; the possibility never occurred to me. That's even a stranger way to do it, considering a lot of players made the move to Baltimore, playing for the same team, with a different name.

No. The simple way to look at it was that they were traded.

The worst part of it was that Baltimore initially wanted the Colts name; Irsay was willing to sell, but at an astronomical price.

Really think this should be the precedent going forward.

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Effectively, then, it was treated as a trade. To me, it's still a goofy situation.

I'm not inclined to argue. At least if a name isn't transferred to a new organization, we don't open this can of worms.

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But what about Shane Doan's records? He was part of both teams and you can't just cut out his rookie season right?

Doan should be treated like any other player that has played for multiple franchises. What he did in Winny deserves their respect, and Phoenix should celebrate his history there as well.

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New logo to be unveiled at 4pm Central. Twitter is showing this leaked photo that looks a lot like a design that someone posted in MSH a while back.http://www.sportslogos.net/blog/2011/07/22/possible-winnipeg-jets-leak/

Offical viewing here at 4pm

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Are they a Canadien team? I can't tell maybe they should plaster the Maple leaf all over the team. A bit much of that and the logo looks like its from clip art. Not a fan

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Everytime I look at it, reminds me of an overheadshot of the target on a curling sheet. I liked the logo of the 3 jets better.Hopefully it looks better on a jersey.

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Everytime I look at it, reminds me of an overheadshot of the target on a curling sheet. I liked the logo of the 3 jets better.Hopefully it looks better on a jersey.

I don't love it...I don't hate it. I'd like to see how it looks on the jersey as well.

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I dont mind it. I was hoping for something like what Washington did with an updated logo that was similar to the old one...

I would have preferred some of the ones floating around the interwebs. I especially like this:


And honestly, I kinda like this:


Oh well, whatever... they have a team back, and that's the important thing!

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Just what the league needed, more red and blue. Hopefully they use more silver and less red.

At least it isn't baby blue, navy blue and dark blue like in recent trends (fla,cbj etc...)

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Just what the league needed, more red and blue. Hopefully they use more silver and less red.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. As if the Rangers, Blue Jackets, Canadians, and Caps weren't enough with such a color scheme.

I understand heritage, but change it up a little. I loved it when teams like the Stars had their star-shaped jersey or the maroon/blue fade with the Canucks. SOMETHING different and creative.

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The logo's alright, not crap but not great. The logo looks kind of cheap to me, almost like they made it on a cheap computer program. Saying that, I think it will look really good on a silver/grey jersey. It's tough to tell without a jersey though!

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Not a fan of the logos, but you just knew they had to do something new when they went with the old name.

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