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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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Yes, if you could get retail AK pros without the silly graphics I would own a pair or two. My buddy has Perrons AKs and the glove looks absolutely amazing without the graphics.

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possibly due to the short time frame, they couldn't get the graphics on this pair?

i'm thinking graphics and more brass would look AWESOME

Yes, please. These ones are kind of boring

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He was using a white ST for awhile now, it does look like he's using a white S19 now though after looking on Getty.

I've had a few Ryder yellow S17s and they were all SE repaints. Im assuming his S19s are the same deal.

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It was exactly what he asked Warrior to make for him, so, guess he is "lame."

If only I could ask Warrior to make those for me... The AK27 is a great glove, I've just always hated the graphics. A plain black pair would have sold. At least to me. I'm hoping that the Luxe is somewhat similar in fit.

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Didn't realize pros still were using T-blades, Dennis Seidenberg last night in Vancouver


Are the Goc brothers still around? They wear them too, I think

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Are the Goc brothers still around? They wear them too, I think

I believe I've read on here before that the (German) T-Blade people have deals with all the German NHL'ers.

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Didn't realize pros still were using T-blades, Dennis Seidenberg last night in Vancouver


Whats up with some of these guys still using the old style white outsoles on their newer skates? I noticed that Patrick Marleau has been in them forever as well. What is the benefit of them? Stiffness?

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Whats up with some of these guys still using the old style white outsoles on their newer skates? I noticed that Patrick Marleau has been in them forever as well. What is the benefit of them? Stiffness?

I'm not too sure, but I don't think it'd be stiffness. If anything, I'd say preference or comfort. But I'm sure some of the other msh'ers would have a better answer.

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Didn't realize his stick was THAT short.

not sure if it's just me or if it's just the angle of the pic, but if i'm seeing it right, it looks like the tip of the blade comes almost to his chin? if that's the case, it doesn't seem that short at all compared to many other guys where it's cut to the top the sternum...like sid for instance.

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not sure if it's just me or if it's just the angle of the pic, but if i'm seeing it right, it looks like the tip of the blade comes almost to his chin? if that's the case, it doesn't seem that short at all compared to many other guys where it's cut to the top the sternum...like sid for instance.

If you look closer, the butt end of his stick isn't touching the ice... by several inches.

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Ryder's stick looks like a white SE16. I think he was using them earlier in the year too, before the white STs

actually, maybe that is an s19, I can't really tell, couldn't find a much better picture

Whatever it's painted as it's probably the same ST he's been using for a few years

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If you look closer, the butt end of his stick isn't touching the ice... by several inches.

ah missed that part. still though, it would put the stick right about to his upper sternum which is pretty common with many pro's as can be observed from that pro stick length site..

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