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Crosby Shoots Hard

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I've seen very heavy goal frames and very light ones.... (thicker and thinner walled tubing).... when lifting them to put the anchor pegs in the difference is significant - even if the frame pads are in place.... cold net on fresh clean ice slides really easy too (go watch a 7:00 am mite game sometime)...I also remember how far my slapper was able to move the old heavy nets back in the 80's when I was in my 20-something... yeah, I can definitely believe it moved that much....

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I remember how far I was able to move the old heavy nets back in the 80's when I was in my 20-something...

Those old, heavy ones with the metal plates at the bottom? No matter where you put the puck, they always went "clank". I think they still have a few of those at the old arena in Hershey.

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Agreed. You can clearly see the net move by itself before a shot like halfway through the video. No doubt Crosby has a hard shot...but this is beyond fake.

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I don't see why people would think this is fake. It's not like the Stamkos video where they are clocking his shot. He's moving a dislodged net on fresh ice....

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I don't know if this has any relevance, but one peg is in and the other is not (well, it's in the net, just not on the line). Also, he's shooting it at the far post, it seems to me he really only has to move half the net.

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I was more impressed that he hit the same spot over and over again with hard slappers. Not that it should be a challenge for one of the best hockey players in the world.

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I was more impressed that he hit the same spot over and over again with hard slappers. Not that it should be a challenge for one of the best hockey players in the world.

As was I.

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I don't see why people would think this is fake. It's not like the Stamkos video where they are clocking his shot. He's moving a dislodged net on fresh ice....

Mostly because the net moves BEFORE the puck gets there on half the shots. ;) I'm assuming someone has a string tied to the bottom crossbar and is pulling it as the shots get there.

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Mostly because the net moves BEFORE the puck gets there on half the shots. ;) I'm assuming someone has a string tied to the bottom crossbar and is pulling it as the shots get there.

he hits the post on just about every shot. thats probably why you think the net moves before the puck gets there. look a little more closely.

and honestly, you think that someone with a string tied to the cross bar is more likely than SIDNEY CROSBY hitting the post and knocking a dislodged net back a few inches?

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you think that someone with a string tied to the cross bar is more likely than SIDNEY CROSBY hitting the post and knocking a dislodged net back a few inches?

this is exactly why they would fake it. people think because it's "SIDNEY CROSBY", that it must be true, and that must be the BEST STICK. i'm not doubting it's a good stick, but companies are going to do what they can to make people believe they can vastly improve their game, and that is why i believe it's fake.

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i believe it, when I have the rink to myself, after about ten slappers the net has moved 6-10" from the goal line. And I'm not drilling posts every time or shooting nearly as hard as Sidney Crosby.

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I would say the net moving on the five shots in a row is legit, but that last one is fake. Couple things that indicate that, to me, are that they cut the video away from the net for the last shot, and that the net is more or less in the air when they cut back to the net. I might be wrong, but the first five definitely look real to me.

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