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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

2011 Bauer Catalogue

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Is anyone pre-ordering them? I'm starting to get pre-order e-mails. I don't think I could order skates without trying them on first, and at that price point, might as well spend the extra dough and go custom.

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  On 3/3/2011 at 4:19 AM, ponder said:

That would be an awesome looking skate for sure, even more so with a less shiny finish. I'm not a fan of how Vapors look at all, even though I'm currently skating in X40s (love the fit and performance, which is obviously what really matters, just don't like how they look).

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Ditto!! I'm holding out for LE's and hope they look like that!!! Anything else will be depressing.

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hey , when it says make for custom , how many do i have to order? usually with custom helmets its 12 , but i was wondering to get some gloves custom

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For a custom glove order you need minimum of 12. In the book that is in reference to made to order, meaning if u want those colors u have to order them in ur booking order

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  On 4/8/2011 at 3:01 AM, snuzzo24 said:

Anyone know if the supreme shin guards are wider than the vapors?

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I believe they are, I have the Supreme One75s & they looked/felt wider than the Vapor X:40s (I think) that I tried on at my LHS.

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I tried on Vapors - no fit.

I bought Supreme One95s - wider = fit.

I consider them pretty thin compared to RBK, really a midrange width pad.

The TotalOne is expected to pretty similar to the One95. More of an anatomical fit and a different knee cap.

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All right thanks! I am looking to possibly get the One60s pending fit. Vapors were too narrow for my liking and didn't feel right. How might they be compared to CCM or Easton shin guards?

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Yeah I agree with you guys. I used to have Supreme50's, then this year I got the x:40's. The quality is a little higher in the vapor shin guard. I like the Vapor better, even though its a little bit more narrow than the supreme pad. But that is just my personal opinion.

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I tried on some total one gloves today and had a few thoughts. by no means am i an expert, but not a total noob (i hope). this is coming from wearing x60's, and loving them

-the padding feels very bulky on the outside of the fingers

-the palm feels very thick and doesnt make for a good feel with stick in hand

-they cost less (189.99) than the supreme one95's(199.99) did (canadian prices) which i found odd

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  On 4/16/2011 at 1:00 AM, t6lock said:

I tried on some total one gloves today and had a few thoughts. by no means am i an expert, but not a total noob (i hope). this is coming from wearing x60's, and loving them

-the padding feels very bulky on the outside of the fingers

-the palm feels very thick and doesnt make for a good feel with stick in hand

-they cost less (189.99) than the supreme one95's(199.99) did (canadian prices) which i found odd

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I tried them on too...not very impressed. I'm normally in 13" gloves, but the T1s had very short fingers...moved up to a 14" and it just didn't feel right. The finger rolls felt very stiff (granted, there will be break-in) at first and... 'blocky'? Not impressed, will wait for the Eagle Talon

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I get that, my preference IS for anatomical gloves, but these ones just don't feel right (too stiff?) for me. but then again, it IS personal preference.

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Just picked up my TotalOne pants yesterday, played a little bit of pickup on them last night...liking the fit a lot so far.

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  On 4/17/2011 at 1:43 PM, dkmiller3356 said:

Definitely gonna get the TotalOne pants. My One90 pants are shredded.

Has anyone tried on the shoulder pads? It loos like the new shoulder caps are a more low profile design.

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You'll be really happy with the TO Pants. I like how adjustable the waist is. The upper is nice and stiff, something I like in a pant.

As for the shoulder pads..I tried them on. Def very nice pads. Really lightweight and the caps are low. If I needed new shoulder pads, I'd prob have picked them up. I have Easton Stealth S9's and they've got a slightly lower cap than the TO's

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What has been the response to the Vent Armor? How protective is the Vent Armor when compared to HD foam with poly? It seems that going from something like the T1 pant (Vent Armor kidney) to the One80 pant (HD foam with poly) seems to be a downgrade in protection. I understand that it may come as a trade-off for improved weight/air flow/mobility, but if I'm (theoretically) looking for the Bauer pants with the best kidney protection, it's not the Total One, is it?

Also, how protective is that tailbone/seat section in the Total One? Same as the One95? I fall on my ass a lot.

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