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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are your leagues rules on jerseys?

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The league I currently play in technically requires home and away jerseys but I know a bunch of teams just use one jersey with a non common color. I'm trying to start a team of my own and I have been trying to figure out the jersey situation because my current team just uses plain black and plain white and thats boring! I emailed the guy who runs the league and he said we are required to have both.. is there a chance that this is not enforced because I have seen other teams not do it. I think something like the Brampton or old Kings with bright purple could work for a dark or light jersey.

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if you specifically asked and he specifically told you to get two, you should probably get two. you cant exactly claim ignorance if there ends up being a conflict somewhere down the line.

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My league requires same jersey with numbers.

There are a couple people in charge who want us to have matching socks, and a color and a white jersey. And one who has his team have helmet stickers, a decal, and is getting them all same color gloves pants and helmets. Kinda ridiculous imo...

Personall I think leagues need to have same jersey with numbers, and if two teams want the same color (like navy) then they need to have a set of whites aswell. Beer leagues pretty much are half old people who can't play competitive anymore, then half who never played who want to have their childhood experience they never had.

If its a weird color that no one has, you should be fine.

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Our league sucks. I don't think there are any REAL rules on jerseys. Seems like the teams just need to have different colors.

I saw a red team playing an orange team a couple weeks ago.


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Our league doesn't have any rules about jerseys. My previous team had a home/away and it was really nice. Out of 6 teams 3 are red now. So when we play another red team we become random white jerseys with tape numbers.

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Our league has a pretty good solution in place that allows teams to have only one set of jerseys. The entire system is based upon team senority.

Should there happen to be a colour conflict come game time, the team which has been in the league for less time is required to switch. There is master senority list posted at the begining of the season (and on the website) and two set of jerseys that can be signed out at the rink office.

It works well because there is no longer any arguements over who has who change.

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Our league provides jerseys as part of the league fees, unless the team specifically opts out. The team will save about $10 per player, but are required to have matching jerseys for the entire team, including numbers. They only require one color jersey, and teams with custom jerseys typically have seniority over the league provided unis. The league then does a really good job of getting unis in a variety of colors so, for the most part, teams don't have the same colors. In the event they are close (navy vs. black) the HOME team keeps their unis, and the GUEST must change.

Either way, our league rules are irrelevant. As another poster mentioned, you'd better off simply getting a home and away, since that precisely what the rink admin told you.

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My spring league which is mainly where the league jerseys would vary, the design is the same with some diff. varying color scheme. We did have one team who did some Rbk jerseys in the home sabres scheme. They only used one, but the colors and design greatly varied. IMO, if I needed a home and away I'd look at some of the reversible jerseys. I dunno how much they cost though.

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It seems to be the norm for beer leagues to require home and away jerseys. Of course, the reality is that the refs are often less than interested in enforcing these rules to any real degree. Some of that is just not wanting to deal with it, but I think a lot of it is practical as well. Beer league teams turn over players often. Never been on a beer league team that had the same roster in a summer and winter season, much less year to year. For teams that do expensive custom sweaters it's often difficult, if not outright impossible, to get sweaters for new players in a timely fashion. Or it just might not be possible to get a sweater for a new player at all.

If the league says you need two jerseys than get two, just prevents the possibility of a head ache down the road. If you don't, well in my experience the refs aren't likely to be ultra strict on the issue either. I know getting CCM solid color and solid white practice jerseys might be boring, but in the world of beer league hockey it's the most practical and affordable solution.

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The league that I play in requires teams to have a home jersey (white) and an away jersey (dark). Last season one of the players from the opposing team had a jersey that was black and white, which caused some confusion on the ice. Some of our players would see a light colored jersey out of the corner of their eye thinking it was one of our players, but if wasn't. I would just abide by the league's rules so it won't cause any problems and/or confusion.

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My league requires on color. If both teams have a dark color or are both white, the home team has to change into another color jersey supplied by the league. My team got our new shirts and some douchebag from the other team came and told us we had to change because they were dark and our jerseys are maroon and we weere the home team. He had a big smile on his face, what a jerk.

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The rules in our league state that teams must have matching colored jerseys with numbers that correspond to the numbers players are listed with on the team roster we turn in before the season. We had very nice customs made for the first season, but as someone mentioned, our roster turnover was so bad that to get players to fill out the roster we had to go with much cheaper CCM practice jerseys (In the same color and with our crest and numbers). But, we still abide by the rules of keeping everyone in matching jerseys with numbers. Alot of teams have their guys wear whatever, and it really is frustrating especially when we spend so much time making sure everyone on our roster is in line with the league's rules.

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Thanks for the responses !

It seems there are "league rules" and rules that everyone follows. I think what we might do is get a set of matching dark jerseys in a non common color and if there are any conflicts just wear white.

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I play in one of the HNA (Hockey North America) Leagues and they require every team to wear the same jersey (home or away), same color helmets, helmets, and socks. It was expensive but well worth it. Hate when it is just a collection of random jerseys, same uni's make it feel more like a team.

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It seems to be the norm for beer leagues to require home and away jerseys. Of course, the reality is that the refs are often less than interested in enforcing these rules to any real degree. Some of that is just not wanting to deal with it, but I think a lot of it is practical as well. Beer league teams turn over players often. Never been on a beer league team that had the same roster in a summer and winter season, much less year to year. For teams that do expensive custom sweaters it's often difficult, if not outright impossible, to get sweaters for new players in a timely fashion. Or it just might not be possible to get a sweater for a new player at all.

If the league says you need two jerseys than get two, just prevents the possibility of a head ache down the road. If you don't, well in my experience the refs aren't likely to be ultra strict on the issue either. I know getting CCM solid color and solid white practice jerseys might be boring, but in the world of beer league hockey it's the most practical and affordable solution.

the best solution - and i've been through it all - is to buy the jerseys and lease them to the players. the player keeps the jersey as long as he is with the team and if he leaves, he sells the jersey to the next guy taking his place.

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Our league requires matching jerseys, but expects everyone to have another jersey in the event of a conflict. I would suggest getting a set in the color you want and then buying a cheap set in a completely different color if you end up with a conflict.

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In our league whenever there are conflicting colors, the home team gets to wear their team jerseys and we supply the visiting team with pullovers to wear. It doesn't happen very often anymore, only during tourneys.

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Our league requires matching jerseys, but expects everyone to have another jersey in the event of a conflict. I would suggest getting a set in the color you want and then buying a cheap set in a completely different color if you end up with a conflict.

I think thats what we are going to do.. have everyone bring our "main" jersey and a random white to every game.

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the best solution - and i've been through it all - is to buy the jerseys and lease them to the players. the player keeps the jersey as long as he is with the team and if he leaves, he sells the jersey to the next guy taking his place.

If it works, I guess it works. I'm not entirely sure I'd be thrilled about a used jersey. Or what happens when someone doesn't want to sale it? Unless you laid out the cash all yourself you really can't demand that they sale it to someone else if they'd rather have the keep sake.

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I have gathered that he paid for the jerseys, and I would guess if you want to buy it you have to buy a new one to replace it.

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