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Should I wear shoulders for in house?

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I'm looking to get back into ice - just in-house mens league.

It's been 10 years since i last played ice. I've been playing indoor roller for the last 10.

My question is, do I need to wear shoulders? or is it suggested? Do a lot of guys not play with them?

I'm a smaller guy, 150 pounds 5'10. I play hard and fast, but hate anything that limits my mobility.

If i really should be wearing them, i'm guessing I should go with a basic minimum coverage shoulder like the x20 or something?

Or is there a specific model anyone would recommend that is going to feel like it's not there?

Any input on this is appreciated.



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I wear sherwood 5030s, not really much of anything to them. I would suggest wearing something with a plastic chest insert, possibly spinal coverage as well if you plan on going anywhere near the net. There's always one meat head that thinks he's in the NHL.

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Some guys don't wear them, but I think that's just a macho thing like not wanting to wear a visor, etc. The majority of guys I play with wear them. I wouldn't want to leave that large a portion of my body competely unprotected. You never know what could happen, and you'd feel pretty stupid if you got hurt because you weren't wearing them. As long as you're not wearing giant football shoulder pads it won't be enough of a change in mobility to actually effect your play. Just try a few pairs on at the store and see what's most comfortable for you.

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I've taken a number of pucks off the chest that would have been very painful at best without a chest guard.

Even with low end shoulders I ended up with a fractured clavicle that took 6 screws and a plate to repair a couple of weeks ago.

Yes it was a freak accident but I wonder if I would be playing in this weeks league championship game instead of coaching had I had good protection.

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It's always the random stuff that gets you. I love the 5030's, but I took a clearing attempt off the collarbone a month ago - they have very little protection up there and on the chest. I still use them, but if it's a decent skate or somewhat competitive, I'll use some CCM Vectors. They're not a huge pad, but lots of protection on the chest and collar.

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+1 on wearing them. I have gotten tripped up & landed on my shoulder & without anything on I'm sure I would at least have gotten a bad bruise.

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I like having the chest and shoulder protection. Like previously stated, there is always someone who thinks they are in the NHL or going to make it to the NHL.

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I wear sherwood 5030s, not really much of anything to them. I would suggest wearing something with a plastic chest insert, possibly spinal coverage as well if you plan on going anywhere near the net. There's always one meat head that thinks he's in the NHL.

What Chad said. I would get the ccm fit 05 they are cheap with great range of motion and offer more protection then the 5030 etc. Anything less and you might as well not bother with shoulder pads.

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I like my Farrell pads. I take of the hard plastic shoulder and biceps, but I leav on the kidney and spine protection. It is like wearing a shirt! Not sure if they are enough protection, but I like them.

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I also play fast and when I'm tryin to dump and chase, taking the outside route I bump into the boards more than I'd like to and hitting your shoulder on the stanchions are painful without pads. I wear my shoulder pads very very loosely and it helps me move a little bit more.

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I won't step on the ice without a pair of shoulder pads. Just being tripped up will convince you to wear them, especially if you catch a rut in the ice.

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I would definitely wear some type of shoulder protection. As I've said multiple times on this board, you never know if you'll fall awkwardly or catch an puck in the chest or back. Something is better than nothing in this game. Your health and well being should be priority for yourself and your family.

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thanks for the input everyone. i will take your advice and start looking for some good fitting shoulders. i like the reebok 8k, but i'm really gonna just have to try on a few pairs to see what feels loose enough for me.

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thanks for the input everyone. i will take your advice and start looking for some good fitting shoulders. i like the reebok 8k, but i'm really gonna just have to try on a few pairs to see what feels loose enough for me.

Make sure you get what fits nicely. Go to a hockey shop where the guys know their stuff and don't be afraid to ask for help.

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I always wear mine. As a defenseman I'm concerned about a puck to the sternum or spine, not worth the risk.

Plus I'd rather not get used to the feeling of freedom without them on.

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Have you actually already bought them? Then what use would they be sitting in the bag or at home. Might as well use it.

I only play inline, but try to wear a padded shirt whenever I can. It does get way too hot in summer to be feasible, but in winter its something I definitely wear.

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I play in a non-check league, but when we play the boards you're going to want to wear something.

There is this moron who thinks we all love a good cross check to the back as means of stopping.

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I play in a non-check league, but when we play the boards you're going to want to wear something.

There is this moron who thinks we all love a good cross check to the back as means of stopping.

Hah that's a good point. If you're going to the net there's always people on teams that are gonna want to cross check you even in non contact leagues. I might do it too if I'm raged enough :)

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I wear them. Not the biggest but not 5030's either. As mentioned above a pair that fits won't really inhibit mobility, but they'll save your hide in an awkward fall or puck to the chest, back, or shoulder. Let's face it, any kind of significant injury is a hassle. Insurance, rehab, missed work (well maybe not that!) so why not give yourself some reasonable protection?

There are still plenty of ways to get hurt playing the game even with good protection, minimize the risks and have fun!

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+1 on wearing them. I have gotten tripped up & landed on my shoulder & without anything on I'm sure I would at least have gotten a bad bruise.

wear them, i one time i decided not to i got slew footed and landed pretty hard on my shoulder blade. I was perfectly fine but it's not worth it i gotta go to work next day.

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My personal experience: wear them. I started wearing mine again a few years ago. Last summer I got tripped skating full speed and hit the boards pretty hard. I ended up with a pretty serious separated shoulder; can't imagine how bad it would have been if I had nothing on.

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I wear the 5030's now. Back in the day that style was what I wore all the way to major junior. I think I saw Letang wearing them on the HBO special(I could be wrong). I always wear shoulder pads. That model and some of the other lower end models which offer better protection will not hinder your mobility at all.

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