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Gas prices

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yesterday while waiting in line to pay gas the guy in front starts to go off on the cashier. blaming the high prices on him. the other folks in line tell the guy to just pay and leave. well he starts throwing out f-bombs and getting out of control. in walks a cop, the cops tells him to pay and leave, the guy starts going off on the cop. next thing we see is this guys face down on the counter getting cuffed. the cop told him he was getting arrested for disorderly conduct, come to find out this is happening more and more in metro det. i wondering if it is happening elsewhere as well.

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It's a finite resource, prices are only going to go higher until we get off it

Market speculation is also a huge factor. There haven't been any shortages or problems caused by lack of supply to warrant such a significant increase.

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Market speculation is also a huge factor. There haven't been any shortages or problems caused by lack of supply to warrant such a significant increase.


Our gas prices have little to do with the availability of resources. It has to do with market speculation and production cuts from refineries.

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Not that it will ever happen, but somebody (like the president) should tell the auto manufacturers that every car/truck/whatever produced for the 2012 or 13 model year must have a mpg greater than 30 city/45 highway (the technology is there)...and put a cap on how much gas can jump up in price on a weekly or monthly basis. That's the only way the economy will bounce back if you aren't going to bring back industry that went to China or India...

wishful thinking, no?

Oh, and with every year, the new models must improve mpg's by 5...

further, tax breaks should be given to people who choose to purchase/lease fuel efficient cars, while a luxury tax should be put upon cars that are less than efficient (Hummer)...just saying...

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Not that it will ever happen, but somebody (like the president) should tell the auto manufacturers that every car/truck/whatever produced for the 2012 or 13 model year must have a mpg greater than 30 city/45 highway (the technology is there)......

wishful thinking, no?

Actually, the only part of the wishful thinking is the exact mileage, because one of Obama's early attempts while in office, and announced officially last year, was to up the fleet requirements for manufacturers. Their entire fleets (cars and trucks) must average 34.1 MPG by 2016.

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further, tax breaks should be given to people who choose to purchase/lease fuel efficient cars, while a luxury tax should be put upon cars that are less than efficient (Hummer)...just saying...

The government hands out way too many tax breaks as it is and the people with lower mileage cars are paying more in taxes via their higher level of consumption. The government should be subsidizing more research on replacement fuels and not screwing around with corn ethanol.

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Not true at all

instead of just contradiction, why not just tell us WHY you think so, it would make for a more meaningful discussion no? :facepalm:

edit : raganblink's right, I would say lower supply, very inelastic demand, presence of an oil cartel in OPEC, high degree of uncertainty in the middle east, increased demand (with population and globalization) and the desire for a profit margin are all reasons why

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very inelastic demand, presence of an oil cartel in OPEC

Spot on! Inelastic demand they can practically charge what they want and with behind the scenes collusion they have the advantage

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Oil isn't a finite resource?

There are some that believe oil is more plentiful than most people believe. That's why certain oil fields have lasted longer than projected. There are even some that believe oil is abiotic in nature and not just the result of decomposition. Some of the Russian oil field discoveries in recent decades lends credibility to that supposition, but it is not widely accepted. It's an interesting concept, but it's not accepted by many.

very inelastic demand, presence of an oil cartel in OPEC

Spot on! Inelastic demand they can practically charge what they want and with behind the scenes collusion they have the advantage

The Saudis could produce more than they do. In fact, they have increased production a couple times in an effort to keep prices at what they determine to be a reasonable level. If oil gets too expensive, they know more people will invest in other technologies. It's actually in their best interest to keep the price at a level where they make money, but not where they strangle other economies.

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The problem I have with gas prices is that they go up a lot faster than they come down. Here you'll get a 5 to 10 cent increase overnight when the barrel goes up a buck or two in the week but the prices will decrease by 1 cent every week for 1 month even though the barrel has gone down 5 bucks in one week. Then when it's gone down 5 cents, you get another 10 cent increase...

In Canada, more than likely even worldwide, the different levels of Government will not intervene because for every increase in gas price they get increased revenues from taxes.

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The government hands out way too many tax breaks as it is and the people with lower mileage cars are paying more in taxes via their higher level of consumption. The government should be subsidizing more research on replacement fuels and not screwing around with corn ethanol.

I'd say that it's a good thing people with lower mileage cars end up paying more. Hopefully that'll create a trend. I'm personally tired of seeing Joey Bag-o-donuts driving around in his 8mpg Hummer complaining that he pays too much for gas. Or all the idiots daily driving pickup trucks with Hemi's in them. If you feel you need to drive a truck that isn't economical in the least, you should have to pay.

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I'd say that it's a good thing people with lower mileage cars end up paying more. Hopefully that'll create a trend. I'm personally tired of seeing Joey Bag-o-donuts driving around in his 8mpg Hummer complaining that he pays too much for gas. Or all the idiots daily driving pickup trucks with Hemi's in them. If you feel you need to drive a truck that isn't economical in the least, you should have to pay.

They are already paying more, every time they fill the tank. I'm not advocating giving them a break at all, just not hitting them up with some kind of surcharge. A surcharge would also be hitting people with older vehicles that can't afford to replace them with newer and more efficient cars. The surcharge would also likely impact those with AWD or 4WD vehicles, discouraging people from buying vehicles that are safer to drive in areas with frequent or significant inclement weather.

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I'd say that it's a good thing people with lower mileage cars end up paying more. Hopefully that'll create a trend. I'm personally tired of seeing Joey Bag-o-donuts driving around in his 8mpg Hummer complaining that he pays too much for gas. Or all the idiots daily driving pickup trucks with Hemi's in them. If you feel you need to drive a truck that isn't economical in the least, you should have to pay.

You're forgetting about the folks out there who are driving older cars because they can't afford newer, more efficient models. A car's gas mileage will decrease over time. Let's punish them more for trying to save a buck by not having a car payment and feeding their kids instead.

Edit: I guess I should remember to read all the way through a thread before adding my 2 cents.

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I'd say that it's a good thing people with lower mileage cars end up paying more. Hopefully that'll create a trend. I'm personally tired of seeing Joey Bag-o-donuts driving around in his 8mpg Hummer complaining that he pays too much for gas. Or all the idiots daily driving pickup trucks with Hemi's in them. If you feel you need to drive a truck that isn't economical in the least, you should have to pay.

Really? So someone is an idiot because they drive a pickup truck with a certain type of motor? IT'S AMERICA. People have the CHOICE of what they want to drive. If I want to drive around a truck that gets 5 mpg, i will. We don't need the government involved in governing what people drive.

I'll agree with you about people complaining about gas prices though.

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How anyone can justify buying a Hummer is beyond me.

One thing Governments could do to try and stop people buying Hummers, Dodge Rams and other big pickups when they don't need it would be to put a extra tax on top of the regular taxes and purchase price. They could also hike the prices for driver's licence and vehicle registration for those who buy gas guzzlers when they actually have no need for them. If you are a contractor or actually need a truck for your job wether self employed or not, then you get a tax credit at the end of the year equivalent to what you paid extra for your driver's licence and registration. This would not stop joe bonehead from buying himself a Hummer to look super duper ubber super freaking cool but at least Governments would rack in some extra dough which could in turn be used for healthcare or upkeeping roads, bridges and such.

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Look, by people buying low mileage vehicles and gassing up they are already paying more taxes because they are buying more gas that is, try to get it this time folks, taxed. It is a consumption tax, the more you use, the more you pay.

Now you want people to justify buying a pick up truck or other large vehicle? Where do you draw the line at need? What if I actually need a truck for my hobby? What if I live in a more rural part of the country where snow plowing is considered a luxury or paved roads are some new fangled thing for city folks?

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How anyone can justify buying a Hummer is beyond me.

One thing Governments could do to try and stop people buying Hummers, Dodge Rams and other big pickups when they don't need it would be to put a extra tax on top of the regular taxes and purchase price. They could also hike the prices for driver's licence and vehicle registration for those who buy gas guzzlers when they actually have no need for them. If you are a contractor or actually need a truck for your job wether self employed or not, then you get a tax credit at the end of the year equivalent to what you paid extra for your driver's licence and registration. This would not stop joe bonehead from buying himself a Hummer to look super duper ubber super freaking cool but at least Governments would rack in some extra dough which could in turn be used for healthcare or upkeeping roads, bridges and such.

You're being ridiculous. Who are you (or the government) to say whether or not someone NEEDS a certain type of vehicle?

That's like someone saying you should be taxed because you have two pairs of gloves when you only need one pair!

Get real.

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I've yet to see a European member complain about gas prices. That's funny. They must think we're a bunch of whiny bitches.

It's because they have rail, we really don't. And quite a bit have vehicles, but the eu has forced auto manufactures to have much higher standards for efficiency then we do.

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