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Gas prices

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Also if everyone drove a more fuel efficient vehicle and did their part to conserve resources, the cost of such resources will drop, thus making our economy stronger because we can blow it at a mall or LHS ;)

Actually, that has not been the case. US gas/oil consumption is actually down, but the price continues to go up. Market speculation and currency devaluation are driving the spike and neither is likely to stop any time soon.

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raganblink: I think this thread needs to stop being "why can't you do this..." or whatever. Just because YOU are able to live right near your work, and a moped or bike works for YOU does not mean EVERYONE can neatly follow your lead.

You've made your point. Now move on and stop turning this into an "I'm going to save the world" crusade.

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Why do you need to commute a long distance though? Why can't you move closer to your work? For me I live 5 minute drive within my work, half hour walk. There is no public transport for me either, but for me that is okay cuz it doesn't matter since I'm so close. When I worked downtown, there is a shuttle a mile from my house (i could walk or drive to such said shuttle) and it takes me downtown, where I would walk to work from there. This was when gas was barely 2 bucks a gallon... I literally only saved 2 dollars in gas, but saved 9 in parking so that's why I did it. My employer paid for the shuttle fees for me so I saved 11 bucks a day doing that, so I essentially got to eat lunch and dinner for free while down there.

I'll give you a little lesson about the route 128 belt in Massachusetts. Most of the jobs in the Boston area that are not in Boston are grouped along route 128. The towns which are closest to those jobs, Lexington, Winchester, Burlington, Bedford, etc etc are some of the most expensive areas to live in in the state. In order for my wife and I to afford a modest home, we have to live in southern NH. If I wanted to live near my office then the same house would have cost me about roughly twice what I paid for mine and an apartment would be pretty darn close to my current mortgage payment, without building any equity and paying rent until I die. I can almost guarantee that most members who live in areas similar to mine are in exactly the same boat.

So, in closing, hooray for you, slap yourself on the back and smile when you look in the mirror, but you can stop judging everyone else without understanding their situations anytime now.

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Actually, that has not been the case. US gas/oil consumption is actually down, but the price continues to go up. Market speculation and currency devaluation are driving the spike and neither is likely to stop any time soon.

YUP! Worldwide demand is actually slightly down, if what I've read is true, over the same time last year, but prices continue to fly off the charts...

BTW, I just put in 6 gallons of premium at 3.97. I got off "easy" :blink:

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I'll give you a little lesson about the route 128 belt in Massachusetts. Most of the jobs in the Boston area that are not in Boston are grouped along route 128. The towns which are closest to those jobs, Lexington, Winchester, Burlington, Bedford, etc etc are some of the most expensive areas to live in in the state. In order for my wife and I to afford a modest home, we have to live in southern NH. If I wanted to live near my office then the same house would have cost me about roughly twice what I paid for mine and an apartment would be pretty darn close to my current mortgage payment, without building any equity and paying rent until I die. I can almost guarantee that most members who live in areas similar to mine are in exactly the same boat.

So, in closing, hooray for you, slap yourself on the back and smile when you look in the mirror, but you can stop judging everyone else without understanding their situations anytime now.

what about house prices north of boston in towns like peabody or danvers? Just curious

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what about house prices north of boston in towns like peabody or danvers? Just curious

I'm just gonna say that any area remotely close to major cities like NY, Boston, LA, etc are going to be expensive and over what they should be valued. Case in point my house on Staten Island is valued at $600,000 and its only a 1 bathroom, 3 bedroom ranch. My parents bought the house for $150,000 in 85'.

In short, paying a few hundred grand is not worth saving a few dollars in gas.

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I'm just gonna say that any area remotely close to major cities like NY, Boston, LA, etc are going to be expensive and over what they should be valued. Case in point my house on Staten Island is valued at $600,000 and its only a 1 bathroom, 3 bedroom ranch. My parents bought the house for $150,000 in 85'.

In short, paying a few hundred grand is not worth saving a few dollars in gas.

at least north of boston, housing isn't too overpriced IMO. I would assume NY a whole different ball game.

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raganblink: I think this thread needs to stop being "why can't you do this..." or whatever. Just because YOU are able to live right near your work, and a moped or bike works for YOU does not mean EVERYONE can neatly follow your lead.

You've made your point. Now move on and stop turning this into an "I'm going to save the world" crusade.

Meh, he lives in a town that means "Shit Face" in Illinois-Miami. Its not a surprise that he dropped a turd.

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I moved from my parents' rent free summer home that was a 60 mile round trip to work to a house 10 miles closer to work and pay rent. I am already saving 5000 miles a year on average and 40 mile round trip vs 60 is going to help me avoid replacing my Acura RSX S with 148k miles possibly YEARS sooner.

I was steadily getting around 28 MPG whether I drove my car hard or conservatively so I have done a recent tune up on my car: new plug, timing chain (broke), serpentine belt, cleaned my K&N filter, I am now getting 34-35 MPG. The car runs heck of a lot smoother and idles better.

I think the next thing to do is find some good all season tyres that will help out with that too.

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Forgive my ignorance, what do you mean by mass transport? Like a train network etc.?

Not every state has a train network, or subway like the east. In arizona we have buses and most suck the more west you go in arizona. The railway system is new here and far from being as great as they make it out to be, but they dont touch anywhere near a hockey rink.

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I'm in The Netherlands (Holland) at the moment and it's €1.65 per litre. That seems to work out at $9.08 per US Gallon

I'm actually looking forward to going back to the UK where it's only $8.45.

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Gas could hit $6 per gallon by summer, http://www.cnbc.com/id/42683030

At this point, I'm in stunned disbelief. Part of me is a little pleased because this will rapidly accelerate our transition off oil but it's too much, too fast. Okay, the dollar is weak and that's legitimate but should it really cause gas/oil prices to double when supply is up and demand is down?

If it goes up much more, say over $4 a gallon, I think we're going to see a full-on outcry and it's been a long time coming.

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The rising gas prices won't accelerate anything. Gas is already twice what it was just a few years ago and nothing has accelerated yet so I wouldn't be holding my breath.

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The rising gas prices won't accelerate anything. Gas is already twice what it was just a few years ago and nothing has accelerated yet so I wouldn't be holding my breath.

I sometimes feel that way too but the information available suggests at least a little change in consumers buying habits of cars. People have also cut back on their leisure driving, apparently. I'd really like to see us do a lot more but since the oil companies own both parties, I expect very little change. It's a modern Shakespearean farce, basically.

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Gas could hit $6 per gallon by summer, http://www.cnbc.com/id/42683030

At this point, I'm in stunned disbelief. Part of me is a little pleased because this will rapidly accelerate our transition off oil but it's too much, too fast. Okay, the dollar is weak and that's legitimate but should it really cause gas/oil prices to double when supply is up and demand is down?

If it goes up much more, say over $4 a gallon, I think we're going to see a full-on outcry and it's been a long time coming.

And just a couple months ago they were publishing stories that it would be $5 by mid summer. At this point they're just throwing out wild speculation and doing stories about the sky falling. If it hits $5, there will be another recession in the US. If it hits $6, it will be a depression.

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I've been seeing $3.61-$3.67 here in South Jersey. One of the good things about living here is that our gas prices are a lot lower than the rest of the country.

I like to keep track of how much I'm paying for gas in a little notebook I keep in my glove compartment. Roughly 2 1/2 years ago, I paid $1.29 a gallon...unfortunately, we'll never see those days again. I don't think we'll ever see anything lower than $2.30 again. It sucks, but, people will still drive even when gas hits $6...I won't drive as much, but I have to for some things.

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It sucks, but, people will still drive even when gas hits $6...I won't drive as much, but I have to for some things.

People won't drive as much and will cut back in other areas to make up for what they have to spend on gas. There is a chain reaction that follows.

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Absolutely. I already find myself doing it now...I never used to spend over 25 bucks for gas in my old Civic, but ever since I got my new Civic with a bigger tank, I'm spending close to 40 bucks right now. The gas lasts me two weeks on average, but I'm cutting down some frivolous spending already.

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If gas exceeds $4.50 a gallon, the US will do something to halt the raises. I don't know what but I am sure there is plenty they can do such as use reserve oil or cut doen on speculation, at least I hope :unsure:

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I bought my first car less than a year out of College in 1999. It was a '98 Dodge Neon. I could fill the damn thing for just over $30 and drive for almost 3 weeks on that. I believe gas had just hit 0.60/L then, and I still cursed them *L*

Fast forward...Now, I'll probably use $30 in gas before the end of this Weekend.

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In college I drove a Fiero. I could fill it for $10. Of course it was only an 8 gallon tank, it's not like I'm that old.

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Going to be using my one-manpower road bike as my daily driver this summer. Keep my legs under me and get the cardio in.

Come at me, gas prices :dry:

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When I bought my first car out of college 1999, gas in jersey was $.47/gallon. My 60 mile one way commute cost me $6 every fifth trip to fill up. Same commute now is almost 7 or 8 times more expensive...pretty soon it will be more cost effective to get fired at work and collect unemployment.

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