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Hair hair and more hair

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Kinda a weird discussion but I was wondering if there's anyone else like myself who take pride in their hair or want to talk about hair or lack there of it. I decided to strike up and ask if any of you do anything special or use anything to keep your locks nice and healthy or have any tools for the trade you'd like to pass on!

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Throughout high school and my first couple years of college, I used to have longer hair. Nothing extremely long, usually to my eyes, but my parents always wanted me to cut it. I was always bummed whenever I got my haircut because I felt it always got messed up and was too short afterwards. Then, one night, my mom was shaving (buzzing, not like BICing it) my brothers head because he was in police academy. A lot of my friends have short buzzed hair and always told me I should do mine, but I always said no. I don't know why, but that one night my mom was shaving my brothers hair, I was just like "screw it" and I had her cut mine down real short. Now, I don't know how I kept my hair that long for as long as I did. I love it short. It's so much easier to manage.

However, if I could go back and change something about it, I would. I would wait and not shave my hair for the first time when it was the middle of winter. Haha.

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I wish I would go bald so that I wouldn't have to keep readjusting the helmet sizing when the hair grows and when I get a haircut. But on the other hand it's good for keeping the sweat out of the eyes.

6 wks between haircuts, no styling products, using Adidas hair and body wash.

And, I could get a new stick every 2 years if I didn't have to go to the barber.

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I my hair every few days with some pantene flo v and a run a comb through it daily. For special occasions I will bring out some product usually some texture paste for some extra volume. :blush:

I love my hair!

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Well, lately I've been trying to pay more attention to my hair. Rather, my lack of it. Right now except for my bangs, there is no point of my hair which is longer than half a cm. My bangs are "long" (compared to the rest), so I can gel it out or straight up..

To be honest, I'd like to let my hair grow out..but I'm having a hard enough time spending time trying to gel it and dry it in the morning. We'll see what happens.

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Haha these are the responses I was hoping for! I've always had my hair longer too and finally two weeks ago I just said to hell with it imma cut it short even though I didn't have the heart too. I like it except for when I was on the ice I think I sweat more and it was gettin in my eyes. Odd huh?? Now when I see people with flow is get disappointed I cut it! I'm torn between re-growing it or keeping it short.

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I was in the middle of growing my hair out when I had to cut it for a job interview. It was the first time since probably 8th grade that I had relatively long hair. I was really beginning to like it and was kind of dissapointed when I had to cut it. Now I will most likely be keeping it short until I get through a police academy of some sort before I grow it out again so I won't have to cut it prematurely.

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I had dirty flow first part of college. Helps in every aspect of life except job interviews. Great flow + 17-22 years old = super easy to wheel tail. Miss it so much.

True, it sucks for interviews but it makes wheelie broads super easy. They see it as something different from everyone with short hair. Always trying to cop a feel.

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here's a tip: dont wash your hair every day (unless you're playing hockey or working out and sweating it up). i used to wash it every day because i thought thats what i was supposed to do. then i met my wife, who only buys really expensive shampoo and conditioner... with her guidance, my hair has never been healthier. i wash it 2-3 times a week, use kerastase shampoo and a cream rinse conditioner (about $100 for both, lasts about 6 months). the key is to leave the conditioner in for at least 5 minutes. if you take pride in your hockey hair, this is really important.

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Great topic zachary, I like hearing minut details about people like this.

All through High School and Juniors I had Michael Kelso-esque flow. When I got to college, Coach demanded that we all looked like 'clean-cut all Americans' so the hair had to go. I was really upset about it at first, but now I am just use to it and have grown to love it. I would have had to cut it last summer for my internship anyway, so it was nice to already know how to style it. I am in the same boat as shotty. My girlfriend is prissy about her hair and recommends that I wash it every other day in the off-season. When I do wash it I use this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Axe-Shampoo-Refreshing-Mint-22-oz/15127825, with this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Axe-Lure-Just-Soft-Conditioner-12-fl-oz-2pk/12559620, and this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Axe-Understated-Look-Cream/15127819. I feel like such a tool using all Axe stuff in the morning, but its (relatively) cheap, smells nice, and does the job. On days when I am just going to campus/class I will put a little cream in my hair after it dries and make it look a little messy, or just throw on a flat-billed cap. On days I have work/date nights/nights out I will do a half-assed side part with my bangs to the left. I get my hair cut every five weeks at the salon down the street from my apartment - nothing special there.

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I've been rocking Ryan Smyth-glory-days/Jack O'Callahan-in-Miracle inspired flow for the past 6 months or so. Condition every day in the shower, shampoo every other or every three days. Get out of the shower, comb it straight back, once it's dried a little I part it in the center and give the bangs just a tiny bit of gel. It's pretty thick and curly in the back which looks great IMO out of a helmet.

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I get a typical 6 - 4 buzz cut but If I'm feeling particularly Guido, I'll get a tape up or a fade. At that point, I wash it, throw some gel to keep it neat and when it gets long to the point of being annoying, about 2 to 3 months, I repeat the process :biggrin:

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Interesting seeing everyones different techniques. About the shampooing every other day I heard this as well but I am plagued with the Italian hair and it feels like it get's greasy so quick. Didn't help I was a lame and decided to dye and straighten my hair at one point in my life and made a good amount of it fall out. Now I'm just hoping I can restore it back to it's thick glory. I'm only 21 I don't want to be balding!

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I dyed and straightened my hair for several years, no such luck of thinning yet haha. I've got extremely thick hair.

A lot of people are turning to more natural shampoos; usually home made. Baking Soda and Vinegar come to mind. It's said that the reason our hair gets so oily now is because our body is over producing the natural oils to make up for the chemicals in shampoo drying out the hair.

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I dyed and straightened my hair for several years, no such luck of thinning yet haha. I've got extremely thick hair.

A lot of people are turning to more natural shampoos; usually home made. Baking Soda and Vinegar come to mind. It's said that the reason our hair gets so oily now is because our body is over producing the natural oils to make up for the chemicals in shampoo drying out the hair.

You're lucky lol, for some reason it had the opposite effect on me. I noticed it back then how much hair would fall out when conditioning but I never thought of it cause I had thick hair too and now when only like 3 pieces fall out I tweak out.

The last part makes alot of sense. I just use whatever my family buys. :O

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It would be worth looking into some higher-end shampoo/conditioner, or at least one meant for your hair type.

I've bleached/dyed my hair a couple times for playoffs and didn't notice any negative long term effects.

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Start of the season i was rocking a dirty mullet, then i got that chopped off around december i think and I havent a haircut since.My hair is thick but takes ages to grow, its probably 4 inches long t the moment. Im going to grow it out for some nice 'hockey hair'.

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I've had longer hair since middle school, all through highschool, now just recently started going a little shorter. Not a full on buzz cut, keep it about 3-4 inches on top, 2-3 on the sides. During the winter I let it grow out a little longer. I like to push it back and throw a hat on and sometimes throw in some axe hair paste. Ive been using American Crew moisturizing shampoo and Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo for a few years now. Those get pretty expensive though, if I go cheap I like the gillete shampoos and I also recently picked up one of the axe products and it doesn't seem too bad. I miss the longer hockey hair but now I feel like i'm growing up a little bit and its time to clean it up a bit, although right now the playoff beard is in full effect and I'm holding off the summer haircut as part of it...

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I've had some fantastic flow and beard for the past couple months. Sadly I killed the flow this week. I shampoo and condition my hair and beard.

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I get a hair cut every 6 weeks or so but am starting to bald quite a bit. My forehead is lets just say quite wide lol and I'm starting to have a nice bald spot just on the top/back of my head. I've had my head shaved to the skin for some time at one point or just shaved with the clipper with no attachment and am thinking about revisiting that route in the near future. Just need to work on my wife a bit ;-). As of now I don't do anything particular, wash every day and when it's short, I use some gel or cream but that's about it.

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I get a hair cut every 6 weeks or so but am starting to bald quite a bit. My forehead is lets just say quite wide lol and I'm starting to have a nice bald spot just on the top/back of my head. I've had my head shaved to the skin for some time at one point or just shaved with the clipper with no attachment and am thinking about revisiting that route in the near future. Just need to work on my wife a bit ;-). As of now I don't do anything particular, wash every day and when it's short, I use some gel or cream but that's about it.

My uncle does this now. He gets a line up LOL

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I get a hair cut every 6 weeks or so but am starting to bald quite a bit. My forehead is lets just say quite wide lol and I'm starting to have a nice bald spot just on the top/back of my head. I've had my head shaved to the skin for some time at one point or just shaved with the clipper with no attachment and am thinking about revisiting that route in the near future. Just need to work on my wife a bit ;-). As of now I don't do anything particular, wash every day and when it's short, I use some gel or cream but that's about it.

The perfect hairstyle for hockey: some hair to keep the sweat out of the eyes, and a bare spot for cooling at the back.

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