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Supplemental Discipline 2013

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As a dollar amount, or a percentage of salary?

Ah, I was right.

I thought I read somewhere that it was something like half a days salary or 10k, whichever is less.

Per wikipedia:

Fines were changed for this season such that players can be fined up to 50% of one day's salary, up to a maximum of $10,000.00 U.S. for their first offense, and $15,000.00 U.S. for any subsequent offenses.

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Zolniercyzk gets four games. That's what I expected

I wonder what a more recognizable name would have gotten.

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Although they won't say it even if it did, I wonder if his hit on Perreault against Washington played a part in it. Two questionable hits within days of each other. I didn't like the first one, and I disliked this hit even more, so I'm glad he got suspended...never was a fan of his to begin with.

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not sure if suspension worthy but he did get 5 mins for it

all of a sudden the stupid embedding wont work..

i dont think im doing anything different than other videos ive posted..

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not sure if suspension worthy but he did get 5 mins for it

That was pretty nasty. Dangerous board there. Wouldn't be surprised if he got a few for that.

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not sure if suspension worthy but he did get 5 mins for it

It sure should be a suspension, and it's not like he hasn't done things like that before.

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The push didn't look hard enough to overbalance him like it did. It must have caught him just right, but shouldn't have been much of a surprise.

all of a sudden the stupid embedding wont work..
i dont think im doing anything different than other videos ive posted..
It's like someone flipped a switch.

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i actually think 6 would be appropriate with his previous history - but since richards did return and play the rest of the game i bet they will reduce it to 3-4

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this one is debatable too - but since ennis turned at the last second i think girardi probably wont get anything. i think in this case it is more ennis's fault than girardi

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