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Supplemental Discipline 2013

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Naturally, it was a good clean hit, square in the numbers and driving up through his shoulders and head into the glass. The Rangers player should not have attempted to play the puck, it put him in a vulnerable position. I only wish they had a camera on Torts when he found out.

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Naturally, it was a good clean hit, square in the numbers and driving up through his shoulders and head into the glass. The Rangers player should not have attempted to play the puck, it put him in a vulnerable position. I only wish they had a camera on Torts when he found out.

Try to put some responsibility on the player playing the puck....the hit would never had happened if McDonagh had played the puck away from the pressure (Paccioretty) as he faked. Instead, he tried to be cute and go into the pressure and slid past a check.

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Try to put some responsibility on the player playing the puck....the hit would never had happened if McDonagh had played the puck away from the pressure (Paccioretty) as he faked. Instead, he tried to be cute and go into the pressure and slid past a check.

That may carry some weight if Pacioretty didn't finish through the man. He knew exactly what he was doing. If it had simply been body contact due to momentum, I would agree with you.

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I'm a Habs fan and watched the game. Pacioretty's hit deserved a penalty but a suspension, not sure. It was a hard hit, McDonagh needed stitches I believe but at the same time McDonagh had two questionable hits during the game. One on Pacioretty so a case can be made for him taking note of the number and getting even. The other was on Prust who needed to get treatment.

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Agreed. I guess what I'm saying is that IMO McDonagh deserved to be suspend just as much as Pacioretty so in the end it evens out.

Then you don't agree...

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I agree that you shouldn't hit a player illegally just because he hit you illegally. Then I add that if Pacioretty deserved to be suspended for his hit, McDonagh deserved the same from his hit on either Pacioretty or Prust. In the end both players got away with it, hence the "evens out" comment.

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Thought that hit was very similar to the hit Joe Vitale laid on Danny Briere in the playoffs last year. A clean, good, hard hit...but unnecessary.

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I guess the theory is that if the league wants it cost a player more money, they'll do it with a suspension. It would seem that the maximum fine should be keyed to the player's salary. Or is it already that way?

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I guess the theory is that if the league wants it cost a player more money, they'll do it with a suspension. It would seem that the maximum fine should be keyed to the player's salary. Or is it already that way?

The maximum fine is set as part of the CBA

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Expect Harry Zolniercyzk to sit for several games. I understand he's small, and needs to find his way to stick in the big leagues, but this isn't it.

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The part I hate about that more is when a punk like Rinaldo takes advantage of the ensuing scrum to ragdoll a non-fighter. Bush league by a wannabe opportunist goon.

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For some reason this reminds me of the time Bobby Clarke complained about Ottawa picking on his softer players a few years back.

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The maximum fine is set as part of the CBA

I thought I read somewhere that it was something like half a days salary or 10k, whichever is less.

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