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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Another Classic Review From HockeyGiant

Nike Bauer Vapor XXV Senior Hockey Stick

colton, April 01, 2009



i heard so much about this stick thats why im byin one right now..i scored 8 goals in a game with a s11 i cant even imagine with this

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Another Classic Review From HockeyGiant
Nike Bauer Vapor XXV Senior Hockey Stick

colton, April 01, 2009



i heard so much about this stick thats why im byin one right now..i scored 8 goals in a game with a s11 i cant even imagine with this

i sometimes wonder why they dont do away with the review section...

anyway, found this, seems extremely cheap for what is advertised...


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the possibility of a Kenny Powers-like purging of athletic keepsakes by Mikey and/or someone in his circle of trust -- and not just because Peluso used to rock the same mullet.

lol Mike Peluso is Kenny Powers.

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Pro Stock Junior Skates

I didn't know there were any pros that wore a size 1.5, impressive. And an smu to boot.

Bauer makes customs down to a size 2.

Um, you sure about that? I was told that was not the case. Tried to make a custom pair for a kid with a club foot and was told it wasn't possible.

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Pro Stock Junior Skates

I didn't know there were any pros that wore a size 1.5, impressive. And an smu to boot.

Bauer makes customs down to a size 2.

Um, you sure about that? I was told that was not the case. Tried to make a custom pair for a kid with a club foot and was told it wasn't possible.

might be a 3, but then again it was concerning S9s. I was suprised they went that low too, but they said some of the women's college teams had players with smaller feet.

It might not go that low for custom retail One95s or x60s, etc.

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Pro Stock Junior Skates

I didn't know there were any pros that wore a size 1.5, impressive. And an smu to boot.

Bauer makes customs down to a size 2.

Aren't Customs and Pro Stock two completely different items though? Pro Stock to me implies from a Pro Player or Team.....which is why I thought a size 1.5 was funny.

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Pro Stock Junior Skates

I didn't know there were any pros that wore a size 1.5, impressive. And an smu to boot.

Bauer makes customs down to a size 2.

Aren't Customs and Pro Stock two completely different items though? Pro Stock to me implies from a Pro Player or Team.....which is why I thought a size 1.5 was funny.

As I said, the model I was asking about is also available to NCAA Women's teams. I had mixed up the terminology of Custom and Pro as well. I forget if it was a 2 or 3, but I was surprised that it went that small as well.

Not sure about the smalled custom available. Check tomorrow.

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Hey 4K for Jay Pandalfos stuff!?!?!?!?! Idiot or NOt?!?!


It's magically changed to Mike Peluso. Weird assortment of stuff to have unless the seller is BSing or actually Mike Peluso.

Those rawlings were some of the most comfortable gloves I ever wore.

I still have a pair of those. Need to get them re-palmed. Best 15 bucks I've spent in along time.

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Mission WTF gloves

Reviewer: Brodie

My team is sponsored by skittles and believe me, these gloves have all the colors of the rainbow! Great gloves.

Finally my review got approved. Amazing what little things can amuse you when you are bored.

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Mission WTF gloves
Reviewer: Brodie

My team is sponsored by skittles and believe me, these gloves have all the colors of the rainbow! Great gloves.

Finally my review got approved. Amazing what little things can amuse you when you are bored.



WTF? Exactly my team’s reaction when I put these babies on. Great fitting gloves. They remind me that I’m only doing this for fun(and the beer drinking after the game)."

Definatly more people that need this guys attitude to the game though

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Or he is from china, just like the uber cheap rbk jerseys

I'm thinking that is defiantly not the case, just unless they were of course Chinese knockoffs made of lower quality which I highly doubt they are.

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i can't believe that many people actually bought that glove ^.-

one of the women in my rec league has a pair. these things are just as ugly in person as they are on the web site.

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I think I'm going to get a pair of flexlites from that guy, 220 shipped sounds good to me, I'll use credit card and paypal to be safe

I'd wear those gloves for 30 bucks. You'd definitely stand out at a try out

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Looks like he just placed the wrong photo in the ad, appears as if he's selling a handful of goalie sticks by looking at his other auctions. Other than that I don't know jack about goalie sticks so I don't know if they're good or not, but $20 doesn't sound like a bad deal for one.

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