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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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seems to me that demand/prices are going down.

Last year virtually very pair of Pro Stock Franchises would sell for $175-250, now I keep seeing listings without a single bid at $100-125.

It is all about hype, Miken, Combat, and Sherwood make a decent product.

If people kept boasting about Miken sticks like they do other sticks, you would see them sell more.

If you think about it, go back to the 90s.....Cooper, CCM, Koho, Nike, all those brands are virtually extinct.

What's to say that Warrior, Reebok, Sherwood, Easton hockey survive the next decade?

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seems to me that demand/prices are going down.

Last year virtually very pair of Pro Stock Franchises would sell for $175-250, now I keep seeing listings without a single bid at $100-125.

It is all about hype, Miken, Combat, and Sherwood make a decent product.

If people kept boasting about Miken sticks like they do other sticks, you would see them sell more.

If you think about it, go back to the 90s.....Cooper, CCM, Koho, Nike, all those brands are virtually extinct.

What's to say that Warrior, Reebok, Sherwood, Easton hockey survive the next decade?

CCM is not extinct in the slightest... and the other brands were just victims of industry consolidation, having been bought by other companies. It's not like they all went under.

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I don't see how they're any worse off than say, Sherwood.

I'd say sherwood is worse off right now then CCM, mainly because CCM has the backing of Adidas. We could get into what companies right now are doing amazing and not so amazing, but that definitely would need another topic.

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When did prostock helmets get side logos? Not to mention the shell for some reason looks like the 7k. :rolleyes:

I have 2 pro stock Reebok 8Ks purchased direct from team that have side logos on them, AHL team though if that makes a difference. Shell looks like an 8k but that I am not sure of that as I am far from a helmet expert, so someone else will have to determine that. However, the side logos do appear on pro stock helmets so I would not use that as a way to discredit that helmet.

PS - For the record, there is pretty much no difference between a "pro-stock" helmet and a retail one from what I have seen with mine.

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