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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite "shame" band of all time

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Sometimes its good to admit things.

Who is your favorite band / singer of all time that is less than cool?

Mine is ABBA. Yes ABBA. Oh what a talent from Sweden. Great toons but kinda of a goofy looking four indeed.

I am setting the shame bar quite high on this one.


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I dont really have one, well I guess Blink 182 counts. I ussualy listen to like QOTSA, Millencolin and alexisonfire. So im kinda embarresed of the blink 182 thing.

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Poison...I was a big hair band fan in middle/highschool. Not the violent devil worship kinds...just the teased hair, girly looking guys like Poison, Slaughter and Warrant.

Some of those old tunes are still goos to hear every now and then.

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Mine is ABBA. 

Remember those old Nike Hockey commercials with the goaltenders going nuts because they were getting burned by Fedorov and Sundin (who were, at the time, with Nike)?

I'll never forget the one when one of the goalies snuck into the Leafs dressing room and wrote "Sundin likes ABBA" on the dry-erase board.

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