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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Base Hockey BC71 Malkin Curve

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Does anyone have experience with this curve or the pro-stock version?

I have been waiting for a toe curve that is not super open, just not sure if going down to a 5.25 lie would be a big problem or not for me

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I'm also very interested in purchasing a stick with this curve, wondering if it's closer to the warrior W10 gionta or the E28/ Giroux p28.

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It depends on what they've got for a toe shape on the BC71. I'd say there's a good chance it's closer to the W10 than the W28: a lot of Malkin's pro patterns aren't very rockered.

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Just saw the blade face picture on the Base Facebook page (posted on April 9, 10), not to forget the curve profile. I'd say it's definitely a lot more like a W10 than a W28. I have a couple of Malkin pro stocks with a very similar pattern (Easton's Malkin 2) and it's very very close to the Gionta blade I have. Shooting is very similar. The toe is taller, so I find it a little easier to use in pulling the puck back in.

The W71 looks to be a bit more rounded out (less kinky) in the curves on the top and bottom of the blade compared to Base's BC71. Also, from every description I've found, it seems to be a higher lie: a Warrior 5, so roughly a 6 on Base's scale, which seems to correspond more with Easton and Bauer. To the OP, if you're afraid of a low lie, the W71 may be better for you. It depends on what pattern you're coming from and how adaptable you find your hands to be. I know from experience, some hands are much picker than others.

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Sweet thanks for the details flip !

I currently have a Reebok Ribcor: P40 and a Easton HTX: E3, was hoping for something with alittle more toe and not open

From the Base Stick ordering page it lists the BC71 Blade as 5.25 lie

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So Base announced a new stick today the "Nasty R". They were kind enough to let me do the Special Ops pricing program.

BC71 coming my way! Ill be sure to post an in-depth review of both the stick and the curve when it arrives!

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So from what I read on the Base page, this BC71 curve will only be available for a limited time. Kind of a bummer. I just started to get into the toe curves. I guess I better get an order in while supplies last.

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I think Base is just trying to get hype and generate orders with the 'available for a limited time' statement.

Right. Why spend that much on a mold then just stop making it after X amount of time?

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I need to grab some tapered paddles. Looking for a mid or a toe curve- either one is fine- most important thing is closed face, and a paddle that won't go limp. So, it is between this BC71 Malkin Pro from Base, or Vapor 1X or APX2 P88. I have read that the Vapor 1X paddle goes soft, and it looks like, according to the IW charts anyway, that the P88 went from closed to slightly open, from APX2 to Vapor 1X. Does anyone have any recs?

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Base has the same pattern as well, BC88; though I have yet to try one of their blades or sticks so I don't know how their longevity tends to be.

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I've been using their sticks (Savoy Special) for a while now and while their blades stay pretty stiff, their shafts whip out pretty quickly.

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Does anyone know if base is still doing tapered blades?

Yes they still do offer tapered blades but not online, you have to call them to order.

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I think Base is just trying to get hype and generate orders with the 'available for a limited time' statement.

If I end up liking this curve, then I hope this is the case, and I hope that this curve just becomes a staple in the BASE lineup. I just ordered a couple of blades that I will pick up, when I come stateside on 20 June, and have impressions about a week thereafter.

The guy I spoke with at BASE, said, about the Malkin 71 Pro Curve:

-more closed face than W88, but still slightly open/ not closed all the way like Ignila (which they call BM12 I think) - I like a completely closed face but beggars can't be choosers

-mild rocker- not insane, but not flat either (which is what I want)

-toe curve (which is what I want)

-5.25 lie (which is about what I want, I think the W88 I have been using is about 5.5 but I do not think I will notice)

Pretty much spot on what I have been looking for in a blade, so I expect to be a happy camper. But, with my exceptional limitations, I may find something I do not like (and then have to go BC88 or BC12 pattern).

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