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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So frustrated! New skates may not work either!

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So after all the saga of Bauer sending me replacement x900 skates for the broken x90, I had to buy something out of necessity and went with the supreme 190 which felt good in the store so I got them baked and wore them tonight for practice. I sense a little room below the inside of my ankles right by the heel. It's not so noticeable when I stood on solid ground off Ice but once I got on the ice I could feel it. I don't know if that will fix itself after a few good Skates or if it's just too wide there. I usually fit well into vapors because I have what I call Duck feet - narrow heel and a wider forefoot. I can't never wear slip on shoes because the heel pops out of that tells you anything.

So should I give these some time? Or try to return them to the store and try the 1x

Again. That's the only vapor skate that felt

Good even at the store. I don't want to drop $900 but I might not have a choice.

On top of all that the taller steel and angle

Of boot was a big adjustment - I would

Probably be ok with all that after a few games but it was quite weird at first.

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Contact the store you purchased them from to see what your options are. My LHS will take back skates within a 30 day period for a credit towards another pair if it's not fitting right.

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Stable 26 socks may help with the heel issue. I haven't used them myself, but there is a big thread on them here and they seem to be designed for this issue.

If you decide to go with other retail skates then Makos are certainly worth looking into - I have duckish feet and they fit me well.

If you decide you're going to drop $900 on skates then you may wish to read through the VH skate thread. They design custom skates based on tracings of your feet for that price.

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I tried on the Jetspeeds in a D width at Winterfest (they didn't have any wider models) and agree that they're narrow in the heel, but they also felt very narrow in the forefoot (although my feet are very wide in that area so they might be fine for most people).

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feel your pain brotha

as mentioned above the Jetspeeds do have phenomenal heel lock

but there was a ridge across the inside of my foot I couldn't get rid of after a couple bakes and punches

as mentioned tho, if you are spending Nine Hundo on skates, seriously consider the VH route man

custom fit skates designed exactly for you and only you

I've been this close a few times now

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If you have already noticed that your foot is not normal, I think it's better to go VH soon. VH boots are more durable than other traditional boots so it shouldn't be compared with. The meaning of 900$ is little different between VH and another.

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I have the stable 26 socks ordered. It sounds like they might work but I was hoping to not have to wear anything extra or stuff something in there. I like the feeling of the skates being an extension of my feet/legs.

Bauer is letting me keep the x900s and try to trade them in on something else. I doubt the local shop (hockey giant and/or total hockey) will let me though.

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I have the stable 26 socks ordered. It sounds like they might work but I was hoping to not have to wear anything extra or stuff something in there. I like the feeling of the skates being an extension of my feet/legs.

Bauer is letting me keep the x900s and try to trade them in on something else. I doubt the local shop (hockey giant and/or total hockey) will let me though.

Nice, I was going to second that. From what I've read here and heard from other guys, the Stable 26 sock should solve the issue. Please let us know how it goes as I'm also looking to get a pair.

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I'm sorry but there's a reason 3.5 players in the NHL wear VH footwear and that tracing crap is overrated. Mako skates work for some but the durability of that skate is like tinfoil in a hurricane. If you're really having troubles don't waste $900 in a store when you can do Bauer or CCM custom in store. I don't know where you live but do some research and find yourself a reputable shop that can fit you properly for customs, they are only a little bit more than retail. I wouldn't spend money on VH anything and if you're really having serious fit issues retail anything Mako or not is probably not going to fix it. Some feet are just weird enough that they can't fit in retail skates properly.

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If you have already noticed that your foot is not normal, I think it's better to go VH soon. VH boots are more durable than other traditional boots so it shouldn't be compared with. The meaning of 900$ is little different between VH and another.

Durable? Have you read the VH thread??

Consider custom Bauers. You sound like you have a similar (but worse) fit to me. JR suggested I get Nexus 800 in a Vapor cut. I didn't pull the trigger becuase I found X90s in an 8EE but I will next time around.

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Finding a reputable shop is going to be the toughest part if he does decide to get customs. It's astounding how many custom Bauer orders get screwed up at a retail level from lack of knowledge or experience when it comes to tracings and measurements.

I don't know why you'd be so quick to bash a company like VH when all they are trying to do is break into a market that has only seen 5 big players for the last 50 years. Hockey players are creatures of habit so I don't blame players that have been using vapor skates since minor bantam to be a little reluctant to switch. Customer service and customization options from vh have been second to none based on first hand experience from members that have purchased them.

And by the way, any custom skate regardless of brand is going to need that over rated custom tracing crap.

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I don't know why you'd be so quick to bash a company like VH when all they are trying to do is break into a market that has only seen 5 big players for the last 50 years.

Not bashing... never had them so I could not. I am only noting that is sounds fairly inaccurate to claim the skates are more durable than any other when the comments on the threads speak to numerous issues.

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Sounds like the OP could have saved a lot of time, effort and money and just went with customs in the first place.

Two things I would try first, 1) Stable26 socks, 2) Superfeet inner soles.

The Superfeet will add pitch and left the heel up in the heel packet, eliminating some of the negative space. Two nice easy and cheap fixes.

Also, might be best to forget about what The pros wear, they going custom and they aren't paying for them.

Stop the madness, it will consume you like the dark side.

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Durable? Have you read the VH thread??

Consider custom Bauers. You sound like you have a similar (but worse) fit to me. JR suggested I get Nexus 800 in a Vapor cut. I didn't pull the trigger becuase I found X90s in an 8EE but I will next time around.

I've been enjoying to see the VH thread. Also I own my VH skates. Don't you have VH skates?

Maybe what you want to say in durability of VH skates is that outside chip or scratches. It's not big deal. The most weak and negative point of traditional boots is that using glue fixing boots and bottom sole. It will begin to come off after using 1~2years.

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Sounds like the OP could have saved a lot of time, effort and money and just went with customs in the first place.

Two things I would try first, 1) Stable26 socks, 2) Superfeet inner soles.

The Superfeet will add pitch and left the heel up in the heel packet, eliminating some of the negative space. Two nice easy and cheap fixes.

Also, might be best to forget about what The pros wear, they going custom and they aren't paying for them.

Stop the madness, it will consume you like the dark side.

I didn't see a need for custom really - I don't think I have abnormal feet. I'm just picky. I got the stable 26 socks I ordered today and unfortunately they didn't work. They were too big - I ordered a medium based on their sizing chart but a small would probably have been better. The mediums were bunching up at the heel and the insert was more at the back of the foot not really under the ankle bone. And even with the thinnest insert, it almost felt too thick.

There's also the Possibility this It could be all in my head and I'm just not used to supreme fit coming from vapors.

I think I will just continue to skate hard on them wait for that moment they break in and/or I stop thinking about it. It's not that the skates are terrible and don't fit at all. It's more about my extreme pickiness with anything in my feet. My wife won't even go shoe shopping with me lol.

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If your experiencing extra space in the heel it's only gonna get worse as they break in and the foam packs down over time, so you could try rebaking them and pressing in around the heel with your hands to try and tighten that up. I've even heard of some people using wood clamps to do it but don't know how common that is and if your LHS would even have them on hand.

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So after all the saga of Bauer sending me replacement x900 skates for the broken x90, I had to buy something out of necessity and went with the supreme 190 which felt good in the store so I got them baked and wore them tonight for practice. I sense a little room below the inside of my ankles right by the heel. It's not so noticeable when I stood on solid ground off Ice but once I got on the ice I could feel it. I don't know if that will fix itself after a few good Skates or if it's just too wide there. I usually fit well into vapors because I have what I call Duck feet - narrow heel and a wider forefoot. I can't never wear slip on shoes because the heel pops out of that tells you anything.

So should I give these some time? Or try to return them to the store and try the 1x

Again. That's the only vapor skate that felt

Good even at the store. I don't want to drop $900 but I might not have a choice.

On top of all that the taller steel and angle

Of boot was a big adjustment - I would

Probably be ok with all that after a few games but it was quite weird at first.

Excess space will not go away, it will only get worse. If there is something out there that you know will fit, bite the bullet and go with that. Otherwise, you just end up trying to put lipstick on a pig and spend just as much (or more) in the long run.

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If they don't fit, they don't fit, no amount of time or baking will change that. Once you get that proper fit you will say to yourself "why the F didn't I do this sooner".

Hey it's your nickel, so do as you wish. I just think (having gone through something similar) it's worth just biting the bullet and having something tailored to your foot. From what I have read you sound like you need a Supreme with a Vapor heel, pretty standard stuff for customs. You're already on pair number 2, you've already spent more then you have on customs.

Just trying to help, been there myself and it sucks.

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skates are the worst my man

i don't have abnormal feet either and also am super picky to the point it will consume me!!! LOL!

I'm actually this way w all my hockey gear

never used to be, not sure why this changed hahaha!

you know the vapor's fit, stick w those

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