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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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my boxing day buy :)



amazing. where'd you get them?

A lhs near me called majer hockey :)

Good sale this year? I might have to check them out, they're not that far from where I am.

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Don't know I was upnorth of xmas, Don't need anything hockey wise right now. Bought some used tacks a few weeks ago last I was in there. Great Guys. Joel is always amazing too deal with.

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I haven't posted in here yet so I have a bunch of pics to post, I'll use thumbnails to make viewing easier. I've played for many many years but took the past 2-3 years off due to moving (far away from any rinks :( ) and then being involved in a bad car accident which lead to months of PT and eventually shoul;der surgery and a few more motnsh of PT... but finally I am back playing hockey. As a result I had to get a few new items so I'll just post the newer stuff... oh and this gave me a chance to play w/ my new 50mm F1.8 lens I got for my camera :rolleyes:

Just picked this up and used it for one game so far, I love it... CCM Vector 08 helmet w/ oakley pro modified aviator (my old visor got ruined when I tried washing it)

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elbow pads, CCM Vector 08, real comfy and fit great


My old Sher-Wood gloves were moldy from sitting in a basement and just really worn so I replaced them w/ these Grafs, I like them a lot so far


And lastly the sticks, the Synergy SL is my first OPS and I picked it up over the summer for $80 and fell in love (replaced a few Z-Bubbles I've been using since they came out), I added the S11 just a few weeks ago and tried it out once so far, it'll take a little getting used to

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my buddy had a prostock inno 1100 sitting in his garage that he didnt want. Found a tapered sher wood coffey without graphics for 30 bucks at my local shop. Not a huge fan of the shape of sher wood blades, but thought id give it a go for the price.




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Yup - Custom Warrior Franchise 13" glove (14" but the small cuff makes them 13" overall) modeled after Marian Hossa's gloves. Pro insert package, custom cuff, colors and embroidery. And a happy customer. They did mess up on one thing though - I had asked for and paid for the "NHL" lettering style, which is basically just Arial font but instead they gave me the retail embroidery. Oh well....no way I'm gonna send them back just for that.

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Thanks guys! I really like them - they look even better in person. I too that pic from my iPhone at work but I hope to take better pics later with my regular camera.

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AHHHHHH those are awesome....how long it take to get them? i ordered mine and there not shipping till jan 23 :( :( :(

i think it takes like 1-2 or even 3 weeks for it to arrive, not sure tho

damn mine should come soon then lol ordered them dec 10 but maybe longer cause of the holiday:unsure

Edited by NoFear1419

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