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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Those XXXX's came out great. I love the red highlights. That's how hockey skates should look, not all grey and white and shiny but black. Seeing how nicely that came out I may be tempted to experiment on my brand new One75's to get rid of the silver up near the tendon guard... hmmmm.

I also blacked out my supreme 70's as well. Here's how they turned out so you can see a reference point.

And here's a better shot of the 40s, the last one was all weird and yellow tinted.

I just did my supreme 70's today.

I'm hoping that my replacement holders are white. They will look sick if they are white.

I left the tendon guard silver

The kind of smushed part toward the back is from squeaking the heel to get them tighter on my heels

I'm thinking about taking the paint of the eyelets also so they are all bronze, do you guys think it will look good?


Here they are after 7 or so physical skates. They get scratched up but I just use a paint brush and touch them up

My white holders should be in at the end of march

I also got my pro stock blade :D


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warrior ak27 with easton st blade easton se shaft with easton wood blade blacked out vap's ( need a touch up)

Edited by Cole13

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oh ok .. should have looked better or closer.. thats pretty neat! how did ya get it to look like that?

It's a design by warrior done for Mike Modano when he broke the American Goal scoring record. When he broke the record, for the remaining of the game he used a similar stick. Not sure of any games they were used after that.

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