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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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1. Holmstrom Torspo/Eagles (nash palms)

2. Kopecky Franchises (Double layered gussets on finger tips, nylon stretch gussets past finger tips, amazingly comfy)

3. Kaberle Franchises (standard gloves with micronash palm)

4. Lisin Franchises (Cuff shorten 1/2 inch, thumb cut loose, cuff cut and spandex added to add flexibility to wrist movement, all done by EQM)

5. Blackhawks Franchises (custom/pro stock)

6. Jamal Mayers Eagle CP94 (Awesome gloves, incredible palms, I think they have the standard CP94 cuff but it could be custom)

7. Custom Creepers (mustang palms - great glove, highly recommend)

8. Habs Retro Franchises (micronash palm, super soft)

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The whole bottom row of gloves have ridiculous palms and are really soft. But I really like them all, I had been looking for a pair of redwings franchises for a long time, so I'm pretty stoked on the Kopecky's.

Edited by uclahockey707

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1. Holmstrom Torspo/Eagles (nash palms)

2. Kopecky Franchises (Double layered gussets on finger tips, nylon stretch gussets past finger tips, amazingly comfy)

3. Kaberle Franchises (standard gloves with micronash palm)

4. Lisin Franchises (Cuff shorten 1/2 inch, thumb cut loose, cuff cut and spandex added to add flexibility to wrist movement, all done by EQM)

5. Blackhawks Franchises (custom/pro stock)

6. Jamal Mayers Eagle CP94 (Awesome gloves, incredible palms, I think they have the standard CP94 cuff but it could be custom)

7. Custom Creepers (mustang palms - great glove, highly recommend)

8. Habs Retro Franchises (micronash palm, super soft)

Habs Retro Franchises... DROOL! Nicest gloves I've seen in a while.

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Prior to Warriors, used Easton GX9500's. Eagles look the same save the addition of slash protection. As for GX9500's- have fun breaking them in. Better yet, just sell them to me.

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New goodie showed up today. BASE tapered blade in the BC01 curve. No need to post the curve since it's already been out there a few times. The blade itself is really light. Going to put it in a Dolomite shaft and see how it feels.


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I don't quite remember off the top of my head, but the BC01 is the Hossa Pro right? What was the turnaround time/price on that?

Edited by EBondo

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Yeah the BC01 is the Hossa pro. I've got two of their one pieces with the BC01 and love the curve. I didn't know they offered tapered blades either until I asked. Apparently they are offering both blades and shafts seperately now. I've always been a two piece guy and it's more cost effective for me in the long run. The turnaround was about two weeks?? When I ordered it, they said they are trying to get stock built up so the turnaround time will be shorter in the future.

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Yeah the BC01 is the Hossa pro. I've got two of their one pieces with the BC01 and love the curve. I didn't know they offered tapered blades either until I asked. Apparently they are offering both blades and shafts seperately now. I've always been a two piece guy and it's more cost effective for me in the long run. The turnaround was about two weeks?? When I ordered it, they said they are trying to get stock built up so the turnaround time will be shorter in the future.

Yeah they recently started doing two-piece now. Tempted to drop a few bucks on a blade

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what did the blades cost you? If you don't mind my asking.

Would like to know also, if their pricing on blades is in line with what they're charging for OPS I'm definitely gonna order a few.

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what did the blades cost you? If you don't mind my asking.

Would like to know also, if their pricing on blades is in line with what they're charging for OPS I'm definitely gonna order a few.

The blades are $60 shipped to the US. I think shafts are $80 shipped. If I like how the blade feels in my Dolomite shaft I'm going to order a couple to stock up.

First impressions in the Dolomite are good. It feels nice and light, maybe a little better balanced than the Base one piece.

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