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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Sorry for the delay, here are a closer pic of the palms and of the Shanahan stick...It is very boxy with almost sharp edges :happy:



The only other red MSH2 palms that I know of were for Aucoin when he was playing for Calgary. Maybe if you contact Eagle direct they could help you with tracking some down...

Edited by fcb51

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You have a masturbating gif but that's unnecessary?

So me expressing my adoration of the content of the thread with a light hearted emoticon offends you to such a level that you feel the need to describe me as 'downs syndrome'? (not down syndrome btw)

I'll know to avoid you mate you seem like a barrel of laughs, nice welcome to a new member too :rolleyes:

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Offended? No. Annoyed? Closer. A gif like that for what's more or less a visual thread just seems like something a knuckle-dragger from phew would post. I'll work on your welcome basket after I see what the morning coffee gets moving.

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Dug out some stuff from my old collection while rearranging stuff in the basement...



Anyone know of a good way to get the rust off the blades on the skates?


Edited by coryroth24

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Aucoin's palms weren't MSH2 and neither are the ones in your pic.

Still, they are pretty nice and seem robust. I was told they are MSH2 but wasn't 100% sure and they are very similar to the MSH2 palms on my Kotalik PPF gloves (except being red of course)so...

I like them a lot :happy:

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Thanks JR. The poster was a lucky eBay find a couple years back. Another one of those items that was mislabeled so no one really saw it up for auction. Forget what I paid for it. Can't wait to get the deal on this house finalized so I can finally have a place to hang it up again!

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Aucoin's palms weren't MSH2 and neither are the ones in your pic.

Any idea, what they are? MSH or MSH1? Does anyone know if they are available to the average joe? Thanks sublit, for clarifying. Cheers!

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I think mustang can be colored somehow. I've seen a red mustang palm on aucoin's gloves

Did a search, and asked Drewhunz for info....I bleieve they are IIRC mustang palms.....

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Cory - light sandpaper and WD-40

lemon juice and crumpled tin foil was suggested from a teammate who swears it served her well for years of figure skating.

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was cleaning out the closet and look what i found.



With the original tape from way back, probably almost 18 years ago. The blade is a quite a bit thicker than my X60, S19 blade.

Edited by dayroc

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was cleaning out the closet and look what i found.

With the original tape from way back, probably almost 18 years ago. The blade is a quite a bit thicker than my X60, S19 blade.

Nice. I remember thinking how light they were..... :laugh:

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was cleaning out the closet and look what i found.

With the original tape from way back, probably almost 18 years ago. The blade is a quite a bit thicker than my X60, S19 blade.

Love the old Easton Aluminium's love that black H99

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