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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme Skate Stiffness

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My son has been in MX3 for the last 4 pairs of skates.  We were at the Bauer store in Boston looking at skates and the clerk said that the 1S is much stiffer than the MX3 it replaced and if he’s looking for a comparable skate to go to the S190.  Is there a measure of stiffness listed anywhere?

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This will tell you all you need to know. In the video he explains that the quarter package was replaced with curve composite along the ankle area that may make the skates stiffer. 

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4 hours ago, JONES199 said:

My son has been in MX3 for the last 4 pairs of skates.  We were at the Bauer store in Boston looking at skates and the clerk said that the 1S is much stiffer than the MX3 it replaced and if he’s looking for a comparable skate to go to the S190.  Is there a measure of stiffness listed anywhere?

4 pair of MX3 ! You need to start saving money for the kid's college tuition.  I wear the IS and don't find them overly stiff, but I was coming from Vapor apx (grotesquely stiff). If you  are concerned about stiffness, I think a good choice is the SMU Bauer Ignite, a combination of the 180/190/ and IS at a fraction of the cost of the 1S.

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26 minutes ago, IW Team - Chase said:

That is inaccurate. The Curv ankle support is exclusively in the 1X.

Didn't mean to post inaccurate info but that was the only source I could find that had an explanation on the two curve composites.

So what is the difference between the titanium 3-D  lasted curve composite in the 1s and the 3-D curve composite in the MX3? 

Would there be an answer to why the Bauer clerk would steer jones199 to the 190s instead? 

It would be nice to have some clarification If you could elaborate  


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Titanium Curv is simply esthetics...

Stiffness is the same between the 1S and S190.  Just look at the components, both have Curv and composite outsoles.  If looking for Curv boot that is less stiff, then that would be the S180.

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The clerk actually thought the 1S was "too stiff" for a Jr. player.  My kid likes the MX3s so we were just trying to get something similar.   

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Just out of curiosity, what skate or skates did your son try on when you were there?  Did he skate on the ice?

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On 2017-07-12 at 7:28 PM, mojo122 said:

Titanium Curv is simply esthetics...

Stiffness is the same between the 1S and S190.  Just look at the components, both have Curv and composite outsoles.  If looking for Curv boot that is less stiff, then that would be the S180.

Is the 180 less stiff because of the outsole?

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2 hours ago, Machine said:

Is the 180 less stiff because of the outsole?

I believe the boot itself is less stiff due to how the Curv material is layered. 

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On 7/14/2017 at 9:15 AM, JONES199 said:

The clerk actually thought the 1S was "too stiff" for a Jr. player.  My kid likes the MX3s so we were just trying to get something similar.   

As a pro shop worker, this is common.  Generally top of the line skates are too stiff for the smaller guys.  They're generally not big enough to get the right flex out of the boot, however if that is what your son is used to than I would probably say that they are not too stiff.  The biggest difference, in my personal opinion, between the two pairs of skates are the gimmicks.  I think less can go wrong with the S190 and the only real advantage I see to the 1S is the speed plates

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While I do like the one piece injected lacing on my MX3's, I have observed that many pro stock Bauer skates utilize conventional eyelets. It's my understanding that when ordering custom skates if you increase vamping, you forfeit the injected lacing.

As much as I like them it's clear that the injected lacing is something many pros wearing Bauer skates manage to do without. Just an observation. 

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17 hours ago, Zorlac said:

one piece lace system with locking features=gimmick.   LMFAO!

What does it do? They're too stiff to wrap well and I don't think they hold as well

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17 minutes ago, goalieman39 said:

What does it do? They're too stiff to wrap well and I don't think they hold as well

Injected lacing system is probably cheaper in manufacturing as they'd skip the eyelets riveting step as well as the cost of eyelets. I personally think, injected system looks a bit more modern and sporty, but IMO It does exactly zero for the actual skater.

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19 hours ago, Anjin-san said:

While I do like the one piece injected lacing on my MX3's, I have observed that many pro stock Bauer skates utilize conventional eyelets. It's my understanding that when ordering custom skates if you increase vamping, you forfeit the injected lacing.

As much as I like them it's clear that the injected lacing is something many pros wearing Bauer skates manage to do without. Just an observation. 

I've read that the traditional eyelets aren't prone to breaking like the one piece eyelets.

At least in terms of it just snapping in the front due to pressure on the laces.

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You can typically easily fixe a popped eyelet. Breaking those injection lacing often means jerry rigging some weird lace set up which means the cool kids make fun of you, or buying new skates. I wonder why Bauer would put that feature on skates...

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2 hours ago, Anjin-san said:

I've heard that Bauer will repair it by replacing the entire piece. 

For someone playing regularly though this is problematic because they have to send the skates off to get fixed and either use a backup pair or just not play till they get back, whereas with an eyelet most LHS can fix them and fix them pretty quickly.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on them and I respect that, but I just feel like these one-piece eyelets are solving a problem by creating another one in typical bauer fashion.

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Then just to follow up, I'd be curious to know what your impression was of how he skated in the 1S?  Everyone has their own opinion, so mine is that the only reason to go S190 over 1S would be to save some money.  I can see why some might think the 1S is stiffer than the MX3 since the 1S tongue is wider and thicker than the hybrid tongue in the MX3, but I didn't perceive any difference.

Me, I skate in 1S's.  To be totally honest, I haven't changed the inserts in the tongue nor have I changed out the insert in the tendon guard.  I am a fan of the injected lacing system so that's why I chose the 1S over the S190.


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He thought the 1S's were "fine" and it was hard to tell on the small surface if there were any issues.  The reasons for choosing the 190's would be first the recommendation and second the cost savings.  He is in the MX3 now and hasn't changed the tongue inserts once so I don't think that's a big deal for him.

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Since he doesn't use the customization feature within the MX3 tongue he loses nothing by going down to the S190.  

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