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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mjpisat

  1. Are there right handed p90t out there?
  2. Is the TC4 a tad longer or ccm p28? The two lined up it seems the true is a half inch or so longer.
  3. Ended up going with 2018 a5.2 and a6.0 for $265 total shipped, taxes.....not bad. Will try the ft2 when I can. Seems the warrior gets no love.
  4. Ok thanks. The 2n is in the running too. Not 2n pro
  5. Been using vapors or coverts for a while. Been thinking about giving the jetspeed or alpha DX For a change. I hated the warrior HD1 so if the DX is anything like it I would pass. The last mid type I had was a true 5.2 sbp. So if jetspeed or DX is in that family I think I’d like either. Any suggestions?
  6. How have these been durability and quality wise?
  7. Thoughts on their low kick HT
  8. https://www.hockeymonkey.ca/bauer-hockey-helmet-accessories-j-clip-ims-reakt.html those are the ones. But I’m in the US
  9. The clips that come on a Bauer reakt or ims9.0 for a cage. The clips by the ear holes that the cage slides into. May be called j clips.
  10. Just to be clear, you can bake/sharpen AND use skates bought from PH and still return after 30 days?
  11. Forgot to add that I feel like I could almost size down by a half in the ribcor
  12. Sooooooo......I ordered ribcor and ft1 from PH to try on at least. I don’t get ccm. The ribcor feel like a nexus. I really have to crank down on laces to get a snug good fit. Even then there is a lot of volume in the toe cap area. This is all pre baking. the ft1 almost fit like a glove out of the box. I don’t think they have near as much volume as the ribcor. and the right ribcor feels much bigger than left. I may just try the ribcor for a month and see. If they don’t work I already know the ft1 will.
  13. Did you ever post a full review?
  14. What’s up with them? They aren’t talked about much
  15. Really cool. Did you have option to do the quarter inch facing thing? To give you more volume? No skates wrap around the top of my foot cuz I have short feet but high instep.
  16. I bought ft1 for like $530ish. Will return if no good
  17. I was was looking for which fits more similar to the first gen jetspeed. Not so much feel.
  18. I love my original jet speed. If I like the fit of those should I go ft1 or ft2? Or the one down from ft2? Don’t know which would fit closer to original jetspeed. thanks
  19. Helmet: Bauer IMS 9.0 with CCM FM680 Cage Elbows: CCM CL Shoulders: CCM CL 130 Shins: warrior dynasty ax2 Gloves: warrior alpha Skates: CCM Tacks 9090 Pants: covert pro stock flyers Sticks: Qre pro stock
  20. Black ims9.0 medium with large ccm fm680
  21. Oh wow. I typed that in a rush. I’m looking to get the FT1 or wait til the new line comes out and get the ones that are a level below the FT2. Apparently they will be a one piece boot as well.
  22. Looking to upgrade my original jetspeed Either go with current ft1 or new ones. Not the ft2 or not me down from ft2. They have one piece boot too.
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