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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/14 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I always hate seeing people having to deal with that crap when they play hockey for fun. It makes me appreciate the guys that play at the rinks I frequent. Sure you have the isolated ass hole, but in general the regulars are respectful of each other and knows that everyone has to go to work tomorrow. Its fun to play on the edge physically, board battles and fighting for position in front of the net, but there is a definite line that should never be crossed.
  2. 1 point
    Personally if the skate was that compromised I would just replace with one that isn't.
  3. 1 point
    What kind of damage is going on with your skates? And why 12K? Most CF found in the soles of skates is 3K I believe. Also, what kind of resin would you use with the CF? As for the X7.0, they are a great skate. Can't go wrong with them!
  4. 1 point
    I haven't been on the ice in 7 weeks. Ice is going back in, I should be able to skate in another week or so. Woot!!
  5. 1 point
    @PinkApe: did you grab an x7.0 or X7.0? I made my initial transition from x3.0 to x:60 (which is the same as the x7.0), and I was amazed (so much better cornering and stops, plus a sh*tload of protection). Since then I advise people to start with x5.0 (or x4.0 if budget is really that big an issue) or similar (meaning the same level), they really are worth the increased price. Regarding re-enforcing CF for skates, iirc some people here did outsole repair using sheets of CF, most likely even in this thread. Regarding fixing CF sticks: there are some companies that offer broken OPS repair, but iirc all of the use some material that goes inside the shaft with some kind of "glue" (pardon my ignorance) to re-establish stability. Just putting some layers of CF to the outside most likely won't be enough.
  6. 1 point
    We've lost a few guys from our team over the last couple years because of things like that. Honestly, I'm not far from putting it in my rearview mirror as well. I like the game, but way too many people that play this sport are the kind of people that give the sport a bad name.
  7. 1 point
    Nope but it sure looks like it though! haha.
  8. 1 point
    Really looking forward to trying these out. Hopefully will make my game tonight to give them a go. I'm going to see how they are right out of the box with no bake. If all goes well I'll just break them in the old fashion way. I'm hoping they feel good quick given I'm already skating in essentially the same boot. I was on the edge about buying all new wheels but have been wanting to try the rinkrats so I caved and just got a full set. I've been skating on a mix of grip+ addictions and RPGs which has worked ok but I think at 74a the RPGs are really too soft for me. I'm hoping to pick up some speed with these not only from proper hardness but also moving from hi-lo to the hum'er frame.
  9. 1 point
    And color them orange
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Dude buy some protective equipment! No one likes playing with guys that have nothing on either.
  12. 1 point
    For what it is worth, a couple weeks ago I asked my cousin from Minneapolis, MN (playing in USHL this fall) if he or any of his friends/teammates used FBV. He very quickly said, "no". I know that isn't very scientific, but he is an elite HS player (transitioning to Jr A), in arguably the biggest hockey state in the US, and he was confident that no one he knows is really using it. Now I have tried it myself and I liked the sharpening, but I think most important is even edges and good finish. I really wonder if someone had a high quality ROH and a high quality FBV if there would be a noticeable difference...or if FBV gets preferred by some folks because the sharpener was forced to ensure even edges, etc due to the nature of the shape.
  13. 1 point
    I just picked up a pair of Mako 2's and I'll be skating them tomorrow morning at a stick time. I'm excited and afraid at the same time. hahaha
  14. 1 point
    I had the same thoughts going into it for me. Now im totally sold on the holder, and in a bind of what boot I like better (vapor or mako). If you dont like the pitch, all the holes line up, and its an easy swap if you wanna switch to tuuk. I actually just swapped out the tuuk on a pair of APX2 and im trying them out with the cxn holder. http://imgur.com/a/ifi5y PM me with any questions. I also have the old tuuk holder and steel from the apx2 if you are interested in buying. I also have the tuuk from my vapor x5.0 that I converted to roller blades.
  15. 1 point
    For whatever it's worth, the study was funded, at least in part, by Easton. That doesn't necessarily mean that the processes weren't properly controlled or that the results aren't entirely legit, but is worth keeping in mind.

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