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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Yeah I didn't even notice that when I looked at it the first time. That's good news though, because I'm looking to pick up 2 sets over the summer.
  2. 2 points
    It’s a great time. My first time spending the weekend with everyone was awesome. Highly recommend going for the weekend. Hoping my health can finally get in the right direction so I can come back, even if just to hang out with everyone.
  3. 2 points
    We have had people who have attended our events who the first couple of times just showed up for the skate, then left after, or stayed for dinner. Unfortunately, they end up not getting the full experience. The reason why we do this is to bring people together who have a common interest. The people who come Friday night always seem to come back - you get to meet the members in a relaxed setting.
  4. 1 point
    Brand freaking new at PIAS.
  5. 1 point
    The black steel and the regular had both been profiled before that photo so I would say it is significantly larger probably 3/4s of a normal size step opposed to the original 1/2
  6. 1 point
    To clarify, yes there is an event hotel with a special rate. While it’s not strictly REQUIRED to stay there, you can potentially really jam up JR if you don’t.
  7. 1 point
    I use the Nash steel pouch and it works perfectly with them. No issues at all. https://www.hockeymonkey.com/nash-hockey-accessories-skate-blade-pouch.html
  8. 1 point
    Howdy, Yeah, typically all the out-of-towners end up at the same hotel and usually Friday's get together is there. Not a 'requirement' to stay there or anything, but it makes it easier. JR negotiates a block of rooms rate. IIRC I think NJ is $200/night? I'm guessing you could probably find a buddy to share a room with but ?? I usually have my family with me and I'm one of those folks that likes to escape off to be by themselves at times so I've never tried to get a roomie. 🙂 Mark
  9. 1 point
    You've gotta know where to look! No matter where I live I seem to be able to procure open ice. I'm in Minneapolis now
  10. 1 point
    The height makes a huge difference in feel on the ice for me. The originals were kind of shaky when leaning in hard. Also I would told that Trues deal with Step is status quo......
  11. 1 point
    The wick liner actually looks nice. Might go that route next. Also nice to see that they raised the height on the steel. I wonder who is gonna be making steel from them here on in. I hope it's tydan..
  12. 1 point
    If its a place you haven't been to I would suggesting coming in on Wednesday so you can do the tourist thing and explore. There's usually at least a couple other MSH'ers around. In Pittsburgh we went to a Pirates game and the Warhol museum, for example.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I wish I could share info but I am not allowed. All I can say is there will be a huge shift in the retail industry coming soon.
  15. 1 point
    So I decided to take the leap to Pro Custom Skate during the December promo of free customization. Shot blocker, tongue, embroidery, black steel and express delivery! Sign me up. Went in to Pro Hockey Life got scanned easy peasy, or at least I thought. Pick up time 2 weeks or more later.... you know the express part of my order!! Well that was put on the back burner because they had my skates for over two weeks before calling me.... and fibbing to me over the phone and also over charging me for the blacksteel upgrade which was supposed to be free. I decided to phone the factory after being told my skates weren’t in and found out about the blacksteel upgrade confirming it was free with the promo. They were also super nice and gave the tracking number for the skates, which proved they had my skates for weeks before calling me. They also informed me that the blacksteel was back ordered but they sent me the normal steel for free to get me going until the black came in. So the call came 10 plus days after confirmed delivery to the store kind of peeved because the promo was a huge reason why I went to this store as it was the only Truefit centre close to me. So I drove an hour to pick up my skates and they were clueless on how to bake these things, tied them up super tight all the way up and no wrap. Also after that they had no time to sharpen! What awesome service. So I went home and did my bit of research on trues website etc and here are my thoughts and advise As soon as you guys get these things adjust the tounge accordingly via the Velcro option without laces and fine tune until your ready for the bake as the tongue has a huge impact on your fit and you want yours set up for the bake to help comfort (I took mine to my local sharpener and got him to heat them back up so I could re do the bake process) make sure the folks doing yours have watched the video of the wrap bake from true. you spent a lot of money dealers should be informed! After the fitting process skate the with your average sharpen,after one skate I knew that the pitch of boot along with shift holders was not for me. Coming from a Bauer supreme for a majority of my life a neutral pitch is what I needed so after a couple trials with profiling (shaving the rear profile down) I got the balance and feel I am use to. Build quality: they are 100% built for my feet as I have two different size feet. Im out a size in Bauer and 3/4 in a true these things are really dialed to each foot. I played with the red inserts for fit and can say now I’m happy with the results. Don’t be thrown off by the shift holder because of the pitch and extra height I have found that a good guy behind the wheel can get the feel you want without wasting money on swapping out holders and steel! Bring your old skates in and have him take measurements to your set up to help the process. NOTE... I just got my blacksteel in the mail as they shipped them direct to me as I refused to go back to the store (I wouldn’t let them sell gatorade to me) and wow they have a lot more steel on them compared to the first versions of Step that came with them! A lovely surprise as the photos of the blacksteel I have seen were much smaller! Lots of more room to profile without having so little blade life left, oh ya and still 2 sets! I opted for the T guard upgrade and got embroidery along with the shot blockers. I don’t feel the weight of skate being an issue. The overall quality of assembly looks good I haven’t had any issues thus far. As for the liner I went with the moisture wicking which is what my old skates had and I never had an issue with that. Seems the opposite choice of what most have chose on here. Closing note: A long journey for skates but I’m happy with them now. It’s really to bad the dealer/store I dealt with was that bad. It really did make me wonder if I was going to end up with useless skates, no customer should have to do the kind of research and work afterwards to get a good product especially one that is in this price point! Thank god for the customer service at the factory, the Lady was awesome and contrary to what others have said they pick up the phone rather regularly even if you are pestering them. Photo link of steel comparison etc https://imgur.com/a/V9KQJVJ
  16. 1 point
    Howdy, Usually a dinner/get together the night before and the night of the game, generally later in the evenings for both (at least for an old man like me). I would say at these events the ice time / manufacturer demo / whatever is roughly half of the experience for me, with the other half being those get togethers or other activities (like if you've got family with you and do the tourist thing or something). "Worth it" is kinda a personal thing. Its worth it to me. Mark
  17. 1 point
    You have a heart, who would’ve guessed? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ good to hear you caught it early, I’d hate to have to render on ice first aid at WF. 🤙🏾🤣
  18. 1 point
    Got me beat, I've still got just the one stent, granted it was 11 years ago so I win the race. Enjoy your rehab and you'll be back on the ice before you know it.
  19. 1 point
    Howdy, Still jealous of all that empty ice. 🙂 Mark
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Those are the ones I recently replaced with the STX. They were old and just wouldn’t stay in place anymore. Super light and soft though.

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