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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by x-axis

  1. Sherwood Code V. I find it to be the most adjustable as well. It does not contain any plastics to my knowledge though has lots of padding. The 9k has the most plastic side hip protection but isn't a wrap style. The Sherwood Code V overall has the most bulky protection in a wrap style and it is available at retail. FYI, I own both of the above but I am currently in the super tacks.
  2. The same could be said before VH/True was in the market.
  3. 199.99 plus tax and shipping. Price shows up once in your cart.
  4. Hey All. There seems to be a handful of options out there, but none that I am currently familiar with. I have a couple of frontier blades but no one seems to stock them right now. Can you tell me about your current experiences with what is out there from Alkali, Bauer, Fischer, etc. Please tell me about puck feel and durability in either of the one piece or standard blade options. Will mainly use with stickhandling balls and green biscuits. Thank you!
  5. Curious if you've tried using regular cloth tape underneath to build up the knob to a desired width/height before wrapping. Had a lot of trouble with lizardskins because it was too thick.
  6. I have one now. I think the padding is a bit on the light side. I've never owned the projekt so I can't tell you if it's better or worse. My guess is slightly better. I didn't think it was padded enough for me personally. I also think they run on the long side even though they are adjustable.
  7. I used to work at the Northridge location. That location would still have been quite a drive and the selection would have only of been so-so. Most people don't account for traffic when they visit SoCal. It would have been 3/4s of the drive to Anaheim in relation to Northridge. I believe there are smaller shops in both Vegas and New York City that you can check out.
  8. Monkey Sports in Irvine and Pure Hockey Anaheim will be the best for inline gear and hockey in general. They will also be the largest in terms of overall selection in all cities and areas listed. Nothing is really close to anywhere you'll be staying. About 1 hour and 20 minutes from your LA location depending on traffic.
  9. Hockeymenders is also stepping away from glove repair according to their instagram. No word if or when they come back.
  10. Generally, a stiff or stiffer boot provides better energy transfer and responsiveness. I wouldn't worry too much about that since you'd be looking at lower or mid tier skates anyway. I wouldn't be brand conscious either. CCM has done tremendous things since you've last looked at skates. Try everything on that is available in your size.
  11. The 80k's are one of the previous iterations of the line. The current models of that skate are the 86, 88, 90 etc. I'd look at the 86 and 88. If it's the correct fit profile, it might be a great option. If not, the two lowest models in each brand and model will probably be what you are after.
  12. I'd focus on fit profile and then choose a lower tier skate which is typically softer and less stiff. The Ribcor was a very popular skate while I worked hockey retail in terms of overall comfort. I think it will be a balance between fit and model unless you have a foot that is out of the ordinary.
  13. Using a small raised shooting platform to account for the change with skates or buying a small set of tiles that work with skates seems like a better option to me personally. So many variables that feel different with a shortened stick and different flex. You are eliminating the complicated variables by using a platform or tiles. That's of course if you have the money to burn. It should be fairly close to the amount you'd spend on a top end stick.
  14. Hey, California guy playing my first pond hockey tournament in January. Any gear recommendations? I was planning on wearing my bottom of the line shins and a mission roller girdle, but I just realized I don't know how physical it is. Playing in the US Pond Hockey Championships in Minneapolis in the Rink Rat division. Any advice would be great.
  15. Thank you for all the tips everyone! And just in case anyone out there was a Sport Sense user, I sent them an email via their website and they can fulfill your order. I think I will try Beeks Reek out and the homemade diy solution.
  16. Hey all, Looking for recommendations for a spray to clean and sanitize gear. Used Sport Sense for like the last 7 or 8 years. Looks like it is no longer available. Looking for alternatives. Thanks.
  17. http://norcalyouthhockey.org/Clubs.html Ice Oasis San Mateo if you are on the Peninsula. The other options on the Peninsula have closed sadly.
  18. Yes, there is only Monkey Sports now in Irvine. Northridge closed, where I used to work. Only people who have been trained properly and more than likely only a handful of people are allowed to mount skates. I wouldn't trust Pure too much. Feedback has always been bad from other shop people and old customers. FYI, different length rivets are needed for different locations on a boot because of the thickness of the material and amount. That is normal. Hand pressed rivets always look different from machine pressed rivets which is what you are most likely comparing them to. Jake is an extremely knowledgeable person. He's spent most of his adult life as a shop guy. He's been kind enough to share some of his knowledge with me when I started out. However, few beat JR and I'd definitely take him up on his services when he reopens.
  19. jake's custom pro shop/downtown hockey or monkey sports
  20. If it's within your means, do as the kids and millenials say, "treat yourself." I'd buy a new chassis if the skates haven't gotten too soft. Otherwise, I'd get new skates if you are able to try some on. The retail true roller hockey skates are also worth looking into. Fairly certain they have a wider toe box and have 2 pricing tiers.
  21. Getting back into roller hockey with a local outdoor roller rink. 165 pounds and using a Sprung chassis. The rink has blue tiles. Would I basically use indoor wheels or should I look at something specific? Thanks for the help.
  22. I've seen a number of gloves with a thin strip of matching hockey stick tape.
  23. Price varies by a coach's experience as a coach and/or player. That price is really high imo, but it depends on the length of time of the lesson and whether or not it is during a public session or private ice. You could get a lot out of a 30 minute well structured power skating lesson during a public session every week or every other week.
  24. May I ask how much it is to play?
  25. Yes, it is Tommy Wingels. He switched out after coming off injured reserved. Looking to do a conversion of my old VHs with some Sprung frames. Anyone do this yet? I've seen the Marsblade frames on VHs but have heard there are durability issues with those frames for league play.
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